General Discussion

General DiscussionRandom Skymage nerf.

Random Skymage nerf. in General Discussion

    6.87 scepter actually makes him worse. I think icefrog actually forgot to add a slow stun or silence when he made this change. Fucking retard jfhfhhew

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Well IceFrog is 2k after all

      ♏mikeeCS ツ

        Skywrath buy aghanim --> Enemy tanker pick blade mail --> skywrath dead
        12sec ulti even eul cannot prevent blade mail that long.

        Kung Flu

          ^ +1 point


            U don't buy aghs on that hero


              12 sec its okay , the problem is added cooldown from 0 to 5

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Buying aghs on sky is like buying aghs on lc


                  Hehe goodbye sky i will stand in ur flare and activate my blademail :#


                    no one buys aghs on this hero anyways, and never did



                      Fee Too Pee

                        like sky will get that money anyway with his 0 armor keep dying lol


                          Its not like the old aghs was that useful. If you were a support skywrath you wouldn't have the mana to cast more then one or two ults in most cases anyway. And Core skywrath isn't really a thing anymore.

                          Now at least a support can buy it to go along with a really long disable on his team. Something like Clock Cogs, Chronosphere or SS Shackles. So it went from Super situational to very situational.