General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    Are they talking about Santa Claus, or is Santa just considered a normal name around there?

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      can you reply me

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        No I dont. Besides, there are not even 9 other turkish players on my level.

        Potato Marshal

          I don't even know a single person from Hong Kong who plays Dota. They all either play LoL or some Chinese mobile knock-off.

          Jay the Bird

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              By flaming retards i transfer feelings that they make me feel by being shit. Then i can continue playing normally without being tilted. I know it makes them angry, but since they are source of problem, im not the one who should feel angry. Basically, they make themselves angry by playing like shit and someone points it out. I get reported cause i pointed it out. I dont want to do anything to lessen reports towards me, this post is about pointing out how retarded people are, and hate the one who speaks truth. It much more comforting to live inside some self created microuniverse than to actually face consequences for your action. Honestly, this game is turning into some pma simulator where your rank goes up if you can coexsist with retards rather than if you actually know to play dota. I wish they ban me really fast so i can stop playing this social experiment simulator. I even have proofs this game is weighted towards making people feel better and hiding losses but more on that later, when i finish the experiment.


                i mean, you would be right except that if you are in the same bracket as the people whose mistakes you are pointing out, then you don't really have the right to point shit out.

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                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  What is even the point of your response? You are probably in low 3k bracket and i will never be matched with you. So me quitting or not has no impact on your whatsoever.


                    czechia/slovakia has tons of divine players but half of them are worse than me i feel



                      sup fam? kak dela?


                        i suppose it doesn't suprise anyone that i can relate to that reddit post

                        Jay the Bird

                          Sometimes I can't really understand whether alenari is trolling or dead serious

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                            y'all cryin bout behavior score while i cant even find a game

                            (queueing EUW + USE, since 40 minutes)

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              new acc?


                                behavior f things :)

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  bitch ure probably shadow banned

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    just get a new acc and raise it to 5k LOL


                                      if u mean i should create a new acc, probably yes

                                      if ure asking whether im on a new acc, no im not, my main got unbanend for w/e reason


                                        eND ME

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          by the time u have found a game on this acc u would have won 2 out of 25 needed to calibrate a new account

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                                            they increased that amount, its 100 now iirc


                                              i found a game POGGERS


                                                wow this rank 1900 player gave me mid and then a divine 3 stole it OMEGALUL


                                                  i was just talking about how you felt justified in pointing mistakes of others out. when they are your equals.
                                                  nothing wrong with shitting on folks if they're truly bad. but it gets you in trouble if you're equally bad and somehow feel like you're superior and right in being toxic.


                                                    Tbh India is weird af

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      I cant ignore them when they make me feel anxious, i just wrote that shit in my previous reply, scroll it out. I have to transfer that feeling back to them so i can play normally without being tilted. And how can you play if you are banned? Could i somehow be banned without ability to play anything? I want to end with this bullshit game.


                                                        sometimes i wish that dota mute chat everyone stops them from reading what you type.
                                                        because i mute everyone so i dont get tilted. but still rage like crazy and it gets me in trouble. like i couldnt care if no one reads what i write, i just need to rage.


                                                          ppl that rage in dota = OMEGALUL

                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            why do people report flamers? just dont make mistakes and u wont be flamed LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL 4HEad


                                                              i wish i could upvote this ^^^^ post :D I WOULD CREATE 2nd ACC to UPVOTE XD




                                                                  people that don't rage? what is this, a game for filthy casuals?


                                                                    i always cringe when someone screams in their mic


                                                                      i always cringe

                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                        when someone screams in their mic

                                                                        casual gamer

                                                                          people scream in mic? lmao

                                                                          maybe i mute autists too early

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            fuck people who use mic honestly
                                                                            i like to play dota while listening to music not some asshole trying to "set up ze gank to ze mid lein"

                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                              90% of seatards with mics don't know how to use them properly or have shitty inaudible ones, and 9% who can use them have nothing useful to say.


                                                                                why did the rampage and fb count disappear

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                                                                                  arin arent u in poland?


                                                                                    no i live in czech republic
                                                                                    i thought you already knew that

                                                                                    or do you mean katowice? i'll go there on sunday

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                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      i also like to listen to music, but i understand why people would use mic. its quick and easy unless you use it liek a retard. i still use mic when im listening to music.

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        i might yet change my opinion on the new soft regionlock mm i actually got mostly alright guys today
                                                                                        (that is considering both games were pretty one-sided in our favor)

                                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                          do commends/reports refresh every monday or is it different for everyone?
                                                                                          its wednesday and people are already out of commends


                                                                                            i think u get 1 commend per match

                                                                                            Potato Marshal

                                                                                              Feels good to lay off dota for a while


                                                                                                ^i approve


                                                                                                  alenari did u post that shit on reddit or did u just copy it


                                                                                                    ^its copied I've seen some of em before

                                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                      yea i actuallo no i dont retract my claims

                                                                                                      whenever u lose theres always at least 1 baby crying in the mircophone for the remainder of the game using a very cool (haHAA) russian dota slang and at least 1 other mioron arguing with him

                                                                                                      GET ME OUT