General Discussion

General DiscussionThe long grind to HighSkill is slowly becoming a reality!

The long grind to HighSkill is slowly becoming a reality! in General Discussion

    Left this account at 720 mmr to play about 500 hours on a different account which i calibrated at 2.4 and 2.6 and because i wanted a non limited account I decided to return to this account and my mmr is nearly 2k solo and 2.3 party.

    Alot of my highskill friends believe i can make it. I haven't struggled yet and I'm climbing very easily

    decided not to play support and heros i dont know well and now i win easily. i realized when i play a irregular hero I lost alot i noticed this and change my picking.

    all this is in 2 months

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      Well you played 500 Hours of dota. Ofc you get better in everything if you spend time doing it. But you did not really play 500h doto in 2 month, did you?


        OP is attention seeking fahg


          what do you mean a limited account


            ^ typical 9gag comment..


              ur an fahgit

              Livin' Real Good

                Good luck, i'm on a similar journey to 4K, all my 4K+ friends think I can do it too, but I don't think this is the place for attention seeking, the people here don't care, and neither do I. lol (not trying to be mean)

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                  wow jealous 1k is the same as your skill^ just proving a point you can be super low and not be at the mmr you deserve

                  no i spent a few months on the other account. Stop playing all together as my internet was no good, now its fine spent about a month off the game as well.


                    Sir. Swirl, good job, if you're getting better than you were that's cool, means that you're focused on right things and your improving your skills. Most of the people that answered with trash is mostly people that neglect their failures to keep their shitty self-steem up cuz they believe to be better than you, even if they are, they basically stuck forever where they are given the attitude and fear they bear.