General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can I tell my feeder friend I don't want to play with him?

How can I tell my feeder friend I don't want to play with him? in General Discussion

    Look at two of my recent matches.
    He's the KOTL in this one:
    And the Witch Doctor in this one:
    I really don't like playing with him. We'll do fine for 15 minutes, but he'll get ganked once and die and then decide to feed couriers for the rest of the game. He'll also do annoying things like tell the enemy when we are roshing.
    The thing is, he's one of my best friends, and I'm afraid he'll hate me if I say I don't want to play with him. What do I do?

    Riguma Borusu

      Tell him you wish his mother had aborted him. Seriously, why are you friends with that fucking guy? Tell him he is a shitty person, deserves to die, and you'd rather walk on lava than ever see his fucking face again, just fuck that guy, find better friends.


        Set your Steam status to "disconnected" whenever you see him. If he contacts you, tell him you are studying for something important, even if it's a sunday or christmas.

        Ez games, ez saved friendship.


          Normally I'd suggest forgiveness, and say, just play a different game with him. But feeding couriers is a sign of The Devil's influence. Kill him.


            if someone feeds on purpose/griefs in a party game, just delete him/her and dont play with this person again. such behaviour is a clear sign of personal disrespect towards you and other players in your party, and there's no need to find a polite way to say "fuck you" in this case.

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              If I notice someone on my friendlist that doesn't play serious and is bad I just delete him, why would you play with trashcans that are gonna bring you down in the end anyways? You're better off with him. Don't be a pu$$y and just delete him.

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                Deny him.

                Act like 10k BH score

                  I had the same situation once. What I did was to tell him the problem, tell him that you want to play competitively and seriously. If he still doesn't understand or accept that fact, then you should probably not be friends with him (since he does not appreciate your will). However if he accepts the way you want to play with him, you should probably teach him or give him advice about what to do in the situations where he messes up. For example, (From the games you showed, he usually plays support) tell him to shallow grave and Teleport out when playing Dazzle and getting ganked.


                    just block him, dont delete him.
                    if he knows your other friends then i would block all of them
                    losing an irl friend for dota is mega dumb i tihnk.

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                    Livin' Real Good

                      I say you be honest with him, and be the real friend who can tell his friend anything. Most people would rather live in lies afraid to speak their mind, you should tell him what you think, but say it in a respectful manner, then maybe he'll think twice about doing some of the dumb things he does.

                      If he gets mad at something as simple as you not wanting to play a video game with him anymore, he probably wasn't a true friend to begin with OR he needs to grow up. Also, you don't need to block any one like the person above said. lmao

                      Just tell him you're a bit competitive, and though you like to have fun, you still want to win and not throw games, and that you hope he can respect that. (say it just like that, and be respectful) then it should be good.

                      I have a friend who's worse, he's 1.9K MMR, and he's CONVINCED he belongs in 4K (Sampson know's who i'm talking about) XD
                      I literally called him out on it one day... You know what, nevermind, funny story, but yeah.

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                        I and my BEST FRIEND often blame eachother...


                          I get along very well with my brother in most situations. We had to live in the same room for over 2 decades so we know how to work things out. We both love to play dota and frequently watch tournament games together. But we can't play on the same team because it just doesn't work out. I am much more aggresive. So we play seperately.

                          It doesn't mean you can't be friends, or even both be into dota. But you can't keep playing with someone who ruins your games.


                            ask megapenis about his 2year dota life with us


                              tell him u dont want that shit
                              if hes your friend he has to accept this and stop doing it or just dont play dota with him. it doesnt kill your friendship if u stop playing a video game


                                actually what the fuck, tell him he should delete dota. how can u have 88 abandons in 900 games


                                  Don't force him to play support - if that's the case - since he can't do much impact with them and it is struggle in 2k. Maybe he should play something more useful and 'carrier' or '2karier'. Don't give up on your friend just cuz of dota if he is not good atm or someone flamed him on server, just play pub unranked games, don't give a s*** about Win rate, you don't even play so much that you would care about few losess. People trash games anyways, you have to try win games 4v5, nothing new. If you want to think about your winrate, just tell him you want to play solo games. He will understand.


                                    ^judging from his history he likes to support but he also likes to abandon
                                    he plays support so he can blame his carries probably


                                      today i played with someone on my friends list and at first i carried him and went 14-2, next game he was mad useless and i wrote him 3 paragraphs on how he couldve had a way bigger impact and helped us win when everyone was feeding / being ganked cause hes a noob support

                                      one day in life you realize that you need to say what you feel, if people don't like it, that's their own fucking problem.

                                      you only live one time, no sense in keeping your thoughts to yourself if you feel someone needs to hear them

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                                      play for fan

                                        dont worry my friend i will add your friend and tell him about this thread then its gonna be over
                                        every thing gonna be ok dear just let me fix things for ya

                                        i have the same situation with my cousins 3 dumb player twin idiot brothers + their sister playing 24/7 i dont even dare to go online on my main i just go online sneaky and if i saw they are in game i just find my match fast before they finish their games and invite me and if they were in main menu w8ing for someone to invite i just play in steam offline mode some times they even call me and tell me hi fahg i know your playing in offline mode :| i hate to play with the girl one so muchhhhhhhhhh some times i feel shes into me and just dont know how to say she likes me

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                                        Moon Moon

                                          Do what Yorkey said a few comments earlier

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            Yo OP, always remember man, sexy hoes before bros, sexy hoes before bros :]


                                              Update: I spoke to him, he apologized so we decided to play another game.
                                              He goes 0-12 and they win in 30 mins.
                                              So done with this shit.


                                                fuck his mother