General Discussion

General DiscussionAghs Medusa

Aghs Medusa in General Discussion

    I feel like this item is actually quite underrated on Dusa. It gives her a reliable stun that can potentially stun other hero's on an 11 second cooldown. It also allows her to instantly kill illusions (Since illusions that are turned to stone instantly die), Which hard counters CK and is annoying for anyone who summons illusions or has a manta. It also gives pretty good stats for Medusa and stoned units take 50% bonus physical damage.

    I would replace linken's sphere in the standard build with an aghs (except for some games where you really need linken's). Comparing the two items by stats:
    Aghs offers 75 more HP and 120 more mana. It offers 5 less attack speed, 20 less damage and no HP/MP regen.
    Aghs actually makes medusa tankier then linkens, at the cost of a small amount off damage and attack speed and the regen which you don't really need.

    Aghs also allows you to actually contribute to early fights. Having a reliable stun lets you TP in and impact a fight, whereas most times regular snake wont make much difference and ulting isn't always optimal.


      very good vs CK. otherwise its meh.

      Yuyuko Saigyouji

        I tried it once, against an AM, we needed more lockdown. We won after that.
        I think that Aghs is a good 3~4 item, because she needs other things before (damage and AS to farm and deal damage besides her snake).

        basement :)

          The meta is too fast for Medusa. She does no damage outside of Mystic Snake before core items.

          Riguma Borusu

            ^I think it has way more to do with people buying shit fucking items on her, like going skadi linkens before any damage items, it's retarded.

            Dire Wolf

              I'm not a fan of linkens anyway on medusa, especially linkens rush, but just compare the regen with level 15 medusa, taking dmg talents, and skadi + linkens vs skadi + aghs. Linkens has 10.88 hp regen and 8.87 mana regen. Aghs build is 4.48 and 3.35. That's a gigantic difference. 10.88 hp is more like 16 hp when shield is on.

              But yes people buy garbage items on her. You need farming shit first and manta is trash they need to stop building manta unless there's one thing to dispel. Go phase, aquila, possibly lance, then maelstrom or mask of madness or casual yasha. Mask or maelstrom are enough to farm, casual yasha I still want a 2nd of those three items. Only after that would I consider buying skadi or linkens. You can even get a crystalis in there before those if you really want. Mask is still incredibly good on medusa, it's 8 seconds and snake cd is 11 so you snake, make sure your shield and split shot are on, then pop mask.


                Phase aquila into yasha maelstorm still feels underwhelming too, imo. What did you propose for her? I try phase aquila yasha lance mael, too many cheap mid item, still no impact. Yasha into skadi takes too long. Skip yasha and you slow af (blink will fare worse in the long run either way, not helping )

                She's simply need so much farm early to being impactful. But when she get there, there's no way to stop her wrath

                EDIT: ninja'd by dire wolf. Thanks dire. I rarely consider mael first before yasha/lance since stats feels more valuable on her than damage/aspd. Will test this

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                  I feel like aghs is the one item that lets her have impact early. Being able to stun people wins fights. Buying a linkens might make you more durable with the regen and spellblock but then you don't actually do anything and the enemy can mostly just ignore you.

                  I also think that Manta is terrible. Not a fan of dragon lance either since I don't feel like Medusa's range is too short and you want to be in the middle of the fight being tanky. I don't like the casual Yasha either since you don't use it for anything unless you build manta (which is bad).

                  The build I'm preferring lately is Phase>Aquila> Aghs/Linkens> some small damage item > skadi> butterfly/daedalus/mkb. Some games where we're doing well and my team has enough damage I skip the smaller damage items and go straight skadi to be unkillable.

                  I also think both the early damage and attack speed talents are the better option.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I pretty much always get either mask of madness or maelstrom on her because they accelerate farm so much. Lance is more just for stats and pike later for mobility. It's by no means core and I wouldn't build a lance if I am not going to upgrade to pike. But it allows medusa to skip a second defensive item like say linkens cus she can just pike away from melee heroes.

                    Phase, aquila, yasha, lance, maelstrom mid game medusa should do quite a bit of dmg actually and have a lot of hp. Then you 6 slot with skadi, really tanky, finish mjollnir, now you're doing some good dmg, then sell aquila for a butterfly/mkb/daedulus/bloodthorne. Now you are end game medusa gg. It's only too many cheap mid game items if you run out of slots which you won't cus maelstrom and lance upgrade.


                      I usually go linkens then maelstrom then shit like skadi.
                      Mix in a bloodthorn and butterfly and ur tanky And sustainable and deal dmg.


                        My 1k game sense says that it's good against right click carries that can lock you down easy. Other than that it is extremely extremely situational.

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                            Maelstrom is shit on medusa cause her ulti makes the enemy magic immune and maelstrom deals magic damage.


                              Mom dusa, anyone?


                                Maelstrom is for farming not fightinf


                                  1 out of 5 times you are gonna stone ppl with dusa ult, it's mostly a zoning tool.


                                    Medusa is op as fuck if u buy right items. Just Stack dmg items at Start. Your tanky enough with mana shield. Also agha is good if u need lockdown or have physical dmg lineup. Like slardar and wd are perfect Supports for dusa.
                                    Im soon 5k Medusa spammer.