General Discussion

General Discussionnew mkb vs old

new mkb vs old in General Discussion

    what r you think? in my opinion its rly good item right now

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    Player 153433446

      It is...u basically get 45 pure damage per hit and the AS instead of damage make it proc more.
      1k cheaper...certainly better.
      But evasion heroes arent rendered usless lategame.
      Pa is dogshit if sniper or core hero has evasion heroes got a chance later on.

      And mkb isnt just for pa or butterfly, it can be there just for the damage...i think

      Riguma Borusu

        the only real downside to the new one is that it no longer cancels TPs or channels in general

        also try testing it against a PA with bkb, the difference is huge, the new one is waaaaay better

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        Dire Wolf

          Which is a pretty big downside for ranged heroes to interrupt. Like sniper interrupting enigma channeling.

          Riguma Borusu

            ^the counter to enigma (as a sniper) is apparently to just kill him because BKB is a typical enigma item anyways

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            Dire Wolf

              I thought the mini stun went through magic immunity but maybe I am wrong. It's a corner case but one worth mentioning.

              New mkb is better on many heroes, about the same on many, slightly worse on some I'm sure.

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              Riguma Borusu

                ^I thought it went through bkb but I was proven wrong a few weeks in a thread


                  Both are good. I prefer the old one because of ministun, but the new one is still v. good.


                    Btw. Naix is a bad hero to compare because he has Feast & it's obvious he will deal more dmg with AS than raw dmg.

                    Player 153433446

                      ^correct...and he has slow atkspeed, so new mkb benefits him more in comparison.
                      But still, new is certainly good not inferior

                      Dire Wolf

                        I think it's better on most heroes, I am struggling to think of one that it's worse on. I guess medusa unless she gets the level 25 proc talent.

                        Story Time

                          void will get it 10/10. But not PA, she does not need this shit :D


                            Dire Wolf - Troll, Windranger, Gyro, Medusa, Monkey King, PA & I probably forgot a lot of them.

                            Dire Wolf

                              I don't think it's worse on pa or troll cus they'll proc a ton of pure dmg with their attack speed buffs. Troll isn't really in danger of hitting max attack speed any more.

                              Level 25 troll is 81 inherent agility, usually builds satanic, phase, s&y, bkb, let's add mkb in there. Last item situational but say it's bloodthorne. That's 16 agility, 106 attack speed = 203. If you get the new fervor stacks talent you'll break the 500 ias cap by 3 with 10 stacks, so you probably don't take it in this case. Then your ult puts you over the cap but if you use ult to init it's not as huge of a deal since it's lost in 5 seconds right as your fervor stacks cap.

                              Anyway, it's probably not a core item but neither was old mkb, I'd much rather have bloodthorn or daedulus and butterfly or stat item like skadi.

                              PA I think is same deal, you lose bonus dmg on crit but you are only building mkb on PA for truestrike anyway.

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                                mbk was good for tinker now i don`t see how will help much. For pa is silver still and hex and cleave.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  ^what the fuck do you mean, MKB is the MOST EFFECTIVE item against tinker of all things

                                  100% miss chance with 75% accuracy is just 25% miss chance

                                  Every other source of evasion/miss chance that is not 100% is something MKB is worse against.

                                  The more miss chance/evasion there is, the more you gain from a MKB purchase.


                                    Maybe ^ he’s meaning that you don’t get the added benefit of canceling tinker tping away from the mini bash .

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      oh yeah that can totally be an issue


                                        Is MoM MKB rush on void viable? With the +100 time lock damage and 210 bonus AS you can burst anyone inside chrono.

                                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                          Top tier item for alche, + lvl25 atkspd talent.

                                          To think I used to stack mjolnirs on alche just to hit the then max atkspd achievable in the game(aside from WR ult), now he would be unstoppable in rightclick game

                                          Ofc, he still has survivability problems, but you dont need survivability if they cant survive you, right?

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            pa is kill

                                            casual gamer

                                              it is a lot of damage

                                              i bought it on sf and lc, seems pretty good especially for the cost

                                              effectively 45 pure damage per hit is probably worth 70-90 physical damage or even more against morph/tb/dk, probably suboptimal on armor reduction heroes like ta though

                                               noodles

                                                you know, according to the new update changelog, it says that
                                                Accuracy when proc'd, will deal 100 magical damage
                                                And on MKB, it says that "+75% Accuracy + 60 Pure damage proc"
                                                so i thought that it would deal the Accuracy proc damage and the +60 pure damage proc since it's said that the pure damage procs also when the accuracy procs
                                                so i thought mkb has a chance to deal 160 damage (100 magic 60 pure)
                                                i tested it out and it only dealt the pure damage
                                                I guess it would be too op for a 4.2k item to have 75% truestrike and deal 160 dmg