General Discussion

General DiscussionBroodmother back to offlane?

Broodmother back to offlane? in General Discussion
Meia Vida

    Hey boys,i still didnt had time to play a single match of dota after the new patch,but i see everyone saying broodmama is dead now,
    but is it really true?
    In the past,her problems in offlane where that if by any chance the enemy caught you in the woods,u where dead because she would lose the mov speed and cliffing.
    But now its just harder to kill her,because even if you reach her,she can run from the fight,or enter the trees at will.
    Of course the deny change hurts her a TON,but she never had problem taking last hits past lvl 3,soul ring is nerfed for her,but i feel that some clarity potions can solve early mana issues and medallion is pretty much core now,with the change to webs,she can now move much more in the map for early rotations,or change the lane she is pushing,before you HAD TO GET TO LVL 25 FOR THAT,and Brood players know that it was hard as fuck,the time u get there,the enemy was already dealing well against spiders.
    And i do want to see how Nulifiers works on her,because a big problem was the fucking euls and fucking force staff.
    Nulifiers deals with these two itens and even works as a diffusal blade! Two rabbits..
    Well i still didnt play to see but i do feel there is hope for her.
    What do you think my filthy brood players friends?


      I think this hero still lanes pretty much wherever she wants to. Unlimited free pathing is super good and more than makes up for the loss of invis. I played two games and I can't count the number of times that I got away from someone by just running over a clif or into the trees.

      Meia Vida

        Exactly man,now she doesnt need to be super careful to take a hit,she can aford to trade some hits for some last hits

        Дима Смирнов

          mid brood is dead


            I played mid brood and it worked out great, maybe because I was against zues but still.



              that dude played alot of offlane brood recently, hes gonna test her in 7.07 probably


                She's actually much better hero now. Nullifier is also a nice item for her, she can farm it pretty fast (recent match I got it in 13 min)

                Meia Vida

                  And i forgot to say that the cd reduction on soul ring is pretty juicy

                  Riguma Borusu

                    why the fuck would you rush nullifier jesus christ

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Dota professional forum gameplay analysis squad was spot on, when they told she's dead.
                      Don't play her. You lose every game or your team carries you.
                      You can't jungle anymore without PMS, you needed it really bad (can't revert to jungle without it). You really miss that shrine and feel overal weak.

                      brood is i think a bit nerfed but overall its more of a role change, since she is much more vulnerable in laning
                      needs to go safe or mid
                      they didnt nerf her ulti, which has been buffed since it was originally 70dmg and 70% lifesteal if i remember correctly, to its current insane state
                      in the lategame she just doesnt need spiders, her main hero is a beast
                      but her early game spiders r nerfed
                      also the offlane isnt easier, both pms and talon are gone meaning u cant revert to jungle

                      My deep analysis.

                      This comment was edited

                        just played against a offlane brood, she amassed a spider army and ran over myself (SS) and WK. early game I couldn't get to her quick enough to lock her down. She got lvl advantage and ran over us. A techies player carried me.


                        Meia Vida

                          Flyin High when did Brood need a fucking poor mans shield to jungle?? Iron talon for jungle Brood man? She has spiders for damage and tank friend.
                          And i dont know about she being nerfed in the lane because now u can run to trees at will,before if u could not contest a sentry u where fucked,now u can trade hits and recover in trees .
                          And not counting that the same pms that u use for jungling brood (hahaha) is not gonna save their hc ass anymore,no more slark or spec taking no damage from spiders because pms.
                          Fuck Dota professional forum gameplay analysis,im gonna test myself when i arrive home today.

                          зачем я начал поиск

                            Brood running over SS/WK is something you totally wouldn't expect, I mean, you have tons of AOE in your disposal. Must be a cheat code or some similar shit.
                            That Brood was very good, great items and KDA, I am surprised he lost.

                            Riguma Borusu

                              is it the opposite day

                              зачем я начал поиск

                                Meia Vida, you're just bad.
                                You need that talon/PMS to revert to jungle on any offlaner, you must know that, any expert dota 2 analyzer would tell you that.
                                I lose every game now, because my team is bad and Brood is nerfed in lane.
                                I mean, the spiders definetely got weaker.
                                Delete Dota, sir.

                                This comment was edited
                                Meia Vida

                                  O my fucking God,spiders nerfed? did u se their hp regen?
                                  They lost some hp but 8 armor and 50% spell rediction makes up for that,the hp regen is what makes it a small buff to spiders.
                                  Broodmother does not need iron talon to jungle my friend,and if u are forced out off the lane lvl 1,u should not have picked brood in the first place,because u are probably playing against a nightmare matchup.

                                  Meia Vida

                                    now with low hp but armor and spell reduction,the hp regen is so fast,its like they receive a nuke,and if not dead,they go to full life in 3 seconds.

                                    Riguma Borusu

                                      at which point do people realize that FH is saying everything opposite of what he means


                                        when you realize that not even diox is that stupid.