General Discussion

General DiscussionA message to people who are whining over the new patch

A message to people who are whining over the new patch in General Discussion

    S T O P

    You've been doing this for years. Every time a new patch comes out, there's always those people who have to whine and complain over every little change and new items and heroes, no matter what it is. Unless the change is exactly what they predicted (read, wanted) to be, regardless of whether they understand the repercussions of what that might result in, they will fill the forum pages with that shit.

    Ironically, these are the same people who will cry and whine about a stale patch no matter how close to balance it is. You want change when things look the same old, same old, but you don't really want change, because it requires work to read the patch through, analyse it and make it work in your favour before the pros do it themselves and their gameplays are put up on YouTube.

    And for those who are going to point out the obviously, seemingly overpowered combos and talents, keep in mind this has been a major rework to the talent trees of almost all the heroes in the game. Remember, Monkey King was severely imbalanced when first released but has been nerfed to the ground while still being a decent viable pick as a core. Compared to that, the two new heroes are much, much closer to balance.

    It's just a repetition of the same cycle that's been going on: Major patch comes out, severe imbalances and OP new items/heroes, balance patch, regular sub-patches with a,b,c,d... annotations that bring it closer to balance until, BAM! New major patch that repeats the cycle. Don't believe me? Remember 7.00 when people were whining about how Dota is League now because of Talents? Now everyone's talking about which one you should pick without assessing situations like they're experts or some shit.

    Tldr: F R E E G A M E N O B I T C H I N G


      Caring about what whiny people say :thinking:


        Caring about how a large part of the community reacts to a core component of the game that reflects the players of the game and the esports community as a whole.


          Actually caring about something :thinking:


            Just ignore these subhumans. Surely their whining will subside within a couple days, just like they did in the past major patches. :smile: :happy: :cheeky:


              Surely their whining will subside within a couple days, just like they did in the past major patches. :smile: :happy: :cheeky:

              it will subside in a similar manner like the player count :smile: :happy: :cheeky:

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                I didnt whine cuz i dont like the patch . Its just annoying to learn new things


                  It's not like you can stop people from whining anyway :thinking:


                    I love the new patch 😅, I've won the games I played since it and was on a trash streak before the patch 😂


                      I love the new patch 😅, I've won the games I played since it and was on a trash streak before the patch 😂

                      Story Time



                          Tl Dr though.
                          Read first sentence XD

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