General Discussion

General DiscussionBest turbo heroes

Best turbo heroes in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    What do you think is best to win turbo games?

    I was just trying to pick the strongest late game heroes like Medusa and sniper but then enemy would pick strong dual lanes, get kills and snowball. Then when my team picks strong supports they might dominate the lane but we can’t close out and the 5 carry team beats us.

    So what do you think? So far void seems nearly unstoppable in turbo. He’s a beast 6 slotted the issue in Normal games is he doesn’t farm as fast as other carries.

    I thought Medusa would be amazing but everyone else seems to get 6 slotted too quickly and her tank ability is diminished.

    Bristle seems ridiculous, even if you get a bunch of silver edges he will get ac and shivas and heart and not die in those 5 seconds.

    Axe and centaur also are really good cus if reflecting dmg vs 6 slotted anything is a kill.

    Riki seems bad cus of instant dust but I’ve still seen him snowball pretty good sometimes.

    Supports that don’t scale at all or nuke seem really bad like disruptor.





        Cheap Laugh Guy

          RAZOR & LESHRAC

          Pale Mannie

            alch + io


              bane, lich, visage


                Spec cause with the right farm she is a monster...

                Dire Wolf

                  I tried razor but even with solid starts I couldn't finish out games. Most 6 slotted carries wreck razor, you have to snowball super hard or team has to step up after 15 mins and mine didn't.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Monkey king




                        Any snowball hero


                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                            @Dire Wolf
                            Indeed, I play Razor like a tard so somehow it works real great for me.

                            Before the runes even spawn,
                            1. Get Boots and branches save some gold for Salve just in case
                            2. Raise Static Link
                            3. Run as fast as you can to enemy large jungle
                            4. Stand in a comfortable position, a position where you can see all of them coming.
                            5. Someone's coming, lets see if they wanna brawl it out, tease them with a few hits, don't tease too long.
                            6. The very instance they come close, suck their damage
                            7. Whip em'
                            8. Whip em' harder
                            9. OHHHHHH YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH
                            10. Okay, they have reinforcement/ hug tower, if you can kill go for it, but it's better to retreat since you've harassed them enough.
                            11. Burn shrine if you low HP
                            12. Second round

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              Phase Wand Drums SnY Aghs
                              Max [W]Static Link first then [E]Unstable Current and of course you get [R]Eye of Storm as soon as possible
                              1 value point in [Q]Plasma Field for anti-juke vision

                              Talent tree is 1212 or should I say LRLR

                              Eye melts towers freakin' fast

                              True North

                                Pick tusk with a DD you can even 1 punch upto 8K damage.




                                    I did a drow strat
                                    We just ended at 16 min

                                    paNightmare mirror

                                      Pit Lord for sure


                                        PL for sure.



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                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                            No more insta-shopping and mango/salve spamming now FeelsBadMan


                                              i dont get why ppl try to try-hard win this. this is for experimenting with new heroes and builds. What will u get by winning this?

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                No more insta-shopping and mango/salve spamming now FeelsBadMan

                                                what happened? I see no update stating this


                                                  The best carry is am(Blink and quickly regen)

                                                  Potato PC

                                                    IO + any hero with high attack speed or/and damage. Even better if the pair have desolator or/and assault cuirass for faster backdoor.


                                                      pudka ofc

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        There's a difference between trying new shit and playing casually and out right throwing/feeding/building stuff that is completely retarded.

                                                        Just cus you still play ranked and only play turbo to fuck around doesn't mean other people don't play it as a regular game mode. It's just like going into normal matches and then not trying. Tons of people never touch ranked. I may never play ranked again tbh.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Also bristle back. You would think people would just build mass silver edges vs him but they realize too late how much dmg he can do so by the time they can break you they can't burst you in the debuff time cus you have a heart and armor like ac or shivas. You need multiple silver edges vs this hero or a really strong disable like legion duel or viper basically.

                                                          Bristle build, get +goo stacks, +speed, hp regen, spell steal. Build aghs, octarine, shivas, heart and just run around spamming q and w making sure your facing is right. You do shit tons of dmg, debuff whole team and no one can kill you.


                                                            Turbo mode nothing like normal match
                                                            Turbo mode for dumb shit
                                                            You stopped rank to keep sad MMR
                                                            Anymore Rank game and you 1k


                                                              Why does no one think about Lone Druid? Him and his bear at full build are OP


                                                                Out of all the heroes I've tried in turbo I'd say Centaur. I literally did nothing, didn't care about kills and fights, just got tarrasque and sat under their towers lol. But anything can work in this mode, in one game I lost to a pike-bkb-mkb Jakiro who was melting towers left and right.

                                                                7.20 makes me cry

                                                                  Abaddon at level 10 +20percent exp and he can get all the farm he wants, a farmed abaddon is a beast.


                                                                    Pick tb and kill towers with team cause they gang use reflection and fight they solo u win meta+reflection

                                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                                      Chen Meteor hammer.

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