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    rip old silencer aura
    most situational and disgusting spell of all time


      Luna could not use maelstrom and mjollnir is something that comes to mind with also batrider and phase boots.

      Cenarius ☢(Tarkov time)

        u guys forgot -rickroll that made random comments


          You still can Uber-blink in TF2... You can even get it on three people at once...


            or Ogre Magi just hide together with ogre in the jungle until the moment the enemy realize he was hitting a hero xD


              Would be cool to see some of these features return in a different gamemode


                I miss Barathrum with basher =/


                  What has remained the same throughout all the iterations of Dota is the need to make decisions involving trade-offs. Do I build offensively or defensively? Do I push hard or simply jungle? Travel as a ganking pack of hunters or spread out and farm? This is what makes this game so challenging and rewarding, as your judgement can win or lose the game.

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                    I thought blur was some kind of invis passive before but called it worthless because ppl could still see her

                    i was dumb as a potato


                      It was ALT + Q + X that quit the program :) ALT QQ only quit the game.


                        Did you forggot the nice voices? LOL!


                          Phantom assasin was unable to see! blur made her invisible to the human eye!


                            TR -APEM ONLY PRO #134


                              Missing -ha and -aa
                              Hook and arrow accuracy, good stuff


                                ^i think it is -st

                                No`vo Dondo

                                  INVOKER 30 кнопк за 1 сек на инвокере

                                  No`vo Dondo

                                    INVOKER 30 кнопк за 1 сек на инвокере


                                      ELEMENT TD IS THE BEST TD EVER MADE!!!!


                                        gj i remember my DotA times

                                        Johnny Gat

                                          I still remember using Dazzle's old Shallow Grave, it was broken as hell, but fun to use because it was great for a support. My friends would go carry heroes like SF, and i would make sure he was buffed with that whole game.

                                          Come to think of it, it was really funny to me, because if you go to dota forums, any QQs about OP heroes would be met with the reply: 'Gank him and you'll be fine'. Well good luck with that bro, because my carry could be ganked over and over again, and still come out with 3 core items by 20 min lol. The respawn time reduction was ridiculous too. It felt like seconds.


                                            Ogre magi looked exactly like the neutral ogre creep, and creeps didn't agro at night. Great ambushes :)

                                            How do I buy wood?


                                              No mention of deselecting your hero? Played recently again, that was honestly the hardest part in my opinion.

                                              ॐ - Electric Universe - ॐ

                                                Many, many things were different. No recommended items, you had to know or actually think before you buy something. You had to know every recipe if you don't want to spend a lot of time searching for stuff. Dagon couriers :) They could also be 6 slotted, with radiance, hexes, dagons, ethereals, etc... xd Played it since 6.12, the good ol' times :)))

                                                ॐ - Electric Universe - ॐ

                                                  ^i think it is -st

                                                  -thats for checking the stats gain, for silencer and pudge

                                                  Ogre magi looked exactly like the neutral ogre creep, and creeps didn't agro at night. Great ambushes :)

                                                  -Centaur also, the small Scourge camp had centaurs, you kill the big one and just stand in his place with the small one beside you (he won't attack while its night) and wait for your pray :)


                                                    "#SPEEDY 10MB -apso +1" and pre-game chatting.


                                                      oldies but goodies 10 years of Dota :D


                                                        Nice post! It is always good to remember the origins


                                                          When I was playing Dota 1, I got almost any game unfair cos of the leavers.There was at least one leaver in almost any game.

                                                          Princess Donut theQueenAn...

                                                            The best was morhpling's old ultimate which let you morph into a hero on the enemy team and talk as if you were that person in their team chat. Then you attacked someone on their team, which stunned them for I think 4 seconds.


                                                              most op dota 1 solo mid heroes:

                                                              i play dota 1 since wc3 reign of chaos, when the heroes barely had any changes. just some buffs. the juggernaut at the time had spin as ult, his omnislash did not exist, he just had windwalk (invis), crit, mirror image, and spin. the oldschool wc3 mods basically focused on one hero instead of all the creeps and base you normally had. and that idea was multiplied into different dota mods.

                                                              frozen throne? yeah then all-stars came. dota all stars was for the longest time the most played wc3 mod. (although i seriously want legion td in dota 2 mods). most banned hero of all time? DOOM. most picked hero of all time? SHADOW FIEND. even more than pudge.

                                                              when invoker came out? imagine if qqw gave a different skill than qwq. yeah invoker had 21 skills.
                                                              oh and most heroes people hate now, people hated back then as well. its a good thing dota 2 has some dota 1 glory in it.


                                                                Still a better shop system than dota 2.


                                                                  axe nonstop spin? sure


                                                                    why would you always position your fingers to what are the hotkeys are? i have legacy myself in dota 2 and i just lay my palm on a and s and if i need to cast i hit that button.of course its memory game but if you did this that way you would need another 20 finger to play starcraft

                                                                    ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                                                                      quote from marty" if things were really good back then it wouldn't have gone to shit

                                                                      啊, 队友呢? 队友呢? 队

                                                                        For me the romance of Wc Dota old days lies on the clash between the top teams.
                                                                        I still remember the game where ZSMJ lost his sacred relic and farmed a new one in 7 minutes with PL.
                                                                        I remember the day when MYM and SK played for titles.
                                                                        I remember when EHOME won ESWC 2010 without losing a single match, best team ever. They went to win like 10 titles on 2010.
                                                                        I remember classic clash of EHOME vs LGD, it's always came down to Burning vs ZSMJ show, and the heroes were either Medusa, Alchemist, or Drow Ranger.
                                                                        I still remember how Yaphets make Shadow Fiends looks so strong and invincible.

                                                                        Back then watching replays was not as comfortable as it is now. We didn't have rewind button so if you miss anything (kills, clashes, etc.) then we would have to restart the replay from the very start. Also patches keep changing, I had to use warcraft version switcher to play on and watch replays. Can't really say anything about technical things like skills or items cause they are still changing even now, but to me when I saw old names on screen, like Burning, Loda, Fear, Kuroky, Iceiceice, Mushi, etc they always remind me of the old days. I think Valve has done good with developing DOta, but to be frank, I still like DOta 1 interface and heroes. It was a pity that Blizzard didn't take this game under their wings, but if they did we may not have it as a free to play game then.

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                                                                          COURIER CAN USE ITEMS AND HAVE AURA STACKS ON EARLIER VERSIONS

                                                                          ARCANE RING, RoB, MEK, SOUL BOOSTER AND DAGON MADE COURIER AN EXTRA UNIT HAHAHA



                                                                            Fokker (Road to Herald)

                                                                              IIRC the item that changed the attack animation was quelling blade, not battlefury.


                                                                                Damn good oooooold days :) good job dota buff :)


                                                                                  in "old" wc3 dota you were able to kill the fountain.... THATS what i (and my mates) want back :D biggest challenge ever :P


                                                                                    Yeah, cm was quite good for fountain destroying since frostbite would froze fountain so it couldn't attack.

                                                                                    Also the old Aghs buildup was the same the OC has today (soul booster+ mystic staff) but back then most of the int heroes had aghs upgrade.

                                                                                    J. Coldfeet

                                                                                      Well breaking was fun. Buying gg branches and putting it in and out of the circle/stash made the game lag so hard.

                                                                                      Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                                                        I still remember that time in my high school, whoever could remember the receipts for each items was considered PRO.

                                                                                        POS 1 Only (Madior)

                                                                                          SC stands for Super Creeps, where every now and then each ancient produced a supercreep - Murloc, Golem or Hydra for one of the lanes. In most cases the supercreep required attention from most of the team to be dealt with. They also varied in their strength, making the game incredibly unfair but quite fun.

                                                                                          HMMMM HMMMM... New bloom 2015 confirmed?


                                                                                            the good ol times