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          god i love necro


            Thank god there is not another retarded first comment.

            Execute Order 322

              Rediculously easy and strong hero to play
              If u just want some raw mmr without really getting any better in dota - necrophos is the way to go


                An easy hero for beginners... good article


                  So, um.... I fed 29 kills yesterday as Necro... and I still feel that:

                  a) i got all the farm i needed
                  b) we lost not because of me, but because of a last-pick techies

                  I felt i should have abandoned right at the techies pick, but instead I wasted an hour and 14 minutes of my life, because of techies.

                  But please people, what could i have done better?

                  commend me, ty

                    omg. noob.
                    buy a blink and u need just 11 seconds to comeback with aghs and refresher to get 3900 for bkb.
                    and u need a comeback with no raxes after
                    meka min 17 ez lane xD wtf.
                    1st tp scroll on min 16. ahahahah
                    2 wraith bands (gray face no space)
                    worst ever(

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                    commend me, ty
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                      JOHN TRAZ DE VOLTA

                        If Necro is coming back. Expect to see more of Nightstalker.


                          I honestly feel he is a very viable hero in the core position. Just tried him out in almost 10 matches, tbh most were losses but the impact ion the game and transition in the early to mid game is very suitable for a necrophos. The hero does need to farm like a carry, but is very formidable in today's meta.


                            start off as 4th position and transition into 3rd position if your offlaner doesnt scale well into late game. just rely on team for damage and get aghs at some point of game for 25 mmr lul

                            D. Igne Natura Renovatur ...

                              Dont forget to tell teammates u will not play supp


                                People play him bad, in potato bracket where I play, that is. And that's good, because when I pick him it usually results in ez mmr :)


                                  Wrong picture used on the second Necrophos build, you've used the EE build twice.



                                    As Retoonetoo said the EE build is up twice.


                                      the 18th


                                        Necrolyte isn't a carry (I think he is semi) yet he can deal with carry like sf or wk. I usually make HoT, Guardian Graves, Radiance, aghanim, shiva, and gs/blink/forcestaff and win the game perfectly with comeback.

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                                          @FeatherSalt Although the techies performance and item build were lacking, you were definitely also a very key part of your loss. You died an incredible amount of times, especially considering you had an omni on your team. I assume you were picked off by pudge, clock, and slark a lot, so it is your responsibility (even as a core) to make sure that you had good vision wherever you went. This may mean buying observers and sentries yourself, especially with only one support, but it is well worth it. 4 obs only costs 300 gold, which if it saves even one life, pays for itself. Another thing, your item build was kind of weak. I don't think atos was the right call that game unless you were winning for the first 20 minutes. Atos is much better for aggressive play then defensive, so if you were losing the whole game, you shouldn't have gotten it. Also, Necro almost always needs a mobility item, and going force staff here would have soft countered Pudge, Slark, Axe, and Lina, and hard countered Clockwork. Force also has great synergy with techies, so ideally, your team would have had like 3 force staffs. Glimmer cape would have also worked as a substitute for Omni, or for you if you couldn't farm up a force staff. Looking at the Death graph, it looks like you died most of the time in lane, as you died 15 times in the first 25 minutes. There is no excuse for dying that much, and feeding lina and slark that much gold, especially as they are both snowballing heroes. With that start, you alone probably brought your odds of winning to ~25%, so don't blame techies. If you are in a solo offlane like that, just stay back, and get xp. You can farm later, but dying 15 times lost you around 4500 gold, so it is never worth dying for some cs. Watch Lina very carefully for her animation, especially her stun animation. Just be more careful in your games, and don't tilt from start because someone picked techies.


                                            And another thing @Feathersalt, your skilll build was awful. Never max heart stopper first, because it's % based, it does very little damage early game. Almost always max Death Pulse first, and Sadist second. You want 4-0-2-1 or 3-0-3-1 by level 7. In a solo offlane, you can justify skipping your ult until you leave the lane, or someone ganks.


                                              I hate people who think that Necro consists solely of his ultimate.

                                              He's useful all around.


                                                The 9gag reaper


                                                  without a pushing line up necro is pretty much useless since he cant push that well. he can kill creeps but not towers. and against heroes like kotl, tinker, jugg might as well say gg since you will never break high ground


                                                    Yeah, i got Atos after Slark had a Linkens, so i got it to pop the linkens, but it didn't work that well. I was so angry with the techies pick that I guess i just tilted. I'm surprised how late the game went all things considered.


                                                      You always have a choice not to tilt, you can only improve on your own game through reflection. Outside of that you can only do your best through polite, non confrontational communication. If you tilt, refrain from any kind of communication. You can also abandon so your teammates may have a chance, and you save yourself time. I've had better odds microing multiple heroes than playing with a teammate who has tilted so far that they've stopped thinking about their own game.


                                                        Emotional regulation and self awareness are important milestones in your development towards adulthood.

                                                        Dark Hunter

                                                          ^I've had games where someone hopelessly feeds and then ragequits, sell his (shitty) items and get gold advantage, as long as your cores/carry are/is still in the game you can perfectly win with 4 even more than with 5 in some cases.

                                                          I won a game as enigma once where viper dc'd and we still had Jugg, lina and some other hero xD And all it took was 1 black hole while defending and ez gg push

                                                          apes strong together

                                                            17-1 winrate on two accounts right here. Treads, Aquila, Blink, Force, Shiva's, Agh's, gg. Blademail or bkb if needed. Skip aura entirely until later unless you're laning against a hero with high base hp. If you're not aggressive in lane you're doing it wrong.

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                                                              ridiculously designed int hero with 2! passives. c'mon, Terrorblade has no passive!!



                                                                Thanks! I was so concerned in making sure they'd link to the right page, that I forgot to insert the right picture. Of course I wanted to highlight Era's build!



                                                                  Swap Commend (Il Separatio)

                                                                    @Leviathan3rd , what does gs mean? :3


                                                                      @Quinkerros it's Ghost Scepter, mate. Usefull against physical attacker.

                                                                      Karry Sandini

                                                                        Necro is only good if you rush radiance octarine Kappa


                                                                          I <3 this hero , whenever u wanted a radiance , it doesnt matter

                                                                          UNTILTABLE MOUNTAIN

                                                                            Blade Mail > Ghost Scepter! Gives a lot of damage and armor and active is so good. This article just made me play a game with Necro. Sweet Ultra kill. Just Force Staff in and ult! I build Threads>Force Staff>Veil>Blade Mail>Aghs. Not necessarily in that order.


                                                                              How is it, this guy does so good - his Necrophos winrate (51 matches) is 98%?


                                                                                Just red the first few sentences and knew this will be bullshit post.

                                                                                AUSTIN PEBBLE

                                                                                  I have to say for a beginner, Necro is probably the easiest hero to play.

                                                                                  Javad Yasari

                                                                                    Necro is one of my favorite heroes. Now the cool thing is i usually start the game as a support but as the game passes, from a 4th or 5 position u become a 3rd. Eventhough ur still supporting the team with wards, u get enough gold to build up damage dealing items. But the key is how u play. U should pull and lvl up in ur lane and at some point early on the game start ganking.

                                                                                    Crystal Ann

                                                                                      not true, necro can be hard carry hero with nice build, his ultimate oneshots idiots with scepter, this is just a view of amateur dota player :)


                                                                                        How about the biggest factor this hero brings to the table in late game, his ability to prevent a buyback with his aghs. I've lost games to this, necro ults your superfarmed carry and then hes out for three minutes and cant buyback. One of the best heroes for a late game comeback.