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      I think you might be overestimating how prevalent techies will be. The only teams that's been practicing with him is Optic, and no one else seems to care. We might see him a few times soon but I can't see teams burning bans against him...


        That is something I am honestly hoping for, but the last time Techies were a part of CM, they had to be banned. Certainly, it was mainly because of Aui_2000 and EG, but he was still banned against other teams as well and often a first ban in elimination matches in particular. He is a cheesy hero and he bends the rules of Dota enough for the weaker team to have a much better chance of winning. Right now I would value a match between OG and VP at 15:85, but if OG has techies, regardless of whether they trained him or how prepared VP is, it will still get closer to 50:50, since no one is accustomed to the hero. It might not get as close as I might personally assume and in reality is probably going to be a 20:80 or something, but there is still an undeserved movement towards 50:50. I think weaker teams, especially in elimination matches, will cling to this hope as much as they can, which is understandable. Hence the frustration with Techies, or at least a degree of worry associated with the hero.


          this article seems like a quick lazy post thats just a wall of text. might as well just read the patch notes


            lol rip pudge in early game when taking BOUNTIES


              an hour ago

              I think you might be overestimating how prevalent techies will be. The only teams that's been practicing with him is Optic, and no one else seems to care. We might see him a few times soon but I can't see teams burning bans against him...

              and what about iceiceice?


                "The latter received a seemingly minor buff, introducing a 300 gold recipe requirement."

                Looks like a minor nerf rather than a buff to me


                  Thanks, fixed!

                  Я РУССКИЙ!



                      huge nerf for cancer riki, and mjolnir pango will out again

                      professional phagocyte

                        Lesser early level kills with pudge now! Hated those rot ambushes...

                        moriwooper (I'm gonna morb)

                          Idk dude wr might still be a risky pick. But the maelstrom buff works super well with her. Even without aghanim, she could pick off solo enemy much earlier.

                          Ps: I think wr would get an increase in win rate pretty soon.

                          Nice post btw

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                            ty for techies addition volvo.. :-D


                              I love you Valve! Techies in the CM it is a great day!


                                Finally, Techies is back to CM - RIP others now hahaha hell going to lose at off lane

                                Happy pea

                                  You missed the best io change ever, you can tether inmune heroes now... that plus the move speed change last patch makes io just so much comfy to play.

                                  Brünk Hüll


                                    I'm curious to know a little more about your thoughts on the Wisp changes. Currently it seems like the hero has been massively dumbed down for pubs (infinite tether, easy mode spirits), but has this made the hero better or worse in pro scene? More importantly, do the changes end up ruining the skill ceiling or just lower the floor while leaving the skill ceiling where it is?


                                      Rikis ult nerf < force staff nerf
                                      riki is still alright
                                      And yet again another buff for ember and WR wind is just getting too much buffs she's already have too much insane slow and movement on 3d ability insane single target damage highest on any non ult? on 2nd and even a long stun that's not even that hard to land and she even have invisibility to make things even worse

                                      And techies first ability is pretty worthless vs pro players i wonder how it's gonna be played we might even see a damager build with 250+1 talent


                                        The only thing that irks me in this patch is the changes to force staff and hurricane pike. Taking off 3.5 hp regen is way too much. Im pretty sure they will buff those items another time. Maelstrom will eventually be nerfed too. Make full use of mael before yr time runs out.


                                          @Brock Hall - IO is a hero my friend plays solely the last 200 games, and it's been a strong game, 9.6/10 games are a win. The new changes of having the TP cooldown reduced to almost nothing, can be very impactful. The other day, we picked 3 heroes with split shot -ie. drow medusa and gyro - and we owned so easily :D

                                          Brünk Hüll


                                            I'm aware of the potential the hero now has in pubs, but that story is a great example of the 'easy mode' that I'm talking about.

                                            CHI LONG QUA

                                              The Maledict nerf is actually borderline irrelevant. You rarely want to use it very often earlygame anyway, because you only use it insituations where there's good followup and a credible kill opportunity, and those don't come around very often. Moreover you should always be maxing it even before the patch, so you swiftly get back to the 20 sec cooldown.

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                                              Derp's missing tax files

                                                I hope this buff is enough to make spectre relevant again - need me my mmr climber! The riki nerf from a pub perspective is greatly appreciated. Too many games were lost just because there's a riki spammer on the the enemy team that has a clue what he's doing. From a fan's standpoint I'm a bit disappointed. I felt that with a few more buffs, he'd be ready for the pro scene.

                                                In other news, ty for the mango nerf Icefrog. smh

                                                Currently the Enchanted Mango has a 34.34% win rate. This is unacceptable. It is our duty as fellow gamers of the DotA 2 community to put this item in the position of power it deserves. It has been there for us when we needed mana for reincarnation, when we had that clutch nyx stun saving our teammate's life, and when we accidentally used it in fountain before the runes even spawned. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

                                                Pepega Willow

                                                  Dark Willow can only 1v1 a position 1 carry if he is extremely bad or don't know how to play against her (most of them can outrun her or mitigate the damage via copies, magic imunity and etc). Examples: PL, Chaos Knight, Juggernaut and Troll Warlord. Bedlam is a double edged skill due the range, almost everytime you will die.

                                                  The power of Mireska comes via bramble maze and terrorize, bedlam is too risky and difficult to use and shadow realm is a default ability that, if nerfed, will destroy the hero. Cursed crown is an OK spell, same for the nerf on it (giving vision was extremely powefull).


                                                    Agreed, Bedlam's range makes it extremely risky to use during engagements, the only way you're solo killing a position 1 as a support is if he is an idiot.

                                                    I think the Cursed Crown nerf is much bigger for her, the vision it gave was very good for chasing enemies or throwing out shadow realm shots from out of vision.


                                                      The Maledict nerf is actually borderline irrelevant. You rarely want to use it very often earlygame anyway, because you only use it insituations where there's good followup and a credible kill opportunity, and those don't come around very often. Moreover you should always be maxing it even before the patch, so you swiftly get back to the 20 sec cooldown.
                                                      i disagree it's actually pretty annoying for an offlaner to get maledict thrown at him every 20 second at level 1 when enemy support is level 2!!!


                                                        what about mkb, nothing on that??


                                                          "Dark Willow received some very well-deserved nerfs to Bedlam, which now deals less damage and is easier to react to. A position four support killing an enemy position one carry in a 1v1 with less than a third of net worth was simply wrong and Valve have finally realised it."
                                                          Um, no?
                                                          Much of the game is balanced around risk/reward; if I put myself out of position to get a kill on pos 1 I don't see how that is unbalanced. Should we nerf Shadow Shaman (or Lion?) too since he can solo kill a pos 1 at almost any point in the game? I don't disagree that Bedlam's nerf was needed (more so the CD rather than the dmg imo), but your reasoning is so flawed.

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                                                            WTF no mention of the pudge nerf yet again with a decrease to rot slow? He's the most popular hero, shouldn't you at least mention him?

                                                            Putin is Techies

                                                              Because everyone that would have both the Pudge arcana got it already. Next patch Pudge slows himself and gives speed boost to enemies.


                                                                Techies is finally back on the menu bois. Rip Bloodseeker + Spirit breaker. Time to blow all of you to dusts.


                                                                  @Jordan i agree with the arcana, the next patch thing hahahahha lol

                                                                  Discord Garfield

                                                                    You seem to think techies will elongate matches in the pro scene because of his pub impact. I completely disagree as a techies picker myself. The reason he elongates pubs is because they're so disorganized and can't group to push early and end, or failing that coordinate to push different lanes, because once techies blows his stack, that's it. He needs to spend a bunch of time setting up more mines, and pros will be able to play around that. Not to mention they'll actually buy magic resistance and use BKBs to demine, as well as necro units and the like.

                                                                    As it stands now, the hero is garbage because of leddit complaints. He has the potential to be a good hero if his numbers were tweaked and the free gold alarm was removed, but then idiots would throw a shitfit.


                                                                      FREE IMORTAL ITEMS Site: Code: TRADER


                                                                        Instead, Change techies proximity mines.
                                                                        Instead of using as a land mine, make techies to shoot the mines and explodes after 4 sec
                                                                        Does less dmg but makes enwmy to farm slowly
                                                                        Annoying position 4 and online