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    Yes I am


      Back where I belong


        Damn, I deliberately posted one day earlier just to confuse you. You win)


          You underestimated me, and now you are paying the price. Good luck next!

          Mode: Kutuzov

            Pretty sure Kez is actually broken, just needs the right, high skill players / teams to find the right build. Once he's in CM and is being picked it will become clear he does a bit too much. I could see someone like Micke going hard on this hero.


              I think Ringmaster is ok for Captain's Mode. It is not like he does something that isn't already in the game, but brings his own touch on things.

              Kez on the other hand seems quite broken. It just has so many abilities and variations in the skills that there is bound to be something "that's just not fair on any level" on the hero. Something none of us has thought of, but on the other hand, just throw him into CM and see how it does. And be ready to nerf/buff these heroes to find your desired role(s) for these heroes...

              I have seen Kez in my games of late a little bit, but Ringmaster could have been removed and nobody noticed at this point.


                I think both are fine. Ringmaster seems bad, Kez seems ok as a carry. In the current meta I don't think he would standout especially in the pro scene

                Meia Vida

                  Kez is totally broken.

                  He does everything: Crit, evasion, block, silence, lifesteal, inv.

                  His Ult cant be cancelled, and gives virtual invincibility.

                  Has escape / chase mechanisms.

                  Is god early and late game.

                  And many other things that i have no patience to remember.

                  Valve is really losing the hand on making new heroes. Nowadays they only follow a formula that they "think" works.

                  Lets give the new hero an escape / mobility / spell that you cannot interact.


                    Ringmaster is certainly ready, especially after nerfs. He's strong but doesn't do anything crazy, basially Shadow Demon + Dark Willow on steroids.

                    Kez on the other hand... I'm 100% certain pro players will find a way to abuse his kit and nerfs will come.

                    Gabe Owners

                      Let's say goodbye to Kez. You were strong, friend, imbalanced maybe. You fought well until now.


                        For now, Kez is too weak. After patch 7.38 )