Hello, can you link the profiles of your friends who are also experiencing the same issue? Thanks!
Thanks - I think we've identified the issue and should be able to work up a fix for you by tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Oh, I also have this problem where my rating is still pending even though I have played 300+ games.
hello, iv started a new account and would like if you could tell me after howmany games would i get a rating? 50 100 200?
thank you in advance ;)
it got removed bcus it no longer updates after a game, many players were reporting that their DBR is Stuck and it doesnt change, they thought it was a problem with THEIR DBR only, so they removed it as it is useless atm(doesnt change)
Can we at least get a peek at our ratings that existed prior to DBR getting removed? Why not just bring them back in some form because I personally along with some of my friends hadn't had the chance to check them out at all.
actually, the "plus" option has some features similar to DBR, but then again it costs money
"actually, the "plus" option has some features similar to DBR, but then again it costs money"
I have Dotabuff+ and I can't see my DBR :'c
well yeah not accurate enough because all those "people" are too dumb to activate their profile so not all matches can be fully interpreted , therefore creating a lack of data for the dbr
how is this thread still being updated? DBR no longer exists. Stop asking to see something that is no longer there. Ever since they've had their stat recording limited they haven't been able to update DBRs, so they removed the feature all together.
I bet u r all bronze scums, or brain dead, DBR ISNT COMING BACK !!
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Me and a couple of friends have our ratings as pending. I have 1000+ games tho so ???