General Discussion

General DiscussionFuture of DotaBuff? Assume worst-case

Future of DotaBuff? Assume worst-case in General Discussion

    You forget, Valve is a company. What is the company trying to achieve? A good player base, good reviews, good everything. But at the end of the day, they need to earn money. Just like DB isn't it?

    Valve is a great company with great minds and superb talent but don't make them out like Gods that would love to concern themselves with EVERY player.
    More players = more profit.
    Good people still need money to survive, same as DB.


      No ranked = noob-friendly
      noob-friendly = more people
      more people = more money

      Valve delays ranked release on purpose and tries to shut down every single attempt to rank ppl. So that they can have a decent pool of players, including lots of noobs, and earn more money. Valve is just a bunch of marketing ppl who absolutely don't care about making the game good for players. They only see how many ppl logged on every day. And ranked matches won't be released till they reach a critical number. Meanwhile they just make it more and more noob-friendly. AND THAT'S WHAT MAKES DOTA A LOL 2.0, nothing else.

      And btw stop using their "privacy" argument, it's just wrong. Valve doesn't want to keep ur privacy. They want to make money. And if revealing your name, email address and where u live could make them earn money, they'd do it immediately.

      Carried more animals than...

        Imo DBR itself is not a problem. However public win ratio for items and heros is a huge cancer for many players, especially new and those in low brackets. I've seen this in LoL and I know that ppl will flame more if their teammates dont pick heroes which have huge % win ratio in high brackets or make other build than the one used by pros. I hope you remove these stats or Valve block it, because it's sad to see your fav game being ruinned by brain limited kids.

        My DBR is 2099 so dont jump on me saying that im against certain stats because im bad player.

        Sacred Relics

          If you look at HOW Riot and S2 make money from their game, and HOW Valve plans to monetize their work, you'll see the difference, look what Valve introduced with REPLAY features, such as in-game stats. they are workin so hard on the competitive Dota2 and they don't deserve so much hate because they blocked (and "blocked" it is not the good word. actually they let YOU CHOOSE to share your stats or not) DB or DBR, as I said many times, the problem was DBR, not DB.


            More Players more profit, i get this. But a hidden DBR like now or even a public DBR would change nothing! Dota is a competitve game, even the Bronzies refuse to face it. There is a reason why you are Bronze or have low Winratio arround 40%. First step to get better is to accept, that you are actually not.

            Same applies for me. Even i am Platinum (85% 1526) there is alot room for me to improve. And i am thankfull for the statrecording, because it gives me a database to see improvements and weaknesses. Currently i am learning "every" hero i actually cannot play. Goal is to play a hero so often, that i reach at least 50% winratio on him. Dotabuff gives me the tools to track my improvements. Also dotabuff gives me a decent tool to judge my teammates.

            Some people don't like this, i get it. But if someone with 35% winratio on Invoker picks him and wants mid, chances are good, that i wont let him and take midlane myself. I started playing tiny myself, and if i am not familiar with a hero that much, i do not go mid with him. Thats common sense and just a matter of kindness. With a hero that i am not so good with i do not go and train instant midlane, cause i will fuck up the game of 4 other people. Thats not how to play a teamgame.

            "Its public and i play for fun", is simply a bullshit answer given by lowbobs. Its not fun to get buttfucked 35 Min by the enemyteam, for nobody. And you are likely to get Buttfucked, if you are low on a certain hero. I played 15 Games with Tiny before i took the midlane the first time with him. Going mid means taking a big responsibility for your team.

            Dotabuff helps to spot lowbirds overrating their own skill, crying for midlane with 40% winratio on their picked hero. This not my oppinion, DBR is a cold fact. Same for KDA and Winratio.If you do not want to look in the mirror to see your ugly face, it will not make you beautiful.

            Valve just helped the crybobs.

            If valve want to help the playerbase, they should ban the russians from EU-West, or at least do not allow Kyrillic letters in the chat. Most people on EU-West complain about russians, that are not able to speak english, not about DBR or Dotabuff. Thats a huge issue. They have Russia and EU East, and still manage to come to EU-West, speaking their own language.

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              @Scared DBR is now private so what's the point? You've been frustrated by HoN, thet's your problem, but stop debating about DBR being public/private.

              We can cry on the fact it could have been public but it's not the problem now.

              The problem is just that Valve decides that this anti-privacy shit will be "private" by default. That means the majority of people (who are not really interested in stats) won't turn it to "public" and Dotabuff won't be able to deliver accurate stats (for DBR, BUT ALSO for other stats u seem to like) just because only a minority of players would have turned it to "public".

              I don't want stats including ppl interested in stats only. That's just NOT ACCURATE.

              That privacy shit just should be "public" by default, so that Dotabuff stats would take into account everyone but the few scary/paranoid people.

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              Sacred Relics

                QQ more, I am sorry 4 private stats not accurate, this was DB fault, they forced Valve to do this. If you want to be rated in a League or in a 3rd party Site, you need to REGISTER and give them the right to rate you, also you have to respect their conditions (Dotalicius, DotaLeague)
                But, the point was, "IF I DONT WANT TO SHOW MY RANTING or I don't want flames or orders from minute one (cause I'm noob? Cause I am training with heroes that are not easy to use? Cause I'm ultra Casual?) why and when DB asked me to let others to see my rating? Everytime my DBR goes down with rating 4 certains reasons (bad streak of losses), it's a good idea to get a new account?"

                PS. +1 to "A_moron" About Russians in Eu Servers, I think the same thing.

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                  I don't know whats your problem about that? If you are training or something you have to take the comments of the others. Thats how life works. You are playing a TEAMGAME, so ofc the others have the right to judge you before the game starts. Team means a social interaction, and picking a hero you are really bad with and you may fail with gives the others the right to judge you, because your decision will affect their game and their lifetime for the next 20-50 Minutes.

                  The way you use your arguments is simply unsocial. Go play Starcraft 2 1v1. So you do not have to mess around with a "team".

                  [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...

                    Pubs are not competitive. Only tournaments are. The only difference between you and "bronze scum" is that you are a better casual player with more hours put in. Same goes for all other games (LoL, HoN) Pubs are Pubs.

                    Sacred Relics

                      TEAMGAME and competitive it is NOT 5 random players in the same game for 30/40 minutes, if I want to train with a hard hero, I'll run some practice game with bots with him, then I'll switch in real games, and at the start maybe I'll suck with him, but you have no right to judge me BEFORE i'll act in that game. If you miss Hon switch back.


                        Global rating like this is still better than having nothing just cause Valve doesn't want to release a fucking ranked mode.

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                        [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...


                          Valve have made it clear that they do not want LoL 2.0 or HoN 2.0. If you've played them you would realize that the community is absolute shit; the type of people you never want to meet irl.

                          Valve obviously knows what it is doing. They know that pubs are casual and that tournaments or 5 stack vs 5 stacks are competitive. In the end pubs are pubs and nothing will change that. You are just as competitive as the n00b who hasn't even run dota 2 yet.


                            I played LoL and I left it because of shitty community. LoL is an easy game, kid-friendly, that's all. No link with elo. You have more flamers in normal games (without ranking) than in ranked games! So it's just not a good argument. Stats didn't killed LoL. LoL killed itself by wanting to gather more and more people by making an easy-to-understand game. That's all.

                            And according to you there shouldn't be anything between normal games and tournaments? Wow ok... Stay in normal so... I personally prefer having ranked games.

                            "Valve obviously knows what it is doing." -> Yes, they wanna earn money. And whatever the community is on Dota.


                              hi everyone. I read carefully all messages and what I think is that there are mistakes on both sides. DB should indeed give the liberty to hide your profile if you want to, cuz i can understand that people don't wanna be flamed pre game, and after all, it's their private profile, shouldn't be shared without their agreement.
                              On the other side Valve is dumb! I really like what they did Of Dota 2, it's a great game, but by doing that they just ruin everything. I spend almost as much time watching replays, checking stats, strats etc than playing. For the simple reason that you can't really progress without improving your knowledge of the game. I don't understand why privacy is by default, people don't wanna show their stats? ok, then click on a button, but not the opposite.
                              We should actually make a petition just for that, for them to change the privacy settings as an active action, otherwise awesome websites that put so much into dota 2 community will disapear, and we will all lose in this.
                              Finally, i can't help myself but think that valve is composed of very very smart people, and they took all this into consideration, and that at the end, they probably just wanna earn money. However I hope they will change that and realize the impact that can have all those informations for people who want to progress by learning from others.

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                                @scared, people can bully you whether ratings exist or not. They can bully you from looking at the stats valve DOES provide in game. I will bully you right now for being spineless and ignorant.

                                Getting bullied is not a valid argument to ruin a great statistics website.

                                65% of people wanted a feature and Valve will not provide it, and goes out of their way to prevent other people from providing it. That's just bad customer service.

                                Valve wants to turn a highly, highly technical game into a lala land black box where everyone's a winner. Let's hand out participation certificates while we're at it.

                                If you dont like people who flame you, or more likely are just being BLUNT while playing hard to win a competitive game, then you should either grow some skin or NOT PLAY a team game that actually requires you to work with these type of people, not cry to the teacher that they are hurting your feelings and make sure u are safe for next time.

                                [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...



                                    >If valve want to help the playerbase, they should ban the russians from EU-West, or at least do not allow Kyrillic letters in the chat. Most people on EU-West complain about russians, that are not able to speak english, not about DBR or Dotabuff. Thats a huge issue. They have Russia and EU East, and still manage to come to EU-West, speaking their own language.

                                    Haha. I agree with your entire post.

                                    Back when I played HoN, I could tell if I was one of the more 'experienced' players or not. Depending on whether I was would influence what role I'd play. If I had played the most games and was the highest rated player on my team, I'd go carry/semicarry. If I was Orange/Brown, I'd pick a support.

                                    I wish I could have the same sort of insight with DotA2. I'm 1332 (Gold) ranked player who mostly plays the support role. I practice other roles a lot in CO-OP bot games, but am apprehensive to play them in 'real' games.

                                    For the record, I LOVE to see my progression. I read quite a bit about the game, watch videos, competitive games and generally try to learn as much as I can before trying to put it in to practice. Before DBR, all I had to go on was my win ratio, which as stated elsewhere isn't an accurate representation of player 'skill'. Especially so if you queue with friends of varying skill ranges.

                                    I was terrible at HoN, but towards the end my MMR started an incline. I really liked seeing that incline. It also gave me more incentive to play "Can I get to 1600? LET'S GO!" Also seeing myself get pitted against higher ranks for the first time was pretty awesome.

                                    I can't see Valve reversing their decision. Protection of 'private' information is a key topic for debate in this modern day and age. Whilst I agree that private information on websites such as Facebook should have strict viewing options, I don't feel this relates to video game statistics. The argument that people will get flamed is rather redundant, we are playing DotA. You will get judged based on how you perform in game by your peers, and most people are very quick to point fingers at others first. DBR wouldn't chage that.

                                    Agree with what you've said, old man D.


                                      A dick move by Valve, but one which I can understand. (eliminate competition)
                                      Would have saved these guys a lot of work and effort if Valve would have just told them off.

                                      [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...


                                        Banning a country from a server will never happen and you know it. You can't discriminate against a country.

                                        Positive Mental Attitude

                                          Hello everyone. Question/comment about the current situation.

                                          I'm a supporter of the DBR ranking, but I have played HoN before and wouldn't like DOTA 2 to head in that direction as a game. I feel that players (even casual like myself) can use rankings to get a better understanding of the game and what they need to do to improve.

                                          Obviously, with the privacy setting Valve just implemented, the statistical validity of the current ranking system is pretty much fucked. What I'm wondering now is if the amount of data that DOTABUFF has acquired over the past wouldn't allow for a new ranking system based on historical data (from the "shared period") with various adjustment factor.

                                          I know it's a lot easier said then done because of new heroes that come into the game, fixes, patches etc. But anyone have a take on this?



                                            Well, I believe League of Legends is region locked. Probably has its downsides for some regions. I think you can change regions once after the initial setup?

                                            The point was that much more people complain about Russians not seemingly willing to be part of the team within a team game as opposed to complain about people being able to see how well/bad they've done in past games.



                                              I just need to check your stats to know, why you are against DBR. You seem not to be the smartest guy in this world because the word competitive and the word public can describe the same game. Competitive is an adjective describing a situation of competition, aka a contest between 2 or more subjects. Every dotamatch is competitive, because you play as radiant with 5 against dire with 5, the objective is to win.

                                              Public just means, that the competition is accessible for everybody. And as long as you do not want to face this, you will suck at dota, like you already do.

                                              The opposite would be cooperative game. In a coop game you do not compete with other social beeings. You play together against an AI. As long as you do not see the AI as a subject, this is how to define coop as the opposite of competitive.

                                              I understand you. You are a lowbob bronzie with 35% winratio. But as long as you do not face your own lowness, you will not improve. Dotabuff gives you decent tools to improve. You need to accept the truth.

                                              1. You suck at dota.

                                              2. Dota is a competitive game.


                                              1. If you do not want to compete, do not play dota.

                                              2. Competition means, getting ahead of your opponent. If you do not want to get ahead, do not a competitive game.

                                              3. Tracking stats helps getting better and in the end, getting ahead of your opponents. If you do not want your stats tracked, do not play a competitive game.

                                              You are one of the guys i actually do not meet, cause you are too low for my own skilllvl. And i honestly say: Thx to god. Only picking lategameheros and failing all the time. Sadly this happens in higher lvl games also. Not as constant, but it happens. And i am glad to spot the bob, before he ruins the game, and put him on a lane, where he can not do as much damage as midlane.

                                              PS. I never played lol or hon. I played Dota and i always liked ranked leagues like SIG or Dotalicious. Way better then the bullshit battlnet games.

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                                              [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...


                                                LoL region locked? But you can just change your account then.

                                                I disagree, some of my best games were with russians, where some of them and me totally stomped the other team, nearly 150-20 team overall. There are loads of chinese on SEA servers even though they have their own, but you don't see complaints about them?

                                                Nothing can be done about this.

                                                @Onstream would not work, as too many factors to take in to even give a REASONABLE rating.


                                                  WHY ARE PEOPLE CRYING ABOUT DBR STILL?
                                                  its for your own eyes only unless you wanna screenshot post it.
                                                  If your gona play competitive multiplayer you will get judged. online games, sports or not. So please stop using dumb arguments like 'privacy'' which is not true since no private information is divulged



                                                    You're the exact kind of person that made this decision happened as well. Flaming a person on his lvl, or hero choice because you look at his profile is totally useless. As you said, this is a teamgame, so instead of flaming, help. trust me, it's way more constructive. Same, when you have a team that is a bit lost, guide them if you're so strong, otherwise blame yourself for not trying.
                                                    I can understand that players that are not that good annoy the others, but good players that spend their time flaming for such reasons are worse.

                                                    Sacred Relics

                                                      "I understand you. You are a lowbob bronzie with 35% winratio" "cause you are too low for my own skilllvl, thx to god" In these moments you just proved ALL OF my arguments, now uninstall Dota2 and run to Riot or S2 game's so you can show how good you are with a number.

                                                      [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...

                                                        @a_moron Yes i am a noob and i make no attempt to hide it any way whatsoever. I only just started playing MOBAS. Fuck off with your less than intelligent ad hominem arguments. You are not impressing anyone with your tough talk about your skill level or disparaging mine.

                                                        In the end public games are not competitive at all. Only insecure and socially awkward little shits like you who feel like they need a reason to justify their playtime/number of games are delusional to think that they are competitive. If you want competitive games go play in a tournament. Competitiveness only works if there is one goal or some final victory in which you play against other people to get to the top. What top is there in dota 2? There is none. Whether you are bronze 5% scum like me or if you are platinum 100000% as you shittily portray yourself to be, if you play public games you are not competitive at all. You play as casually as anyone out there.

                                                        You are pathetic, and you are the type of elitist community that Valve wants to avoid. Good on valve for discouraging little shitheads like you.

                                                        P.S I checked your profile. All your wins with Bloodseeker and Ursa? Must be fun going with a smurf account and pubstomping noobs. Really shows your skill level. Well done.

                                                        You are a shithead and still as competitive as any bronze scum out here.


                                                          I do not flame a lowbird asking for midlane. I just tell him: "No I go mid." Flaming means for me insulting someone personally. I can say:

                                                          "You are likely to fail with invoker, cause you do in 65% of your games, so i take mid." This is not flaming.

                                                          I also might say at start: "Pick an offlaner, we have a jungler" and if he picks Antimage, i can tell him: "Good job, but AM is no offlaner."

                                                          Thats all. The only thing i am picky with, is the midlane, because it is the lane with the heaviest impact on the game. And schroedinger is on of the guys crying loudest about the DBR. You just need to check his stats and see why. He is simply a bad player, he does not want to face that he is a bad player, so he does not want to change the fact, that he is a bad player.

                                                          Why I cannot thank god for not playing with him? You like to play with guys that have most played heros only lategamers and with 35% winratio?

                                                          So go put him on your buddylist and play with him.

                                                          And again: I never played Lol or Hon, and i will never play. The guys i am playing with are mostly better than me, with 1800 Points under the best 3%. I want to play with better guys, and against better guys, and i want to beat the better ones. The way beating better ones is: Getting better.
                                                          I want to improve my game. I know, that i am just above average but i have a lot of room for improvements and i am willing to improve. Dotabuff is a great tool for these goals.

                                                          That is how your mindset should be towards a competitive game. For those who say: "competitive =/= public", read the definitions of those words. You are using them wrong.


                                                          As you can see, you are not smart, and you are not mannerd. You insult me personally, as scum and stuff. I just judged you on Dota: Low. And i judged your mindset towards the game: Low, cause you do not want to face the truth of dota.

                                                          What you are mixing up is professional/casual, competitive/cooperative, public/non public tournaments. All describe other things.

                                                          I am no professional gamer, because i gain my money with other stuff. But every dotaplayer is a competitive gamer, because dota is a competitive game. There is differs not in public or non public games.

                                                          I do not know whats your problem with my most played heros. Check my last 100 Games, i have not played Ursa or BS.

                                                          Btw. Picking Drow, the most broken hero in this game, disqualifies you on this aspect. Drow (58% Winratio), BS (47% Winratio).

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                                                            I'm pretty sure he knows he's not a good player, problem is that you make correlation between his skill and his opinion on dbr, all he says is that this decision according to him will improve community. I disagree, cuz like you, for me dota 2 is a competitive game, it's an Esport, and even in pubs.I wanna improve as well, and for that dotabuff in general as been a great tool.
                                                            I guess valve will just leave this system for 2 months, wait that that kind of websites die, then create it's own MMR, ethic has nothing to do with it i believe

                                                            [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...

                                                              You think you are a good player because you created a smurf account and won games with Ursa and Bloodseeker against noobs?


                                                              Wow. Just wow

                                                              Rule#1: 99% of a time someone brags about being good at something they are bullshitting about it


                                                              If you have the brains to recall, I only started insulting you after you did. Congrats on your logic.

                                                              Again you are talking to noobs like me, so what does it matter if i choose drow?

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                                                                Btw. this is my first and only account. And yes, when i started dota 2, i realised, how low the playerbase is at the beginning. its just full of guys like you. Picking 4 carries in one team, no support at all. My first game i picked support and realised: "Wow, buying wards is bullshit, cause no one watches the minimap. Not farming is bullshit, cause no one here can farm."

                                                                So i stomped my way through the early stages. Now i have decent teammates and have not played ursa or bs for a looooong time. Btw: Drowpicking is the lowest shit you can do, so pls.

                                                                Be proud that valve cares more about picky little bronzies then developing the competition. Dotalcious was ranked, too and there was no flaming. It was always clear, that the SL 3 dude will take the midlane, and picks worked out fine in SL 2 and higher Sl 1 Games mostly.

                                                                There was no flaming at all, cause the reportfunction worked well. The problem with flaming is not an accurate argument against DBR. The problem with flaming and gameruin is a lack of control.

                                                                Ps. I did not insulted you personally. I did not call you scum. I just said, that you are low at dota. Thats a cold fact. Also from dendis perspective i am low at dota. And i would not be mad, if dendi called me low.


                                                                The community of dota 2 will always be unfriendly. Thats just the nature of the game. If someone crys: "ME MID." And then dies 7 times in 12 Min to that Bloodseeker, that rapes you and your entire team, the guy will be flamed. Always. Because he fucked up the game of 4 other guys, that have to sit there for the next 25 min, and enjoy watching the deathcounter and beeing buttraped, before they even had a chance to get a hand on the game.

                                                                Stats won't effect this. But stats give you the opportunity to say: "Invoker go toplane, you might lose mid, cause you always do."

                                                                And the game will not be a fucking rape.

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                                                                PICK MORE SH!T PLZ

                                                                  For anyone actually using this site:

                                                                  For me as one of them, site became useless. Used it only to check other players, coz i know how i play and what mistakes i make. Not used it for flame but for knowledge of how bad game i can expect.
                                                                  As for now after next flod of keys, game is unpleyable on solo queue.

                                                                  Sacred Relics

                                                                    Dotalicius, Dotaleague -> It was YOUR DECISION to join that ranked (and better, I know) kind of games right? Noone forced you setting PUBLIC your profile by default ok? You said "Ok I'm bored about random shitty pubness here, I want more competition and more respect, so I'll join Dotalicious or dotaleague to get a better experience" but YOU DECIDED to JOIN!

                                                                    [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...


                                                                      You may think that people like you fit in very well with high level players with such a shit attitude. Let me tell you something; i nearly left school to play professional FPS gaming. However I chose not to and go to University instead. I've seen so many players like you it isn't funny anymore. You think that if you put on an elitist attitude towards gaming and maintain a shit attitude you will get better and will end up playing with the pros. Trust me, i know quite a few professional gamers irl, an let me tell you one thing, people would rather play with a casual bad player with a great charisma, than end up with wannabe elitists with shit attitude like you, however good they claim to be. Why do you think so many youtube commentators play with n00b subscribers more often rather than with elitist clan players.Companies like Valve know this. Why do you think they cater towards us bronze scum rather than wannabe elitists like you. Same logic

                                                                      If you think that flaming people because they are new and nitpicking at their every hero pick/opinion is fun; then i rally feel sorry for you. If you want to get anywhere drop the shit attitude and get a good attitude.

                                                                      Goodbye. I am not going to argue with a wannabe pro with a shit attitude anymore.

                                                                      P.s The cat is dead

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                                                                        Pubs are not competitive ? So you guys wouldn't get mad at all if someone in your team goes on and feeds like 0:40 ? Dunno why i cant believe that.

                                                                        [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...


                                                                          Street soccer in between a bunch of 6 year old kids is not competitive, but i'm pretty sure one team would be pissed if one person kicked the ball into their own net.


                                                                            I have no problem in displaying my stats (even if they suck), but with the new valve policy there's no point in this site anymore. If just a subset of players switch their accounts to public, global statistics will be relevant no more


                                                                              Also, we won't see double accounts for win% purposes anymore


                                                                                I am no elitist. If you read my posts carefully I WANT THE STATS PRIMARY FOR MY OWN BENEFIT. I want to see my improvements. I am playing with 2 guys that are actually touching Diamond and i am always open for critics. I will never be a pro gamer, cause i have not the talent, and i am too old. And you never played a game with me. I flame rarely, because it does not change the game and lowers my apm. Nobody will play better, if i insult him.

                                                                                Why valve caters the lowguys? The problem with dota is the huge gap entering this game. You need alot of knowledge and practice. You need to multitask alot, watching minimap, harass, do not get harassed, grab the opportunity to kill/push/tp in/tp out/glyph/use ulti/check inventorys/ward proper etc.


                                                                                You need to know every heros skills, and every items effects.

                                                                                Thats the nature of the game. Thats the reason why Blizzard gave up on Starcraft 2 Dota. Blizzardgames are easy to learn and hard to master. Dota is hard to learn and hard to master. Valve needs a big playerbase due to monetary interests. Getting new players into Dota is hard. I have a lot of friends i offered keys to, that do not play and do not want to play dota. Its simply too frustrating at the beginning. I can't even remember why i took all the flaming and frustration.

                                                                                For the better players, that want more competition stats are good. For new players its bad, cause it leads to more pressure. But since DBR is not public i do not get, why valve implemented the new Privacy settings.


                                                                                And if Dotalicious would work for Dota 2, i would play Dotalicious again. Dota 2 is just between Battlenet and Dotalicious. Not as bad as Bnet, not as good as DLG. If dota 2 is only towards the noobs it will frustrate the better players, that make the core of the community. If dota 2 is only towards the better players, noobs will not join.

                                                                                Both total decisions are bad. Valve made now a total decision. With a hidden DBR and the current site everything would be a good compromise.


                                                                                Streetsoccer between 6 year old kids is competitive. Face it, read the definition. Whenever someone wins and someone loses, its a competition.

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                                                                                  Which FPS were you going to go competitive in?



                                                                                    Southpark for Nintendo 64.


                                                                                      anyway, I think this decision is shit, When i see the impact that dotabuff had on my progression, just to watch players like universe, Chuan, pajkatt, or whatever, makes me sad that valve forbids that, probably just for money


                                                                                        "Valve needs a big playerbase due to monetary interests. Getting new players into Dota is hard. I have a lot of friends i offered keys to, that do not play and do not want to play dota. Its simply too frustrating at the beginning. I can't even remember why i took all the flaming and frustration."


                                                                                        [OBJ = Cancer] Henry Tudo...


                                                                                          cod 4 and cod 2 mainly, but largely anything that used to go. Would have gone with Quake, but tournaments were rare. Lots of money to be made in Cod tournaments. Lack of time led me to not being able to compete fully


                                                                                            Anyway, is there something I'm missing? Played a game with "do not show history" option off, match stats are on Dotabuff. Played a game with "do not show history" option on, match stats are on Dotabuff.


                                                                                              If both teams of 6 year old's want to win, i would call that game competitive, they try to do their best to win, that's what makes for a competition. If you play for fun, you shouldn't mind if the ball lands in your own net. The point is you cant really argue about those things, for you pubs might not be really competitive, for others, they can easily be. As long as Valve doesnt introduce a ranked ladder system, pubs will be the only easy way for many people to get their competition and thus want a ladder. Valve is at fault here, they should either implement a ranked ladder system or give us ways to compare us with others. And yeah performance bars are trash to do that.


                                                                                                Wow, what a kidfest.

                                                                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                         closes down.


                                                                                                    @dotabuff: Thanks for all your effort, but I think valve's doing the right thing. I used this service, but I'd rather like to configure on my own whether or not to show when i played and how long. Even though I doubt that's the major reason to Valve, you have no right to blame Valve for preventing you from making money with their work.
                                                                                                    I hope Valve will launch a similar service or at least provide us a better ingame overview.
                                                                                                    Maybe you should have kept your head low, instead of trying to get data valve never granted you access to.
                                                                                                    Remember! This Service only exists because Valve offered an interface to access their data. Match making is some kind of luxury compared to wc3, accept it as something to get allies and enemies approximately on your level. There's no need to try and calculate internal values if valve decided to keep them secret. You did so the same time introducing your Plus-service. Don't complain about the results.
                                                                                                    Thx Valve!


                                                                                                      God i went out for party and movies and trolls are still trolls~

                                                                                                      @scared, you seriously have a problem with LOL and HON don't you? Lost too much and get low ranking? probably ;)