General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-si...

When these Valve shitters gonna fix mm? Feel free to post your one-sided games in General Discussion


    tveni tveni

      Interesting how you flame my stack yet you stack with wisp ursa, dodge games and are yet on 51%. Lmao. I guess you needed somebody to get you out of the negative win ratio nightmare. And what's with the tide game buddy, no answer? Why did MM pair that shitter with that TA?


        MM is only shit when it suits him, swiftending. He won't complain about it when he's the feeder. Double standards, sigh.

        lie to me agen fagt

          This system cant be serious. I even played my fav hero and managed to build the best item for him: Aghanim.
          But WR feeds. Nyx goes for Dagon against tanky enemies. Why do retards play this game?


            am i the only one here who thinks mm is working fine


              best item ? lol, +175 dmg to ulti, imba


                With 4200 gold you could make mek and drums. Or pipe and a bracer. Or blink and almost force staff.

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                  ahahaha, OP, u r so funny
                  Aghs totally #1 item on lion, rofl !!!

                  Sōu ka

                    christ, he ain't even serious
                    y'all are being tricked


                      I have my own gripes because anytime I get on a winning streak, MM makes it impossibly difficult to do well.
                      Last 3 games - someone randoms ngiht stalker & wants to swap. I then get forced offlane solo against Nyx & Tide, hard to farm because they just stun & slow me (try twice btu I got away) so it was hard to get levels because they'd just force me back. So come night time, ganks fail because I'm under levelled & under farmed. I essentially won my lane by not dying, but these cunts decide its my fault. I stopped trying at about 15 ~ 20 minutes because NP rages that I couldn't silence from 1500 range.

                      Second game, I got teamed up with them again - btw did I tell you that they are a 4 stack of shit cunt friends? Talking on Skype & not communicating with me at all. I hard ssupport DK at top & give him kills & farm. Buy wards all game. Essentially position 5 because I'm leaving all the farm to the other guys. 3 are dead, & just AA & I alive at mid. Can't contest teir 2, it gets taken. Then it's my fault for not starting a 2 on 5 fight. Where do these cunts come from?

                      3rd game was not half as bad. A bit slow because Necro decided to try & push me as QoP out of mid against SF, but I stayed because he's a retard. We got kills on SF anyways. Later on, Panda gets Doomed. He's about to die, once he gets to 20 HP I deny him. He then rages & AFK's because he's certain doom was off. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't deny a hero without the debuff? & I just saved him gold? W/E

                      I have no issue with losing, because I am learning. But these people are fucking retarded & counter productive towards the advancement of this game.


                        It a long, slow, steep learning curve Red. Unless you have a bad attitude like OP...eventually you will become good enough to be noticed by the good players in your game as someone who they want to play with again. They will invite you to join the next match, add friends, join their team...etc. Then all these problems will be dramatically reduced. Dota is a team game and playing solo is really very hard and not how its supposed to work.

                        What you should do to get there faster is:
                        [1] pick out your favorite role
                        [2] pick your 3 top heroes in that role
                        [3] play only those top heroes until you have maxed out your skill to raise your MMR so excellent players are actually in your game to notice
                        [4] try to make a point of being extra friendly to anyone who you think is good, ie share regen, port in to save them, compliment them when they make a play, get noticed
                        [5] build up a list of high skilled, positive friends to play with


                          The only problem is that after 1-2 months, if you want to play another hero, you might not be as good as with the "first 3", so you'll start losing each game because MM thinks you can play all heroes as good as you play the first 3.


                            How did I manage to cause Vuk such a butthurt that he decided to make a fake account of me, I wonder? :P

                            lie to me agen fagt


                              At this point there's only one way to enjoy this game. Stack, do level 1 Rosh, if they gank it we early abandon. Luckily mm did not fuck this up and it let us win.

                              Oh and I just noticed that a 50% WR, 1.74 KDA newb wanna teach me how to play Lion. GJ retard.

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                                  Haha, who is faking the account..


                                    LMFAO shut the fuck up retard.


                                      I actually like how this kiddo who's trying to fake me express some of my feelings instead of me.

                                      Thanks for good work done, brah.

                                      lie to me agen fagt

                                        - Mana Drain break and cast range improved by 100 (750/1100 -> 850/1200)
                                        - Aghanim's Finger of Death CD decreased from 160/100/40 to 100/60/20"
                                        Fuck yeah!


                                          ^ Hey brah-kiddo, if you want to copy me try at least not to suck like you did playing huskar please.

                                          I dont allow myself to do such shit, just so you know.

                                          Pandamonium(You Died)

                                            If you don't like MM, play here

                                            lie to me agen fagt

                                              I want to improve my Huskar, because I heard it can stomp really hard even with broken MM.

                                              Retarded team and I couldnt stomp as I wanted to.

                                              3 noob kiddos feed then leave in 15 minutes. What could I do?

                                              Nonretarded people's answers are appreciated.


                                                Rofl, Huskar is not pubstomper at all. Try naix or slark instead.


                                                  huskar pubstomper ?? ?? ? ? ?


                                                    Vuk, you still didnt tell me why you have such a butthurt. :/


                                                      you never told me your parents were subjects for anthropological research, sorry i should have known

                                                      lie to me agen fagt

                                                        You retarded newbs wanna learn how to win in shitty MM? I show you:

                                                        5-man stack (Ursa+Wisp+Treant+2). My team mates do level 1 rosh. If they are ganked we early abandon and no stats XD
                                                        If we manage to take down Rosh Ursa will win the game for sure.
                                                        I also flame them from the beginning and fountain farm them at the end. That is important to increase KDA which shows how skilled a player is :P
                                                        I'm winning games for months like this and playing solo is a nightmare cause of you shittards.
                                                        The reason why I almost always buy dagger and hide in the trees if I lose in a solo game: my KDA will be the best in the team XD

                                                        @Jing: below 45% on 2 main heroes. PLS teach me kiddo :D


                                                          ^ Why u still that retarded to understand that wr means no shit in this game, considering how afwul mm is?

                                                          Really pooty you already proved me you're a kiddo, but please dont humilate yourself that much.

                                                          Btw, I know you mad cuz now I can go over this shitty system and get my deserved winrate. Dont be mad lil buddy, your words here mean nothing and it cant stop me from endless winning. xd

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                                                            This is fun

                                                            ❤ Ashley ❤


                                                              puck fed qop mid in 10 min and left, i get a free loss

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                                                                Ofc after I won some games I got a complete imbecil alch with lovely 2-3 kda.


                                                                Keep worshiping gaben, kiddos.

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                                                                Papa Het

                                                                  I won, yet again, 7 games in a row and now the MM is just throwing noobs at me. Fuck this is so frustrating. I almost NEVER get teamed up with players who got a positive winrate.


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                                                                    Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                      dat 1.68 kda with bh


                                                                        well this thread's definitely got the highest essay:cow-shit ratio i've ever seen

                                                                        aside from drd.china flame threads on hon forums of course



                                                                          2 morons instapicking carries and sucking all way long till we lose. Gege.


                                                                            i instapick carry too but i dont lose

                                                                            Ming (Zufälliger König)

                                                                              i instapick sf and still win

                                                                              Papa Het

                                                                                Yeah, Ming, BH was one of my first hereos ever played, and this is my first ever made account in dota... Gotta strong feeling I'm still a lot better than you were at my level, so take your precious little girly flame and shove it ;)

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                                                                                  bump, this thread is hilarious. ps swiftending gay huskar picker :(((((

                                                                                  Penis Monkey

                                                                                    pretty much all of my recent matches belong in this thread.



                                                                                      Rzr only had good kda because of KS's.


                                                                                        My games in last few days start to look funny: my team mates have ~51-53% wins, opponents have 49-51%, we win at least 2 lanes, and we keep losing. Somehow, our carries cannot farm more then one ogre axe and power threads in 20 min of free farm...

                                                                                        This game was easy win if our pl was pushing with illusions (we had 1 rax advantage for ~20min). Instead, he was controlling only his hero and illusions were sitting in the middle of the lane doing nothing.

                                                                                        tveni tveni

                                                                                          huskar is so fun and broken at the same time, had to get my daily dose of him sryy


                                                                                            just ban russians and enjoy.


                                                                                              MM cannot be fixed when you have people that do this....


                                                                                              Woof Woof

                                                                                                aesthetic like a russian


                                                                                                  dont revive trash treads



                                                                                                    2 retards (viper and slark) instapick carries though they dont know how to farm. Gege.