So a SF with assault cuirass, desolator and your proposal would reduce armour by 23.
Sounds balanced as fuck does that.
Armor cannot be reduced below −20 (71% damage increase). Further reducing the armor will not change the damage increase.
So if someone has 20 armour and it gets reduced by 23 what number do we have? Is it less than -20?
Who's the idiot please?
Another monkey with a <50% winrate. How is anything you said related to what i've posted?
Why do you even play dota if you are shit?
Bad to the bone, more like bad in the head. Yes, armour cannot be reduced below -20 but if someone has +30 armour and we reduce it by 50 then he has -20. This is simple math(s). So a -50 armour reduction could still be utilised as a full -50 assuming someone has 30 armour or more to begin with.
It is your post that has no relevance.
I play dota because I enjoy it. It's a game, I couldn't give a rat's ass if I'm shit and trying to bait me will not work, I know I'm shit and I don't care.
Yes because every hero in dota 2 has +30 'armour' (wtf are you french or just shit at english too?)
It's people like you who are shit and don't care that ruin the game, I hope you never get out of the lower bracket/low priority.
Both ways of spelling armor/armour are acceptable, you really are a silly little thing. I'm not French.
I don't ruin games, (for the most part), I still try to do well. I don't play in low priority cuz I don't rage and flame and bitch like a little girl, nor do I play bad enough to be reported for that either.
I also hope I don't get out of normal skill bracket, at least not until I can play to a higher level.
Calling people idiots for having a theoretical discussion is a bit strange. Do you have any issues you'd like to share today? Why so aggressive?
They should make raze deal 550 dmg, whatever he has now is too little for a nuke that very hard to hit
dude you raelly enjoy this kind of topics? u have almost 100 of such topics... whats your life purpose?
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something like 3/6/9/12 because 6 armor doesnt mean much.