General Discussion

General DiscussionReal feeders

Real feeders in General Discussion

    Here is the problem, that i faced to yesterday. The problem of "real feeders". Not those guys, who just can't play and dying several times in a raw. What can we do with guys who feed purposely?

    The match:

    This motherfucker couldn't stay hardlane with Treant for even 5 minutes and started to feed. He bought many couriers and sent them to our opponents' base. He did that many times. Also he was suicidinging after respawn. I was playing PL and got really good farmed. Even if this retard stayed on base, or left the game we would win 100%. We destroyed their raxes mid, even after such unstoppable help of our retard Treant.
    I was really raged. I played so good and we would win for sure. Ofc we reported him in game. Also i made a complaint in his steam account, but i am not sure, that Valve would punish him.

    So what can we do in such situation, when one retard spoiles the game? Why Valve don't make the feature to kick 1 player from game by the other team votes? It would probably solve this problem, because some games can be won 4-5.


      16 deaths you got off lucky

      KrZyMoFo some of these guys accounts were just made to feed games lol


          ^ they are just noobs. Not feeders. They try to win, no matter that they are bad players. I am talking about other feeders.

          dookie daddy

            Yeah this isn't a exploit the guy was intentionally feeding or having a shit game. He is friends with your Goldberg buddy why not get him to talk some sense into him.

            It could also boil down to a community thing here. Someone really being a dick then lets as a community punish them for it (e.g. dotabuff reports or chat bans in game) it does suck that he was in your group but was being a bitch about it.

            Also like with the chat bans, if there was a kick system do you honestly think people would play fairly. Ex. Team is doing bad, they are a 4 stack and want to leave, they kick me, game is abandoned, they are safe to leave. It would break to much which is why there is no forfeit button as people would play 20 mins, lose the pair between their legs and forfeit. You with me?


              First of all I am so happy this happens only rarely now and only during this time of the week. Every Sunday the low priority que releases more intentional feeders into the wide world of dota and it takes a little while to lock the recidivists back up again.

              I try not to play much during the first day or two of the week to avoid them. Let other people spend their bans on the repeat offenders. But in dota 1 it was so much more common. I'm really quite happy with the dramatic reduction of intentional feeders in my games thanks to the low priority que.

              If you are in a game with Intentional feeders I recommend changing your expectations right away. You will usually know in the first couple minutes of a game that someone is throwing. At that point begin farming appropriate items (ie rush Force staff and dagon) so that you can kill the enemy while they try to fountain farm. Hopefully you have a ban left to do your duty to the dota 2 community and ensure that this particular intentional feeder will not be in your next game. After it is obvious to everyone what they are doing, simply encourage everyone to report them, then don't waste emotional energy fighting over it more.

              If you want to ensure this can't happen to you que with 5...fixes almost everything else and this problem too.

              dookie daddy

                @Relentless This guy was one of his 5 that is the issue. He is wondering how we can deal with it.


                  What, you actually qued with the 0-16-0 tree? Then just remove him from friends, don't ever play with him again. Problem solved.

                  Choose friends more carefully in the future.

                  Dota 1 did have the kick player feature and it had more gameruiners by far. The LPQ works very well, its just not as satisfying in the immediate game where the offense occurs.

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                    @Relentless Lol. This guy was randomed in MM to us. We were playing 3. Lone druid was a random too. I understand that the only thing i can do is cope with it and forget about wining the game. The only thing that i want is the revenge. That bitch must be punished.
                    By the way, I used to play Dota 1 on ICCUP server and the problem with such retards was solved much better. For such intentional feeding at least ur account would be reseted to 0 PTS (points on ICCUP) and u will start from very beginning; and at maximum ur accaunt would be deleted. It is far more honest.

                    @Havoc Badger I really don't know how Dotabuff considered him to be in Friends with Golberg. Probably they were in one team several times before in MM. He don't know him for sure. That guy didn't listen and went on feeding.
                    And the kicking from game by votes was a rough example. It can be modified in a better way.

                    Safe Base

                      Longer LP, and repeated offences exponentially increase the length.

                      Your feeder have 2k games, if this is his general attitude then he would have done this many times before. With a harsher LP system he would have 100 years of LP by now. Then you can avoid him forever.

                      His only other option is to make smurfs, but then even on the new account he would be stuck in LP before he gets the MMR to be matched with you.


                        This guy did play almost all his games as "I AM DAN", then one game muted, then as Asian Sensation...maybe he got frustrated with the mute, quit dota, sold the account and the new guy is the feeder.

                        dookie daddy

                 harsh as it is I think a moderate and well monitored time ban would work.

                          e.g. you have 8 stacking reports which bans you from queuing in public games for 8 hours but lets you still do bot games and lobbies so you can still play during the ban with friends and bots.

                          This would start at 8 stacked bans and you would lose 1 report for everyday you weren't reported so you could eventually be reset to zero. This would cause people to tread carefully in pubs and treat people with a decent amount of courtesy while avoiding the retards who will report you for no reason as with careful play it would reset down to zero.

                          Also with the addition of lobby and bot games it would allow the punished user not to return rage while giving him the leniency to trade and lobby to understand the public games remain for the well mannered.

                          The report system I envision is not just a one button click but requires (like dotabuff) a report and match ID and reason. This would make it a detailed report and prevent quick, anger-based reports.

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