General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    good TA
    bad losing streak


      Pro: Good AM/Shadow fiend
      Con: Natures prophet does in fact benefit from finishing boots, or purchasing them in the first place.


        Good: overall K/D/A on top heroes is good
        Bad: 50% of your TOTAL games are furion, sweet jesus can you only rat doto?


          Good - 1784 mathces is a DAMN lot for me
          Bad - Slark, srsly??

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            Good: Top heroes and KDA with them.
            Bad: Has been losing lately.

            COYOTE CÓSMICO

              Good: RRRRRUBICK
              Bad: Not so high KDA with top heroes


                good: high kda with puck
                Bad: under 50% winrate


                  Good: ~700more wins than losses, that is very impressive. even tho you stack alot.
                  Bad: 918 wisp games :/ seems to be the main reason for insane amount of wins.

                  COYOTE CÓSMICO

                    Good: all good wr
                    Bad: for me too much slark, and not so many supports mostly carries


                      Good: nice omniknight wr
                      Bad: low wr overall


                        Good: Good winrate with mid lane heroes. We need more players like that.

                        Bad: 26 deaths Pudge O.o


                          Good: sweet win rates with your most played hero ( except necrophos but yeah stuff like that happens )
                          Bad: Highest GPM ever not over 700


                            Good: good winrate, looks like a skilled player
                            Bad: Highest KDA only 4.44


                              Good: Good win rate.
                              Bad: Rat prophet and Bara. Plus it looks like he's a cloning.


                                Good: Drow Winrate.
                                Bad: Longest winning streak 8 wins. Longest losing streak 11 losses.


                                  Good: kotl wisp picker=wants to win
                                  Bad: max denies 36


                                    Good: You play a lot of matches with SF and Invoker (Skill heroes)

                                    Bad: Your recent games show that you are pretty bad at supporting.


                                      Good: Fun to play heroes in your top list.

                                      Bad: You seem to be in a horrible loss streak.


                                        Good: Support picker is scarcity ,also this is commendable
                                        Bad: Low record levels

                                        EZ MID 9k mmr

                                          Solid tits.


                                            ^serial killer who loves yuki

                                            Zhong Xena

                                              good: looks a decent carry
                                              bad: i cannot pronounce your name lel


                                                good: manages to win win meepo somehow
                                                bad: winrate still below 50

                                                jess the goat

                                                  good:Doesnt pick same hero over and over
                                                  bad: low kdas on like all heroes

                                                  Mr. Crowley

                                                    Good: Decent win rate.
                                                    Bad: Nothing i guess?

                                                    Hobbit? Coincidence?

                                                    jess the goat

                                                      :O Another hobbit! Guess so

                                                      Good: mainly good kdas on your top heroes
                                                      bad:winrate is a bit low


                                                        Good: Damn that pudge and 50 huskar kills :o Overall, you seem to be doing well and have a decent knowledge of all the heroes

                                                        Bad: That medusa + ursa though :( What happened?


                                                          Good: 100 Rubick matches. Me likes.

                                                          Bad: All your top heroes have very good winrates, but your overall one is near 50% O: Also, stack less, it doesn't actually seem to benefit you :P


                                                            Good: Support player and RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRUBICK most played. :D
                                                            Bad: Dunno, you seem like a good guy.

                                                            Zano, you damn ninja Riki!

                                                            Good: Support player and super nice win rate with top heroes.
                                                            Bad: Ninja'd me!

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                                                            The  Penguin

                                                              Good: Decent win rate on most played heroes.
                                                              Bad: Pretty low win rate overall. like me..


                                                                good; mid player
                                                                bad; poor KDAs



                                                                  Good: I love penguins
                                                                  Bad: Too much pudge love ;)


                                                                    Good: Playing support and also a good furion accoring do winrate.
                                                                    Bad: You are blind. ;)


                                                                      good weaver
                                                                      bad invoker


                                                                        good winrate
                                                                        bad i really dont know :O


                                                                          Good: High win rate with the heroes you like
                                                                          Bad: your support play isn't very good

                                                                          Mad Man with a Spoon

                                                                            Good: constantly plays diffrent heroes

                                                                            Bad: Large hero pool means not an incredible amount of skill in any


                                                                              Good: Mains support

                                                                              Bad: Poor win rate


                                                                                good: nice winrate and kdas
                                                                                bad: low max performances like gpm/xpm/denies


                                                                                  Good: Void KDA/Win rate is super high

                                                                                  Bad: Void KDA is 6.66 :O


                                                                                    nigger faggot

                                                                                    jess the goat

                                                                                      Good:your top heroes have good winrate(that death propheto.O) and good kdas

                                                                                      bad:that pudge



                                                                                        Good: Nice TA/Slark/Death Prophet (really all of your top heroes)!

                                                                                        Bad: Racist and homophobic

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                                                                                          Good: Winrates on your top heroes except Antimage.

                                                                                          Bad: Longer loss streak than winstreak and ignores poor Hobbits probably because they are short.


                                                                                            Good: Extremely good support player.

                                                                                            Bad: never in a game with me to have a support.


                                                                                              Hobbit, sorry for not acknowledging you there:

                                                                                              Good: A good TA player: I can appreciate this since she's one of my favourite heroes!

                                                                                              Bad: Plays Pudge... pudge is too much work to lane against with TA :D


                                                                                              Good: Nice Spirit Breaker

                                                                                              Bad: 25 deaths with Shadow Shaman

                                                                                              Saudi Prince

                                                                                                ^ Good, Centaur in top heros i love centaur and think hes blast to play and he doesnt get enough love i like that hes in your top for a lot of games also.

                                                                                                Bad, Losing streak :( that sucks bro hate to see it happen to a centaur lover lol :P

                                                                                                Hide the pain Herald

                                                                                                  Good: Stats
                                                                                                  Bad: Probably a smurf to stomp noobs like me.


                                                                                                    Good : A good collection of heros played
                                                                                                    Bad 0:9 with Drow ranger??


                                                                                                      good: invoker
                                                                                                      bad: i dont get it, you played 141 games with sf and you still feed with him

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