General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 MMR updated

Dota 2 MMR updated in General Discussion

    - Wins and level are now hidden for players that aren't friends and don't have 'Share Match History' in the options enabled
    - Fixed a bug in the matchmaker that was causing it to insufficiently segregate players based on win count
    - Reduced average wait time and reduced incidence of extremely long wait times

    how does it make you feel knowing some scrub with 1 win will ruin ur game if you have over 300 wins?


      That already started happening two weeks ago


        no this new patch made it impossible for you to see their wins unless you befriend them on steam, i guess it's worth it because the searching time is less? hehehe #valve

        rip dota

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          rip dota
          first game after update pudge 0-2 min min 3 ragequit 50 wins/loss PRO VALVE PRO
          second game full retards top and mid ruining my game. they wouldnt stop so we lost ofc..overfed mid top and as if it wasnt enough bot FED (got raped)


            i want valve to disable names, i dont want to look at my teammates or my enemys name, its too much! plz do something about it valve.


              @Benao it looks like you were dragging your team down.


                yeah i did after they fucked with me
                i usually tell them remember my name/nick!
                didnt care enough to do it. ->jsut ignore them to easily identify them for next time


                  @hontrashplayereu Good idea, remove da names of players is really good idea, why do I care their names if I cannot see any information about em. LOL

                  And I moved to the new perfect world Chinese server. Feels much better, even tards know what they are doing. :P


                    saw this on

                    epic mmr


                      dead game


                        Valve should sell the game to a real company. Its obvious they are too low for having the king of e-sports under their authority


                          Btw 2 years+ beta/ Beta is over / Still no rating / WTF?

                          Sōu ka

                            people cried about MM before now they are trying to change something and people still cry
                            it's not like there's a golden formula that you discover one day it's a lot about estimating and predicting things based on indicators

                            MM seems really fucked right now but if you don't want them to change it stop crying because they won't improve it without testing some changes

                            Autism is great

                              HAHAHAHA those fuckin scammers
                              Fix the issue with mm? fuck you
                              instead we are going to hide wins so players won`t dodge games XDDDDDDDDDd HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
                              someone should report it on hon and lols forums so people will see what a joke this game is

                              Autism is great

                                competitive game right here

                                Autism is great

                                  ^^^yeh hiding wins seems like a way to improve mms algorithm

                                  Sōu ka

                                    who gives a shit about the number of wins of anyone

                                    because that obviously really indicates skill


                                      "how does it make you feel knowing some scrub with 1 win will ruin ur game if you have over 300 wins?"

                                      You have 3 wins, can't complain :P

                                      okmol de grace

                                        Good now I don't even know how much opponent win I am up against. Great job Volvo team how about we remove the name also and put player 1, player 2, player 3, to it.

                                        Super Saiyan God

                                          Sad thing is even League of Legends has a better matchmaking system than Dota 2... (that's mostly because of the level system and separating players into bronze, silver, gold, plat though)

                                          Over and over I keep getting enemy teams made up of veterans stacks or duo queue players while everyone on my team is completely new at the game. I am also new at the game, so this makes sense... except when all the enemy teams you fight have 100-200 more wins than you do.

                                          I had one game where 2 people on my team had 30 wins and I also had around the same. The other 2 people on my team had 300 wins or so. I am sure they were duo queue. Now the enemy team: everyone over 300 wins, including 1 guy who had over 600 wins and carried the game with 30+ kills by killing noobs over and over and camping the lanes.

                                          WTF Valve? Pretty much every other match is one-sided like this for me and it makes the game less fun to play and harder to learn gradually.

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                                          Woof Woof

                                            1) max profit
                                            2) max profit
                                            3) max profit
                                            4) max profit
                                            89) max profit
                                            90) max profit
                                            91) go to hawaii
                                            1024) add useless feautres like hero performance bars, hall of fame and language filter
                                            1025) remove or rework useless features
                                            1026) max profit
                                            10000) turn off servers


                                              LUV U VULVA


                                                600 mb patch to include more cosmetic items and hide wins YES VALVE PLZ )))))))))


                                                  oh yeah volve 1780 wins and 20 wins doto


                                                    Next Patch
                                                    All players become Anonymous
                                                    and the voice of players will be filtered so no one can recognize the voice


                                                      Btw sometimes i fantasize things like create a group of ppl that want rating and real gaming (not this shitty mm) (about 100.000 people) and dont login for a appointed 1 whole week. They will really understand the message after that. I believe it.


                                                        Unique players are up by 1.5 million over last month...a 43% increase. The matching system just got a ton of uncertainty dumped on it so it will be making unusually bad guesses for a while.

                                                        Also taking even 100,000 active players out of a base of over 5 million is not going to be noticed.

                                                        Pandamonium(You Died)

                                                          So many angst teenagers here. Valve said, that they don't like that players use win counter as representative of skill. They also said they want to have SOME indication of your progress. They will eventually post certain data regarding to MM (I.e maybe we will be able to see bracket of someone, or whatever they decide will decrease amount of e-peen measuring.)
                                                          C'mon guys, finish high-school, read some book,realize that game creation isnt easy.

                                                          Ples Mercy

                                                            good example, you have 53% winrate yet u suck so hard someone sould assume u have below 40%.

                                                            btw hows the work @ highschool going?


                                                              MM on Aus servers just became so much worse.


                                                                The main problem is a lack of players. I know that may sound absurd with 5 million players..but if you want to que in your region, at your skill level, using the mode you want in a few min time window...yes there are not a lot of highly skilled players available. Often there are not enough to make a game.

                                                                So you have to fill in the gaps with people who are not as good. There are maybe 100k to 800k players per month in a given region depending on which one. Really only 5% can play in Very High games and not feed...5k to 40k. Playing your mode? Maybe now its 2k - 15k per month. Queing during this 3 min period? There are 43.2k 3 min periods so... you have on average 0.05 to 0.35 top 5% players available in the que....well what can be done? The players don't exist. Its very rare that 10 top 5% players will be queing for the game in the same mode on the same region server at the same time.

                                                                That is why you don't get good matches at the top levels...the players don't exist in the que. To get good games you have to arrange them. You have to announce...Very High level game to be played at XX:XX on some platform that most of the qualified players can see.

                                                                That sort of thing has not been established yet although some have tried. At some point someone will do it right and everyone will gravitate to it. The latest attempt was just posted.


                                                                Maybe this one will work out. I will try it and see how it goes.


                                                                  ya all are just some butthurt kids^


                                                                    This thread is the perfect example why Valve has to hide most statistics:
                                                                    The DotA2 community is full of raging kids who are not able to use them in a mature way, but instead as an e-peen meter to segregate oneself from the "noobs"... currently with totally irrelevant numbers like win count or KDA. Giving out actually relevant stats would lead to even more flames.

                                                                    I was very disappointed when Valve has practically shut down the API that made the Dotabuff Rating possible, but I can understand their motives by now.

                                                                    Woof Woof

                                                                      whats the problem? smart kids gtfo from dumb kids/ rich people gtfo from poor people and so on but in dota its impossible


                                                                        ded game


                                                                          I know my winrate is pretty bad from sucking when I started, but I still don't get why I had a match with three teammates with less than 5 wins. 1 win, 2 wins, and 4 wins. I mean, I usually don't complain about matchmaking, but that is just extreme.

                                                                          And now I can't even check that so every time I lose I can't figure out if I was the one that did something wrong or it really was my teammates and I couldn't have reversed the games. I'd be alright with the new update if matchmaking wouldn't match me with 75% of my team having won less than 5 games under any circumstance, but.

                                                                          Reference match:

                                                                          (yes my score is horrible but 5 wins for 3 players on my team is too extreme)



                                                                            Not to be harsh but you have a 46% WR with a 1KDA on all your top heroes.

                                                                            I think it's a safe bet to say MM is doing its job in that game you listed.


                                                                              y u mad bro ?!?!?!?! its valve deal with it


                                                                                ded game


                                                                                  In some of your latest matches you played Carry with suboptimal stats and still won the game. No complaining about those matches?

                                                                                  I don't see the problem to be honest.

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                                                                                    Damn, how to carry hardcore feeder yiran? :D :D :D


                                                                                      Blunt, such shit happens cuz this mm - as I've already said countless of times - favours newbs and average players over goodies.


                                                                                      Now I cant even check the amount of wins? Even this shitty element of measuring skill is dead now.

                                                                                      Wp Gaben, not even hiding now how casual you want this game to be.

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                                                                                        Dazzle and Sniper were my Internet malfunctioning and giving me double the ping I usually have. It wasn't that high but completely messed up my performance since I wasn't used to it. I do admit that things like that would bring down my rating, but that was the first time it happened and even then, the extremity of the situation is still surprising (well, to me).

                                                                                        Yeah, my top heroes are bad, because when I started I went for Dagon Rubick and stats Drow and really stupid shit. The heroes I've been using recently like Spectre and Clockwerk I'm doing better with. I guess it'll take time to get my rating back up but still...

                                                                                        I'm not complaining about most matches where I won, just like I'm not complaining about most matches where I lost; but seriously I still don't know why I am matched with 3 people with less than 5 wins. I think the opponents were smurfs, though that still doesn't explain why I'm in that match in the first place. Yes, I have a bad record. That doesn't explain 3 absolute new players.


                                                                                          @yiran it's because you're bad.


                                                                                            lol @sanju for losing his last game to Mouse Sport :D


                                                                                              oh my god ... it is not good for me ...


                                                                                                idk why everyone in these threads think theyre good, if you play with bad people on a consistant basis then either you are bad or you are bad, dont expect to play with solid people each time you play, thats what friends are for, you are not entitled to win every game because just face it, maybe just maybe the other players on the other team are genuinely better and you can learn some shit if you watch the replays. but qqing that the mm system is broken isnt gonna make you better.


                                                                                                  cus i rekt u

                                                                                                  Woof Woof

                                                                                                    ^^ that is the case in hon/lol but not in dota 2


                                                                                                      Sometimes when I play dota I get so mad, I just start shaking and squirming around in a fit of rage on my floor. When I lose I often punch the wall and hurt myself, and I go outside and roll around. I just get so mad, it feels like I could kill someone or myself.


                                                                                                        ^ i wanna know what u did when u got that 6 loss streak. did you steal someones sweetroll?