General Discussion

General DiscussionForming team

Forming team in General Discussion

    mid-high skill
    many hours in Dota 2
    300+ wins
    45% minimum winrate
    good english
    know basic dota actions and tactics
    know how to play 70%+ heroes and know all spells and items
    US and both EU servers


    Ples Mercy

      You cant be mid/high skilled with a 45% winrate.

      'know basic dota, howto play 70%', thats given when you are a mid/high skilled player.

      Btw, your lowskilled, no highskilled player would want to play with you, sorry.


        "mid-high skill"

        "48.12% winrate"

        I feel sorry for people who are on ur team, pls dont form a team


          hey man I'd be happy to play with you
          not, kappa


            Often we get threads like this where someone wants to start a team. When you do this you are certain to get trolls showing up to say you are bad and tell you to give up. Pretty much every thread I have seen like this has been posted by mediocre to weak players...this tends to be the case because if you are actually good people notice in game and invite you without some kind of forum post.

            But don't be discouraged...unless you really are delusional and think you will somehow go pro with a 3k tMMR. (Note 3k is average, half of all pub teams are better, 4k is top 5%, 5k is weak pro team territory) But don't be discouraged from making a team and improving your play and practicing organized dota, or trying to get into local tournaments. Those are all great fun and I hope many more people get into them even if they suck.

            But for anyone who is delusional...if you are not solo queing into Very High, there is no chance you and your team are going to get anywhere in competitive dota. Set a more realistic goal, like ------- > lets think up some cool strat and practice it and then run over pub team matching games.

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              you really think he wants to form "pro" team and now he is crying because trolls discouraged him ?