General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat happened to mute/report system?

What happened to mute/report system? in General Discussion

    First of all, I know it is normal bracket. I am aware that it is shit tier, but this is not related to skill of player, it is just his mentallity.

    This axe He randomed zeus and then repicked to axe. Why did he pick axe, I dont know.
    First he dies stupidly 2 times and warlocks get killed cause of him. He abbandons his lane, and goes jungle. Why he didnt go jungle in first place, I dont know. And then he farms, farms. While that, we where doing good on other lanes.. We had early momentum.
    Then first big clash. We won barely that teamfight under their ti1 tower. Then they bb and crashed us. While that was happening, (30 seconds was duration of teamfight) axe was near, stacking pull camp. I think, maybe he is bad, maybe he just has 0 map awarness and that aint reason to flame him-

    But yeah, he was doing it on purpose.. 55 minute of jungling. Slark dived me on tower like 11 times, he was just clearing big camp, not minding anything.

    SO, we decide, as team to report him ( I know I did). So that is 3 reports for 1 guy, right?

    Next game, same axe, in enemy team. Not muted, not lpq..


      IFAIK, a large number of reports in one game by itself will not trigger a mute or LPQ, it takes a certain number over the course of a few games to establish a pattern for Valve to say "yeah, fuck this guy".


        3 is not enough. You need at least 6.

        Every Sunday another batch of assholes and idiots are released from LPQ. This happens because that is when the bans expire at the start of the new week. They venture out to ruin games until in short order they are reported by enough people and locked up again.

        This Sunday I used 3 reports against game ruiners on my team. I got all 3 reports back to use again because these 3 people were sent to LPQ from my reports. 2 were sent to LPQ immediately, 1 took another day to accumulate enough. When I use a report I save it for someone who is clearly intentionally losing the game. I make it clear to my team that they are doing this pointing out specific examples of how they are screwing us. Then at the end of the game I politely ask the other team to join us in all reporting the game ruiner. If two of them as well as all of my team make the report they go back to LPQ immediately and will not bother us again. I get my report back nearly every time with this method and a nice message saying in so many words "Thank you for reporting this jerk we got him."

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          hopefully they almost removed that mute system cuz it was abusable as much as possible

          i reported like 3000 ppls myself and most of them got muted or low priority