You happen to be queued against Loda and EGM because they were stacking with noobs (Kelly + 1), which lowered their average rating significantly. Don't look too much into fluctuations, everyone has their bad days and when you get four new teammates every game chances are one of them might be off (playing a hero not used to, drunk, in a bad mood, etc).
I know dude as I said i played vs them cos they played with some girls,still was like 6-7 total page..I won`t anyway play vs them if I m bad,I think I m playing atm very decent..and I m trying to improve more every day.
I know all of these but how is possible going first item perservense with rubick at very high and clockwerk who steals farm to anti sense.
i played vs puppey and he raped my russian teammate in lane
killed him twice, made the game last and still after that i got a 20 streak of rly bad games (awful players)
yeh mm isnt retarded i am sure some of those 52%wr players were even better than loda and egm thats why they got crippled with 48%wr player
also players on loda side got way more wins
Beyond my standard "que with 5" and "get more friends" responses...I have no idea how that game could be considered balanced.
I would say it was 1 v 2 in a que, but at page 6 on EUwest thats really unlikely.
The girls are not TI3 Champions but they are...probably as good as me or better. Maybe complement them in game when this hard and try to get them to add you.
Anyway I'll repeat the standard lines. Dota is a team game. Play as a team. Get more friends. Que with 5. I am working on a couple ideas to try to make this easier.
I love solo que cos i think that`s the best way to improve,but you are right I need to play more with friends which are at very high as me and we can get even more mmr like that. This solo que is really start to be hard for me even I play really good,I m at 52% still.
If you have room for more friends Relentless can you add me?
You were prob. on a winning streak they the roll the dice on you to lose. Then agian they could roll some ez wins for you but then team throws. All sudden u will be on normal tier afterwards, lol.
Well, what Relentless just said certainly doesn't explain how my last two games were the first one in Very High bracket and the next one in Normal bracket, despite having won the first game AND stacking with the exact same people for the second...
you should stop thinking that being in a game with good players means that your rating is particularly high ( I'm not saying it's not)
pages as well as brackets are based on average MMR of each player (potentially bonuses for stacks)
you might as well be the counterpart to any of those females/low rated players as stacks are being matched based on similar structures (usually)
they do have a clear advantage which makes their games significantly easier to win
every player in their stack knows their place and respects their decisions as well as respective role preferences + voice communication
if you have players with great skill differences picking and playing according to their preferences and capabilities makes a huge difference and lacking game knowledge doesn't really matter when you just have to follow orders
so when you have a well structured stack having lower rated players can be very advantageous
for matchmaking things like communication, team play and organization are pretty much intangibles
they might end up being reflected in your MMR as a result of wins but when you go back to solo queuing you will naturally lose more games as those intangibles have inflated your MMR and are not reproducible in a random environment (for the most part)
you can actually have 2 perfectly balanced teams that would never result in a "fair" match because people don't know their fucking place (partially because you can 't see MMR, but to be fair most people would simply not give a fuck anyway)
I find playing with friends is a lot better if you want to grow as a DotA player. That way you can discuss what went wrong and how you could have performed differently in certain situations.
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6 games ago I just played vs Loda and EGM very high match was like 6-7 at total pages.
And last game with Anti-Mage i get 3 russians at very high and was like 9 page with Undying as a hero that`s like 20-30 page Am or smth.. game before Anti mage was page 2 with heroes..and i Didnt` even played bad i did best i could. K/d/a was 6-7-8.. (All solo que)
And now this game with anti mage and 3 russians I m so confused about mmr now even more,this very high match was so low. --> I seriosly give up after 4-5 min. of the game,I always try to win but this game..
Rubick went mid vs sf doin nothing all game..and items going boots than perservense woot perservense again i say! I was eazy lane with clockwerk vs timbersaw and undying...clockwerk stealing me creeps and die vs them like 3 times in 5 min. Doom not help from wood and weaver 3-8-2 score after 26 min. Can you explain me this balance bro?