General Discussion

General DiscussionAdministration! Pay attention to us! "This player has been flagged fo...

Administration! Pay attention to us! "This player has been flagged for exploiting." in General Discussion

    I like the way they act they don't know why they're getting queued vs terrible players. It's utterly obvious that they know.
    However, I'm curious too.

    biba tvoey mamashki



        They are clearly up to something, we have seen others do this and they actually start playing "decent" opponents from just a couple games in, even when they do have a couple people hop on newer accounts. Heck, even on this account which is just solo queue, even in the very early matches in almost every match there were multiple players that had their dotabuff history shared, yet these guys are consistently playing full teams that have their history hidden.

        Is it possible that they have a network of accounts that they use and 5 man queue against 5 randomly selected accounts by searching a specific language (like chinese or something, which wouldn't be common in Russia, I think..)?

        I'm curious as to how they have done it, but you can bet your ass this isn't legit, even normal bracket baddies can spot your level 1 rosh from a mile away.

        team fuck sucks

          The last 7 games were against all anonymous. So you're doing something that allows you to consistently go against low-leveled players.


            "even normal bracket baddies can spot your level 1 rosh from a mile away."
            No they can't.


              No need to put yourself down mate.

              best carry swe

                How do you go against low skilled players every time? I have 10 games or so and my 4 last games have been on front page and I'm playing solo.

                This was during night as well when the server is almost dead because people usually get drunk or go out at that time.
                It seems to be legit but you are doing something to face low skilled players.

                biba tvoey mamashki

                  50% our games and maybe more vs guys who have 100+/500+/ wins, and we win every game anyway. Simple example -, sniper and invoker really newbie, but windrunner have 400+ how? - 1000 games barathrum? how? And i can found many and many other games like this but i don't care. I know im not using bots/cheats and other illegal software. If we have only 50 wins why we play against guys who already have 400? About Russian server only in this server i have ping 25,30 and for me it's the most comfortable and not one other server does not give me ping like this. All time we playing vs different enemies why we has been banned don't know. Maybe before ban try to watch replays / look at it from the other side no anyone using this strategy before(in ap mode in dota 2 many times) with fast rosh without heroes like ursa lich and others default heroes. We not only using this strategy with fast rosh we have really good and skilled players, one in the ranking of most matches played, another one top2 dotabuff, another in main account have 70% winrate in main account i mean. We have really good stack and try to make "X"-0, we did not break rules and how we can contact the person who can explain everything?
                  P.S And yes we searching games only with russian and english languages.

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                  best carry swe


                    If you look at this guys profile, he doesn't face players with completely hidden profiles and so on and he was playing before the smurf detection.

                    You're hiding something from us so your ban is well deserved.

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                    biba tvoey mamashki

                      Block for the facts, not speculation, we are not guilty, and you are only trying to catch us in something.

                      We absolutely agree to pass all the checks, check, everything is clean, we are not afraid of anything.

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                        Can someone watch some of their matches? Let us know what the opponents do, do they have any idea what they are doing? Do some appear to be bots? Do they have decent APM (sandbox/multi-computer)?

                        biba tvoey mamashki

                          You're just weak, doesn't compare yourself and us.
                          We play fair and doesn't use absolutely.

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                          best carry swe

                            Basically they are using 1-3 bots with sandboxie or multi computers that plays like shit on purpose, there is no fucking way you keep playing against shitty players and it doesn't matter if it's on Russia, SEA or South Africa. You will always meet good players no matter what region you're in.

                            They did an experiment before but in South Africa instead.

                            Wisp and Leshrac seem to be experienced players while rest of them are ultra low skilled trash players.

                            I have two suspicions of who WIsp and Leshrac could be. No doubts its them, a simple IP check would confirm it easily.
                   - wisp
                   - Leshrac

                            I don't need to bring up everything Relentless said so the ban is well deserved, in fact, every account they make should be banned because of this shit, there is just NO WAY you can keep facing bad players with a high winstreak and they are not experienced at all, it's like watching passive bots vs humans.

                            best carry swe

                              I watched their last match and holy fuck it really is like I'm watching passive bots.
                              Compare their opponents gameplay with passive bots and it's literally THE SAME THING lol.


                                sad rus scum that care about winrate. i hope all of you faggots get permabanned for ruining low tier games

                                best carry swe

                                  I'm also surprised why this guy got unbanned.

                                  Clearly the Leshrac player is him and this guy also exploited with a friend and sandboxie.

                         < one example

                                  biba tvoey mamashki

                                    They also say that that Russian nationalists ..
                                    Speculation, conjecture, guess, the administrator checked our replay, look.

                                    biba tvoey mamashki

                                      this guy was unbanned coz 80% + of his games against/with pro players 1st page mm

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                                        Aesthetic man is a confirmed exploiter. It may not have been in many of his matches, but we know that he did the solo matchmaking exploit - and apparently the Wisp he played with used an abandon exploit too.

                                        best carry swe

                                          There is no abandon/dodge exploit, they are playing against players who seem to be passive bots, which is why their profiles remain anonymous if you look at every match and sometimes, they don't go as a 5 stack but rather 3-4 so it looks more "legit" which explains what Relentless said before, he even linked those few players who actually had their profiles public.

                                          This isn't about winrate, this is fucking disgusting. The only actual good players in their stack is the Io/Wisp and Leshrac, if I remember correct, the other three abused LPH and servers in South Africa with a sandboxie setup.

                                          Why would a decent and good player do this? They wouldn't. You don't deserve to appear in any ranking fucking faggot.
                                          Keep making new accounts and play an actual game or let me know when you play and I'll be happy to bring my friends with me, let's see how you fucking stand up against that.

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                                            They are legit. Playing AP with a good combo of heroes. What's the problem? You're now banning people for willing to win or what?

                                            biba tvoey mamashki

                                              @best carry swe


                                              Why do you arrange a discussion with a fake?

                                              writed from this account, it was you who abuse there LPH ( limeted hero pool )


                                                A familiar face.

                                                member of Chris' exploit stack

                                                edit: oh how funny, van-art is one of this exploiter's friends.


                                                FRIENDSTHIS MONTH
                                                Friend Matches Win Rate
                                                van-art` #cancer to 6.79 van-art`... 20


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                                                best carry swe

                                                  I don't watch anime nor do I give a fuck about winrate, sorry bud.

                                                  Wow I just went through his matches in that mode and almost every player in his stack can be found in your friend list too, this is getting better the more we look further into this.

                                                  It's like you guys are connected, fucking Russians trying to achieve winrate by cheating.

                                                  You're also friend with that Aesthetic cunt who exploited with sandboxie before.

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                                                  biba tvoey mamashki

                                                    @best carry swe

                                                    Dialog skype

                                                    simsalabim bingbong:tell me how you did, i will get you unbanned
                                                    [11:51:13] simsalabim bingbong: im banned on dotabuff forum
                                                    [11:51:16] simsalabim bingbong: rofl
                                                    [11:51:21] simsalabim bingbong: im just saying you did something
                                                    [11:51:24] simsalabim bingbong: dont get mad over it

                                                    I just told him that we play fair, and do not use it, and said that with such cancers as we played it for a maximum of limited hero pool


                                                      Terriblean hour ago
                                                      A familiar face.

                                                      member of Chris' exploit stack

                                                      edit: oh how funny, van-art is one of this exploiter's friends.


                                                      FRIENDSTHIS MONTH
                                                      Friend Matches Win Rate
                                                      van-art` #cancer to 6.79 van-art`... 20


                                                      What is your issue?! ;D


                                                        I believe they are legit......
                                                        Yet there are multiple reasons:
                                                        1. There are very few really good players, on the pro level, if you match a whole pro team that set their goal for win against random players, they just won. Because there are so few of such teams, mm never found a match against them.

                                                        2. What are the mm rating for those pro players ? since valve never release any information, let's assume they treat them as any other players, then the obvious fact is: they are not on the top of the lists.

                                                        So who is on the top of the rating? A wild guess with the new anti smurf system, due to random noob feeders, the high ladder is actually full of those who got high kills in a few games.

                                                        Exactly how many are there ? If you look closer at the smurf accounts you'd find most games they get are terribly imbalanced. Let's say 70% of the total, now another 70% of these will result in huge kda. So based on pure luck 1/1000 player will get consecutive high kda on 10 games, if one server got around 10000 of "new" players, you got 10 of such people.

                                                        Are they really good ? No... the fact that the world have all the great things are actually pure luck, you believe it or not, god given.

                                                        So now they are matched with a pro level gang, picked their hero combo, set their goal to win, they just win.

                                                        3. #2 is assuming mm is like an angel. However many of us believe it's the devil. So what a devil will do ?

                                                        They actually do a lot of things, and many more possibly. If you try to be more careful, you should find the players in your game share some similarity both in their names, and pattern of hero picking as you do. lol

                                                        But none of them are related to actual skill level, as what valve does now, they actually give up. Instead they believe putting players with similar behavior together will result in a happy ending ! So let's put sniper pickers together and sb pickers together, in their group they love each other lol

                                                        So now what we get ? 99% of the games are just for pure troll, yes 95% of all players actually suck. Human nature make us overlook our own mistakes. For the suckers you realize they will soon forget the times they are fucked hard, yet enjoy the time when they bash other noobs. So in this great mmr system they are actually happy !! Do they care about balanced games ? nope forget about it lol

                                                        In the devil's world, try hard is rewarded, why do you think they are exploit ?


                                                          40% winrate doto best doto

                                                          Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

                                                            lol cant believe people still doing this


                                                              @best carry swe
                                                              you are so mad rat
                                                              Relax, and go smoke some weed. Don't need to be such a bitch.


                                                                @van-art cancer
                                                                I spotted 18% antimage lol you must be da feeder antimage lmao...


                                                                  Did anybody check carefully the game they lost?


                                                                    We don't lost.
                                                                    Game counted as lose because he abandoned the game.


                                                                      They didn't lose, the player abandoned (must of dc or something), the team won.

                                                                      anyway its pretty clear that you guys are cheating, and part of one big group of virgin russian exploiters

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                                                                        oh, i see

                                                                        butthurt russians get banned

                                                                          Let the experiment begin!

                                                                          I'm playing solo in Russia and my MMR is public, I will never put it to private to hide losses.
                                                                          Let's see who my opponents will be after a couple of games.


                                                                            Why ppl believe they are exploit just because they won ?

                                                                            Or they are just like trolls complain about being afk so I am a bad guy ?
                                                                            look at these trolls lol they said they have reported me after the game, you see what, they have less gpm than an afked furion lol

                                                                            You see noobs first pick sniper, but you gotta be insane to repick sniper right ? lol......



                                                                              I ain't playing anti mage nor do I give a huck. Smurfing ain't working so gut neeeega

                                                                              butthurt russians get banned

                                                                                Because they are exploiting, after at least 2 winstreak, you face better players and Valve isn't this shit and there is just no way to smurf this much.

                                                                                And not to mention they are Russians.

                                                                                Everybody knows that Slavs cheat :)

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                                                                                  no valve is pretty badass, they won't give you better opponent, they just find some 2 or 3 scrub with sub 40% win rate in your team to fuck you up. Now they are 5 man gang, valve failed lol


                                                                                    @chinese dude

                                                                                    Because anyone who has any idea of how MM works is aware that even after a couple of wins your rating sky rockets and you play against decent players pretty quickly, others who have 5 man smurf stacked play against top players right from just a couple matches in, not talking about only pros with the verified tick here either.

                                                                                    Yet these players are not only not playing against people with shared games, which is quite rare to see 5 man teams like that, even more so in what should be a relatively high bracket, but they are clearly playing against horrible players too. Anyone with half a brain can see they are going to do level 1 roshan, and while you might not pick it up every match, to go 40+ matches without being contested is very strange.

                                                                                    Let's also keep in mind that on their friend's list is the FPZ person who, as shown was playing -cm mode against what appears to be bots, as well as other players in those matches like the Obey person that is also friends with the exploiters here.

                                                                                    One thing is certain is that they are exploiting, whether they are using the bot cheat or whatever it is that the FPZ guy was doing is hard to say, its difficult to say how they are doing it in All Pick on the Russian server, but I can guess it involves filtering for Chinese language or something retarded.

                                                                                    You might also want to help your team out more instead of staying away from any fights the moment your team is down lol

                                                                                    even on this account while solo queuing, 70 matches and 23 losses I play against Even in my very early matches which would be extremely low rating you can see that a lot of players have their dotabuff pages shared.

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                                                                                    Melis Ayça Şirinevler*

                                                                                      how the hell they can cheat?


                                                                                        @butthurt russians get banned:

                                                                                        "Everybody knows that Slavs cheat :)"

                                                                                        It just happens that i also have Slavic roots and i find this offensive.

                                                                                        i don't see where you are going with this and how this can be useful into the discussion
                                                                                        its like saying everybody knows Chinese people are assholes

                                                                                        what is even the point of bringing this in?
                                                                                        stupidity and ignorance at its finest


                                                                                          they pour vodka on their mouse so it'll get controlled by dendi.



                                                                                            Never help your dying teamate suicide dive lol, sometimes you can carry them, but helping them won't make any better consequence lol
                                                                                            More likely you will be eaten by the enemies too lol

                                                                                            In the same spirit never support them, because they don't know how to carry, when they are fed they throw, when they are killed they blame. When you see antimage + alch inst pick, you should pick furion and afk farm or get any support hero and rush for midas, in the end you find they farm slower than an afked hero lol

                                                                                            Furion is a good hero because in 90% of the game you can still afk farm when your lovely antimage teamate is getting chased and raped all around the map. They won't bother check to see if there's a furion in the game. Very rare case when you see zeus or spec, the situation is a bit more complicated... I mean spec ult shouldn't ghost on invisible hero just like zeus ult does not...... lol

                                                                                            best carry swe
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                                                                                              best carry swe

                                                                                                Here is me searching for a game by myself, I have 14 matches played.


                                                                                                Here is you Russians searching for a game with a stack with 100% winrate and over 50+ games played.


                                                                                                Well fucking deserved ban, get fucked cunts

                                                                                                - Fixed a bug in the matchmaker that was causing it to insufficiently segregate players based on win count

                                                                                                Yet you guys face players with LOWER WINRATE and less matches played.

                                                                                                There is so much to say against this shit that it's just waste of time, this thread should be locked.

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                                                                                                  ^ fact that you played against people who have 3000+ games with 14 games smurf account soloq is actually 5 times more disturbing than this banned stack..

                                                                                                  You judge them, but still dont even get how they are doing it. Looks like nobody actually does.

                                                                                                  If they cheat, how the fuck do they cheat? By doing what? If they are all 5man, if there is now low priority; if they dont dodge radiant side, then what?

                                                                                                  This comment was edited


                                                                                                    OMFG IM IN THE SAME PARTY AS VAN-ART KIDADES AND CHRIS WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
                                                                                                    IM AN ABUSER NOW. ALL OBEY THE V-GOD.

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                                                                                                      OMG DOUBLE V GOD IN PARTI WE WIN ABUSE KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEK