General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the most annoying type of pub players to you?

What is the most annoying type of pub players to you? in General Discussion

    Theres the flamers, the feeders, the noobs, the throwers and the list goes on.

    But you know who really gets on my nerve?

    That one guy who solo mids as QoP and does 0 ganks, steals the carries farm and ksing all the time. Then we lose and game ends with his 14-3-5 score and he goes "wtf always dragged down by team."

    That one guy who 'supports' by buying ONE set of wards + courier. He then competes for lane CS with carry and always single pulls when the carry goes 1v2. Game ends and he goes "wtf thats why supporting is hopeless."

    I call these guys the "fuckers". These are the guys so badly affected by the Dunning–Kruger effect and have no idea.


      for me ignorant players > everything else my fav in this category are players that lock pudge/sf to show off while completely ignoring enemy picks ( i guess they believe in some sort of higher skill and matchup disadvantage is just a myth for them )
      I remember one case where enemy had invoker, spirit breaker and Natures Prophet so our teammate called mid and choose sf :XD
      and his response to my 'dude repick sf they are going to gank you all the time' ""DONT WORRY I A GOOD SF"" :DDDDDDDD
      he was 0/5 in 7minutes


        The guy who lastpicks a melee carry when we already have three of them.

        EZ MID 9k mmr



            "play your own game"

            edit: and those guys that pick last, and pick someone that doesn't suit the rest of your team AT ALL. Also people that brag about the most retarded shit - this one match we had 4 heroes chosen, BH offlane, myself carry and 2 supports which made a strong tri-lane. BH offered to go mid, I told him to fuck off. He says "you've never seen a BH go mid? pfff". He fed.

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              Pudge players, i fucking hate them, that includes you OP.



                Seems like ignorant noobs seems to be a common type thats hated.

                @1315, I think I benefit my team as a pudge so thank you.


                  The most annoying type of pub players is me. That is all. I even annoy myself when I play.


                    Players who decide to press the fucking Random Hero button when they are the last pick.


                      "I fak you mother to night" guys
                      and those party-mates who reply "AXAXAXAXAXA" to this classy joke.


                        Retards who think they're better than everyone else, yet can't make plays to back up their talk and then starts blaming the whole team if we're losing.

                        d -

                          Most annoying are Pudge Pickers and Feeders. And supports going for CS and focusing on last hitting the enemy. Even worse: Supports who think that they can carry and farm jungle all day


                            Anyone that doesn't suck it up and listens to me!
                            Anyone that fucks with me

                            any of that shit happen i destroy my items in front of the guy or go suicide or smth, he does it again i throw completely


                              I hate that classic all chat trash talking

                              ez game / ff no def / noob team again..

                              what is that about ? like I care

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                                noob carry that rush midas and doesnt even use it.. why he bought it ? idk..

                                a support that want to carry and end up steal carry farm.

                                a player that want to lead the game when he noob at it. ex. he tell to P or gank mid then he himself go top or bottom and resulting we lose every team fight..

                                Dire Wolf

                                  The worst of players that disconnect before the creep wave spawns, then his friend pauses and says wait he's coming back, 5 mins later he dc's again. His friend is still like hold on he's coming I swear. Then he dc's again in the middle of a crucial defend or something. If your internet and/or pc can't handle dota gtfo.

                                  The other most awful types are those who rage quit WAAAAY to early. I've had people quit when we were ahead a few kills like 15-10, and just cus they are 1-6 or whatever. They act like cus they suck we are doomed. Or sometimes you're down early cus you have nature's or a strong late hero who isn't that great early and they still GG quit.

                                  And then the guy who goes mid/safe lane no matter what. I had a tidehunter force himself mid one game. It was awful.


                                    The worst players are those that don't support me when I choose the carry. Then, while I'm getting ganked for a solid 15 seconds under my tower, they don't TP, meaning I die for free. (Theoretically, I was in a perfectly safe situation given that I survived 15 seconds, it's enough time for TPs to AT THE LEAST help me survive - if not turn things around for a free kill on our end). Then, repeat this whole thing throughout the game. I can't get farm. They kill me whenever they want. My team isn't existent. I honestly don't know what they're doing. They threw the game.

                                    Yes, they then unanimously blame me for "having bad farm".

                                    I don't care about flamers as long as they don't bring their anger into the game (i.e. they don't grief/ ignore my needs just because they are angry at me). I don't mind newbies if they listen. Just TP on ganks and don't feed wildly. That is all I request.

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                                      ^ I was forced to pick support in 8 out of 10 of my last games because of ppl like you. Maybe I don't want to be the last position player on the team all the time. but who cares, "I pick carry you should support".


                                        ^ You aren't skilled enough to win the game if you are the carry. You are better fit to be my support. If you want to win, just TP when I'm getting ganked.

                                        EZ MID 9k mmr

                                          If your supports under-performing It's a good idea to remind them to have TP scroll present at all times.

                                          Instead of typing/saying: "OMG HOW AM I MATCHED WITH YOU?? UALL IDIOTS!??!@%"
                                          Try something like: "Please carry 2 TPs with you, next time I'm getting dived give me a hand"

                                          You'd be surprised what little positive communication can do.

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                                            i dunno, "OMG HOW AM I MATCHED WITH YOU?? UALL IDIOTS!??!@%" seems more effective

                                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                                              Hey, whatever works for you! ^^


                                                Nah, I always explain we should all carry TPs, and that the free kill could have been avoided. I explain I was under the tower for 15 seconds. They just start name-calling. "You died, you're a newbie." They get defensive, because you come off as preaching when you explain to them anything about DotA.

                                                A bit unrelated, when people start calling me newbies and raging at me, for example, I simply say, "Listen, I'm doing what I know how to do. Do you care to tell me what I did was wrong, or what I should be doing? I'll start now." This ends with them just calling me a newbie again. Had they told me specifically I should have carried a TP (and by this time, believe me I know I should have), I just say "Yeah, my bad." Positive communication receiving positive feedback is almost an impossibility unless you run into me. I am the best player, just TP when I'm getting ganked.

                                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                  Be a bigger man and don't lose your cool when they get defensive.

                                                  Remind them that in order to win you need to work as a team.


                                                    Selfish players


                                                      I can tell you're just making shit up. That doesn't work. No matter what you say to someone in this context, they will just flame you. The best thing to do is play as best as you can, offer suggested strategies without it linking to any bad event on your team (or else you will be misconstrued as playing the "blame game"), and just not bring up when something bad happens (again, you will be misconstrued as playing the "blame game").

                                                      I am an incredible player. I will often warn, when I am playing carry, 15 to 30 seconds in advance, "I am about to get ganked. Get TPs and be ready to jump in". So I follow my first line of advice: the general strategy. But then I bring it up after I died, "This could have been avoided. We just needed TP reaction." Then, the newbie flaming comes "You died, you're a newbie." By communicating advice just after a bad event, I gain the attribute of "playing the blame game" and "flaming". This is how DotA works.

                                                      A good model to follow is Merlini. Even when his teammates do stupid ass shit, he doesn't say, "Hey, you just did stupid ass shit." Even when he is with random people. He does, however, take the initiative by communicating strategy without it being bound to a bad event.

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                                                        I don't like when people start the blame game. Instead of communicating to find solutions, or adapting to a situation that is clearly not working out, they instead decide to get mad at video games. It's amazing what simple, non-negative, communication can do for a team.

                                                        Ples Mercy

                                                          real ruskies



                                                            Just so you know, "nonnegative communication" to you obviously means "talking about strategy without it being tied to a bad event" whereas "playing the blame game" means "talking about strategy with it being tied to a bad event".

                                                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                              Psychology 101 is hard.

                                                              Question of the day:
                                                              if you're an incredible player why do you get matched with people who are unreasonable and not as incredible as yourself?

                                                              Must be bad matchmaking, right?

                                                              Oh well, I tried to shed some light.
                                                              /signing out


                                                                afk prophet farmers, not a single tp before 25 min while spamming ult when off cd


                                                                  I hate playing with throwers and people that wants to help enemies finish faster if they think they are at disadvantage.



                                                                    Nope. You're using a straw man fallacy since I never said any of that garbage.

                                                                    1.) Why am I matched with these people.

                                                                    First off, these types of players are usually linked together in a party. In other words, they aren't necessarily "bad". They are just selfish to their own party. They'll ignore your needs when it's the right decision not to do so just to satisfy the needs of their friend POSSIBLY.

                                                                    Second, you have grossly misunderstood matchmaking. It is actually a REQUIREMENT for you to be playing with people that have different MMR than you often if you solo queue. Example: Bob and Smith party up. Bob is in the bottom 1% and Smith is in the top 99%. The inclusion of this asymmetric party means no matter who the 3 people are that the algorithm chooses to play with Bob and Smith, 1 player will either be much higher or much lower than each of those 3 peoples' MMR. This alone should clue you in on why sometimes tremendous newbies enter your games.

                                                                    But if you want to use the homogeneous MMR misunderstanding as an argument, I'll just blow you out of the water: I solo queue into games that Merlini solo queues:

                                                                    See the flaw in your logic?

                                                                    I am incredible, though, irrespective of my teammates. You can just queue with me and try me out if you really want. That is the only real test.

                                                                    And no, MM is not bad. It has impossible constraints that force good and bad players to get together (the example I gave and many variants on it). There is no workaround other than forbidding people from partying together into less than a 5 stack if they are too different in MMR. And no one would want that.

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                                                                    waku waku

                                                                      flaming players pierce my soul

                                                                      One Man Army

                                                                        I hate the fucker go check my profile and say "only xxx win, noob", idk wtf wrong with that fucker ??? He think he better than me because he got more win ???


                                                                          female player. usually duo stack with a male.
                                                                          when they speak to each other in a language you don't know. for some reason I feel sexual harassed.


                                                                            basicly any pudge/sniper/meepo picker and smurfs who doesn't take advices


                                                                              anyone who complain about teammates to the opposite team. that's really bad. feel like betrayal.


                                                                                When my team is speaking a different language and don't communicate in English/Ping
                                                                                Then at the end of the game they all suddenly speak English and Harass me in allchat "Uninstall Dota, Feeder support"
                                                                                Or the premature GGers who give up when they die twice in their lane or when our team is down 5 kills

                                                                                SMELLY APE

                                                                                  The type that always finds an excuse when he dies, BUT when one of his teammates die he starts pointing out what he should've done and say "stop feeding/dying".
                                                                                  Any other type of player i don't really care, a simple mute usually solves everything.


                                                                                    I hate carry pickers who can't carry. Failing to last hit, picking a bad carry against their probable off-lane heroes, making bad item decisions, not knowing when/where to farm and when to fight...the list goes on. I hate these people because I usually play support (my internet is sketchy and 400ms ping spikes make last hitting hard) and have to lane with them.

                                                                                    But most of all I hate assholes. People who stream continual verbal abuse over chat/voice - even if it's not at me, even if they're right. There's a polite way to tell somebody that they screwed up, and screaming or using profanities just creates a negative environment that makes it even harder to play well. I usually just mute people like this.


                                                                                      Just yesterday I had a game where all the teammates pulled the blame game/flame.

                                                                                      Me (Invoker) and Bh are together and we see a Tinker. He is alone because minimap shows everyone is at their lanes but Bh doesn't go. I ask why he didn't go and then the flaming starts.

                                                                                      Noob voker fail SS
                                                                                      Noob voker never gank (yeah sure Invoker ganks at level 7)
                                                                                      Noob deaths.

                                                                                      This is joined in by the rest of the team for no fucking reason. Funny thing is, I caught up and managed to delay them but it was hopeless because AM had freefarm because Bh abandoned lane and Windrunner bought a dagon.


                                                                                        afk fountain sitters after they're convinced the game is over. shit talkers from the other team in all chat. people demanding mid rather than suggesting they should take mid because of x and y. ridiculous first item builds (ring of basi, boots, bottle, etc - though i can understand this as i'm not in a very high mm pool). a-holes.


                                                                                          The Russian(s)

                                                                                          The russians are all-in-one, they are fuckers, they are feeders, they are flamers, they are ragers, they are noobs, they are arrogant, they are stubborn, they are warm blooded, they are throwers they are all-in-one, and they have no clue how to play this game.


                                                                                            and lol @ the kids complaining in ANY WAY about the last pickers. Only idiots would pick STRAIGHT away. I hate the idiots that complain about the last pick, if you have a problem with last pickers, then go do something about it and go pick last yourself u stupid noob, instead of complaining like a kid about this. Only russian arrogant noobs picks right away.


                                                                                              had a game recently when i had pudge on my team that waited 25 secs to buy bottle and then went to mid, holy shit LOL


                                                                                                simple-5man dota mid all the game
                                                                                                and rat players



                                                                                                  The problem with your analysis is someone in the game has to be the first pick, it's a requirement.


                                                                                                    The guy who presses random after everyone else has already locked in a hero.

                                                                                                    Also, had a game recently where our Bloodseeker mid rushed a Radiance Recipe and had it in his inventory for about 25 minutes before he could finally afford to buy his Sacred Relic.


                                                                                                      I fucking hate guys on the other team who keep unpausing when someone on our team has dc'd and then when the dc player reconnects and he has no farm so the game was thrown and the other team wins the game (this happened recently)


                                                                                                        Flamers and any kind of communication abuses. I came from WoW and I got used to a more relaxed environment, this game still frustrates me sometimes.

                                                                                                        I dont dare talk on voice chat if not in full stack only if at least 10-15 mins past and everything goes in our favour, or Ill sure get harassed. I hate those ppl who made me think like this.

                                                                                                        Unpausing when someone DC'ed and someone else told hes coming back. Its okey if someone unpause once, then someone else do it once again etc, but not the same person every time. They should give it a cooldown too...

                                                                                                        Ppl calling EZ in all chat after a game, even if it was close or a stomp, a leaver in our team or anything, if we werent impolite at any point (then we would deserve it), it makes me feel bad.