General Discussion

General Discussion[Guide Competition] For Selemayonnaise - A Luna Guide - by Satellizer

[Guide Competition] For Selemayonnaise - A Luna Guide - by Satellizer in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    why isnt mask of madness in the guide


      read it again

      King of Low Prio

        not worth my time


          It is there, it says you only not build it in once every 200 games or so, because when activated, your butt moves so fast you can actually backtrack 70% of incoming damage.

          Dire Wolf

            But how many stacks? Seems like even pulling with 3-4 it's too much dmg.


              3-4 is the average
              you take minimum damage by pulling the creeps, and that damage is healed with the lifesteal.

              are you tanking the creeps?


                I always tank creeps when i'm a ranged hero! I heard shot gunning them in the face with my ranged attack does more splash dmg.


                  Wookie, try doing this:



                    What is your stance on phase vs treads? I know treads is the standard, but I always feel like phase gives those extra autos to finish off the kill or just enough speed to get away. Luna's items all kind of going towards survivability anyhow (drums, helm, geobane, bfly). The bracer that goes into the drums can make up for that hp from treads imo.

                    I generally feel that phase is better than treads for every hero unless they have a means of blinking or find the tread swapping valuable with a bottle. I just was wondering what your thoughts were with phase vs. treads with Luna specifically.


                      I go treads in 90% of my games;
                      the attack speed bonus is good and the stat changing is simply awesome.

                      8 str gives 152 hp;
                      8 agi gives 1,12 armor, 8 dmg and 8 attack speed.
                      8 int gives 104 mana;

                      Changing the treads to Int to cast Lucent Beam (costs 120 mana at max level!) or even a TP (75 mana cost)
                      Agi treads for last hitting/farming the neutrals (armor and attack speed!)
                      and Str treads later on for a bit more of HP.

                      It happened to me a lot of times, running away from a gank/fight with less than 100 hp, and thinking "holy shit, the hp bonus saved me this time"

                      Phase boots is really good for Luna too, but I *personally* like treads more.


                        phase boots makes her really squishy, and she already has the aura that grants extra damage(not to mention her already reliable attack animation) i like treads alot better, but saterlllizer-sama would know about luna

                        Jay Ashborne


                            ^ Did it seriously take you 3 months to post that?

                            Jay Ashborne

                              I just wanted to bump it. I had this gif saved for satie on a special occasion but no chance to use it.


                                luna thread shall never die BibleThump


                                  Would you consider changing anything with Luna's recent nerf in attack? I'm pretty sure its not really a necessary change to update. I sure raged when I saw that rofl

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    I alrdy have to see these inbred brazilians still in the world cup due to paying off the refs AND they are still allowed to play dota, wtf

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      no offense tho


                                        that nerf was intended to reduce her armor at lvl 1 and 2 (she still has 3 armor at lvl 2 with a few branches tho)

                                        lvl 1 Luna before the nerf:

                                        22 base agility with a 2.8 gain = 3.08 armor

                                        Lvl 1 and 2 Luna after the nerf:

                                        18 base agility with a 2.8 gain

                                        Lvl 1 = 2.52
                                        Lvl 2 = 2.91

                                        and minus 4 damage (from 54-58 to 48-54)

                                        /\ see sam's post
                                        dat ring of protection is a must now

                                        This comment was edited
                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          54 - 4 = 48 Nice math


                                            Average damage was 56 and now is 51, so it should actually be minus 5

                                            tl;dr: ur both wrong, i'm right

                                            This comment was edited

                                              damage is too low you know

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                3rd world math


                                                  sorry sampson I can't hear you over my freedom

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    Ill take my free healthcare over freedom anyday


                                                      yeah but we have soccer and big butts


                                                        back to 4 stars on cs:go

                                                        thank you gaben


                                                          why you and HNS keep playing this shitty game ffs


                                                            matchmaking is way better

                                                            takes 5 seconds to find a balanced game


                                                              I don't like FPS >.>

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                So can someone explain me why the entire brazilian population likes that shitty game ? its almost as stupid as call of duty

                                                                Jay Ashborne

                                                                  ^ You're clearly blind. CS is superior to about 90% of other shooters.

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    thumb dick peeps need a gun to play with


                                                                      While we're on the topic of CS what is a good Weapons Course time? I have just started playing it and I usually play lots of offline to become confident online. 27.0 is my best so far :)