General Discussion

General DiscussionTalking mmr some

Talking mmr some in General Discussion

    I just wan't to say thanks allot for the video, I suffered from the delusion that I lost because of my team and instead of improving and practicing I just bitched and raged(and made lots of threads). This made me lose allot of games, but now I manned up and upped my game and I am winning more games.

    Just own it if you lose 5 games in a row, the common denominator is YOU!

    I was in the rank that I truly deserved to be in, once you realize that then you can start improving and your rank will improve.
    The most important thing is that you need to adapt to each game, if you see a jungler don't just forget about it. Do something! Things like that. CARRY A DAMN TP, most OP item in the entire game!

    Just want to say thanks again, I am new to Dota and I have never seen any of your videos before. Got some watching to do!

    Mortimer Smith

      Thanks waga, but you didn't see the 2k players, they are really stupids with no change to improve.
      The other day my brother was playing an Wisp oflane in 2k and wining e lane (ok, not dificult in 2k for u), but when he was going to take the courier items, the alies put it on the ground, and the enemys deny it.

      When i was playing ranked stacked with my brother, an ursa say fuck u i want bot cause i have to go roshan fast, an he did like a 3 lasthits in 10 min (cuz my lasthiting is beter), after he cant farm vlads, he buy 4 couriers and kill them.
      When i was in 2k, i had 4 straight games with intentional feeders in my team. 1 of them said: 2k.... Why not 1? No1 report succesful.
      After it i did an acc, my intention was not smurf, but i get 2.7 climbed to 3.4 after get 3.4 playing offlane or mid, a lot of pudge pickers and flamers put me in 3k again.
      I know is easy to win for u, but for a player who is not much more better is pretty hard to improve in this scenarios.

      I want you try to play in 2k or 3k, i was flamed even by a 1.3k player cause no ganks with od mid.

      But... Thanks a lot for the video, and sorry, my english is not the best.

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        I don't mean to sound like a dick but at 2k MMR, you don't need teammates. I win games 1v9 there when using my friends account. Its only mid 3k and 4k onwards where people go from beyond idiotic to normal level stupidity that it is harder to carry because people don't die as easily as before.


          @waga could we have ur views on the elo hell theory?
          Most people tend to go through stupidly long loss streaks after a few wins.


            @Chris & Waga "Yea, some friends of mine had a theory that at 5,8k the games get better again because at peak times there are enough people with 5,5k-6k queueing to fill games but I guess it is a dream then"

            I'm the "some friends of mine" and it's actually tested theory. With ratings ranged between 5200 and 5499 I was getting more page 1 games than at 5550, for example, due to not queuing at prime hours in which you could've find more 5.5k+ players to put against and I'd just get 4.5k ones for my team while the enemies had full team of 5k. I'm 5.7 now and it's a whole new story, no game goes beyond pg1, regardless of the time I que at since the MM does no longer puts me with people under 5k.

            Mortimer Smith

              @Elsa bot, for a 4k player is so easy win 1v5, for my brother, who is not in 4k, but he is better than the ppl in 2k, its not too easy.
              But u didnt understand what i said, if the ppl after play invoker and take midas in 5 min take courier and put your midas in her inventory, you are probably fucked.
              Or if u are templar assasin and a pugma teamate put the crepify on you every teamfigh its imposible to win, now i know u kan disable the ''help'' of your team mates.
              I did a game with aa, i secured 8 kills, not intentionally, i was buying wards and bla bla bla, but tudehunter and drow me kill stealer and left the game.
              If u pick beastmaster or tinker and u stack ancients, the ancients kill u, drow and juggernaut go to ancients and steal like 1800 gold. The same thing wuth batrider, i stacked a big camp, like a 5 stack, after stack it, your shadow fiend who is 0-4 go to this stack and pum pum pum mb u will have blink dagger in 17 or 18 min.
              Tell me how can u win it.


                teach me sensei


                  I'm pretty sure you average better games at 5-5.2k than you will at 5.6-6.6k~
                  But I'm also sure that the higher your MMR is, the harder your games are, and the lower your MMR is the easier your games are.

                  One of these days I'll play some of that "OMG I'm 2K mmr and my teammates suck" game just to display how (if you´re truly better than the people around you) a bloodstone and a dagon5 are your two best friends in that MMR.

                  Oh welp, another day ,another project! Sleepytiem ~


                    waga what you're doing is fine and all, but it's going to fall onto deaf ears. swiftending (6k player) already did what you plan on doing and low skill players are still making excuses about how they "can't climb" and blaming everyone but themselves. basically you could satisfy all their criteria at any given moment and they will still conjure up some poppycock

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                    EZ MID 9k mmr

                      You forgot refresher and eblade. :)


                        5k mix with people below me

                        5k mix with people above me

                        both was fun, though I do realize that when facing people above me im still lack of something (map awarenes, decision making etc)


                          mostly true, though if your highest mmr player is dominating he can "hide" some of your weaknesses. i.e. it won't show in the end stats, but you'll underperform

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                          Mortimer Smith

                            Wamagama, i can give u an acc with 1,8.
                            THE TRULY TOP OF THE WORLD.

                            ICE SKULL

                              i'd like to try out the matches on a 1.8k account

                              do you mind if i borrow? add me if yes

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                Klasynky streams his solo Q games though. He is even streaming atm

                                Ples Mercy

                                  Waga, make some kind of 'how to play storm waga style'

                                  would love that shit.


                                    This experiment was already done: No point to waste time trying to prove it, but might be useful to make some videos about how to 1v9 in each bracket.

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                                      waga didn't respond to my comments so i shall pose in the form of a question:

                                      Are there players on the leaderboards who primarily (most of the time) play support in their pubs?



                                        no but there are fucktards who go mid and fail. Mind=blown


                                          Concede yeah, Veldt for example has played support against me several times when I faced him. And he had huge impact from that role.


                                            Waga, do you think all 5k+ players deserve to be where they are because they played their heroes with which they have a good impact on the game from the hero they are playing, or some of the players got there because of 'broken' (clasified broken by the community) stuff like tb/ember spirit/es last patch/lycan (lycan because imo, pubs can't seem to be able to deal with split pushing) etc?


                                              Waga don't you think MMR race is just making the top skillwise community more toxic?
                                              I mean, people are just playing for the points. Before MMR, of course people wanted to win, but at least in my opinion most people who were 4.5-5k+ wanted to always be improving their gameplay before anything else. This was the main goal. Today all I see is people insta-picking the top meta heroes and grinding them. While this makes winning easier, thus improving MMR, this doesn't mean you're getting any better at the game. I actually felt no evolution at all in my gameplay after months of ranked solo and a +500 MMR improvement.

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                                                hey waga, what do you do to get your mmr up? Do you play a whole bunch of games in a row with your best hero, or do you take breaks and try to have fun climbing the ladder?


                                                  Before mmr was winrate. People were tryharding in low priority, playing obscure modes on obscure servers, sandboxing, lvl 1 rosh strats with dodge if they were failing, smurfing, etc, so I think it was worse.

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                                                    Yeah i keep seeing the ELO hell guy and this crap coming up. "IF you can't carry your team then you deserve to be at the MMR you are at"

                                                    I think this is part of the problem in All pick more now with everyone trying to be carry................. I guess since I can only focus on myself I'll just play dazzle till the day i die.


                                                      get mini and resu and remake druidz.


                                                        Had this same problem in APB. But you say the same shit everyone else says in higher rating, (which isn't how mm should be) You have to create space for every other player on the team.

                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                          carrying your team does not mean playing a carry. The role is misleading to alot of misinformed players, my brother who plays mostly position 4-5 has no problem with this