General Discussion

General Discussionis everyone on this forum actually trash

is everyone on this forum actually trash in General Discussion

    i wish dotabuff would display everyone's mmr next to their names

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      the "tree/three what the fuck" cracked me up big time =))))))))))))

      Ples Mercy

        wouldn't change anything. It's just a number and people only want to believe in it when it is beneficial.

        Basicly when you see a 2kMMR player here, he would most likely be saying that MMR is bs and that he is as good as a 6k player. A 6k Player is more likely a person who would say that MMR represents skill 100% etc.

        So far i can defnetly say that MMR does acually say alot of that guys skill ( not a 100% though), provided the account is only used by 1 person and has been in a certain range for a longer period of time.

        As already stated earlier, i could easily climb from 3,5k to 4k in 3 days, people like havoc who are 3k trash usually think that climbing like that is 'luck' or 'doesn't mean anything'. In the end people will always find stupid excuses as long as he dislikes that person. I could play this acc to 6k in a rather short period of time, but people will always find something stupid like 'MMR boost service', 'Luck' or 'Got carried' etc.

        Basicly most people with a 6k account who are not a pro player or a known player are accused for being abuser in some or another way.

        Dotobuff in a nutshell, thats also the reason why i didn't bother turning stats on again. Same with many other people these days.

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          I made a new acc for fun, calibrated it to 4.7k , got it to 4.9k with a 100% winrate than 5k in just a few games.


            Well, blunt isn't a 3k player, that's for sure. I've spectated a lot of his games when I'm bored or while watching streams, having that in the background when theres nothing happening in the "streamgame".

            However, he doesn't look like 6k, more like somewhere in 4k.

            Quick maffs

              Well dude, if you tell me that you are 6k i believe you man.

              but you must have improved really fast, because when MMR just came out you were aroud 4k, and now you are 6k.

              Well congratulations i guess


                post a screenshot of your 6k solo mmr blunt or gtfo

                bum farto

                  Using my Volvo powers of not stacking with 2k friends and after a lot of hard work and dedication I was in very high again in just the very next game, fortunate cause I would have hated people to think I was a high skill player and not a very high skill one.


                    I don't think I've ever met you in a game.
                    I've met everyone good, coz I play a ton. you, never.


                      Blunt get off your high horse man, I'm not sure why you think everyone really cares about your rating... or anyone's rating. As far as I can tell you're just a mad kid who wishes he was better than he is so you go on for ages fabricating bullshit about how you're so much better than you are but there are reasons and excuses that you're not climbing. If you're really good and you really wanna prove you belong somewhere high, turn off private, share stats, man up and get 4.5k (even that's a start).

                      I dare you.

                      No, I challenge you.

                      At the end of the day I won't lose any sleep if you make it or not, so for the love of God either do it or shut the fuck up with your trash talk to 'scrubs' because it's basically just flooding the forums with utter garbage.

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                      bum farto

                        He can't cause he lent his account to gypsy's who then held his MMR hostage. I will just continue playing my 3K games meanwhile :(


                          Guiri so good :o


                            dunning kruger in a nutshell


                              I thought swiftending's experiment was pretty conclusive...


                                Wow, indeed many of us thought he was a true pro gamer.


                                  man dota is easy

                                  kanye went to uni

                                    ^You're merely no.75 on the leaderboards, we expected better V-god. You need to be at least top 50 to flame Grimorum imo.


                                      "Basicly most people with a 6k account who are not a pro player or a known player are accused for being abuser in some or another way."
                                      You don't win the tour de france without a little blood doping here and there

                                      Jay Ashborne

                                        Reported for topic. We dont need players harassing other players over mmr. That's not what this fourm is about.


                                          shit im only 5k trash tier.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            um......wrong, that is exactly what the forums is all about


                                              I must admit that these forums has made me reconsider my policy of only flaming my friends quite a few times. Embrace the rage.


                                                @Melody-San |
                                                How did you report op? I went to his profile and there's no report button o.O

                                                bum farto

                                                  At the bottom of their dotabuff account like so....


                                                    Havoc, yes, I know how to report a player but this guy has no report button on his profile:

                                                    I checked other profiles. All of them have report button.

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                                                    bum farto

                                                      You may have already reported him in the past. What browser are you using cause he has it for me and everyone else so this may be a local issue.

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                                                        Yeah, it is entirely possible that I've reported him before since I can see the report button for everyone else. I'm using Chrome on Mac.

                                                        bum farto

                                                          I reported you for feeding :) and it didn't remove the icon though it might over time....still not that much of a deal as we have yet to see the impact of the report system on here.


                                                            Thanks :)

                                                            Hmm, may be just local issue then. Yeah, it's not a big deal.


                                                              Reminded me a to a person who said exactly the same thing "Played by a friend"

                                                              Ring a bell? H_ _L



                                                                The most fun bit is a typical blunt post is:

                                                                get gud feggut, ur mother is fewt her der

                                                                But the moment u bust his mmr, he suddenly talks like a human beign.


                                                                  i thought u were higher than that blunt, i am disappoint

                                                                  bum farto

                                                                    The humility of exposure and acceptance. Consider that currently well known abusers and fishy accounts defended their abuse with all kinds of unbelievable lies and stories until they one day said fuck it I abuse, and they found out that no one cared and no one will continue to really care.

                                                                    I think people genuinely don't give to shits about what people do or are they just want people to be honest about their shit and even better be at least semi mature about the type of things you say and post.

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                                                                      was jus talking about blunt, forgive my poor english


                                                                        it's not your fault, havoc is enjoying having his field day.


                                                                          well @concede knows im not trash so there's that
                                                                          same with vrok even though he's an abuser, most of the 5k+ staarting mmr were at the beginning but he increased his solo mmr so he's genuinely good (proof)


                                                                            ^ Depends on how you define trash.

                                                                            bum farto

                                                                              Nah, I am just in a pretty good mood so doing my little bit of "trolling", I have known blunts MMR for quite some time as I do a lot of other players that choose to hide theirs but again it's their own business and I am not commonly known for blowing the whistle on others, and I am just having fun watching Blunt dig his own grave here.

                                                                              None of the players on this forum are particularly bad or trash, every does stupid shit, and has bad stats on heroes except some people choose to call out other on this and one of the main perpetrators of this is now wallowing in a little vat of his own medicine.

                                                                              If you are very quick to dish out harsh judgement and smack talk you should also be equally good at receiving it #turnedtables

                                                                              ICE SKULL

                                                                                what i dont understand is why did blunt say "fuck 4k mmr players" when he is 3.5k-4k

                                                                                thats just ridiculous

                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                  Quotes from Blunt.

                                                                                  "Basicly i let my friend play on my account. I try to get matches so i can have good examples on how to win a game despite ur whole team sucking ass."

                                                                                  "For those who are interested, the screenshot is 3 days old, account is currently at 4K. Thats 438MMR in 3 days, avg being 146MMR per day."

                                                                                  "I have a tryhard account with almost 1k matches which has a higher rating. Everytime i play on morning or nighttime i get 4k scrubs on my team and have to play against 5k people, its really fucked up. I even lost bcause i had a fucking account buyer."

                                                                                  .....cause people wouldn't lie over the internet.


                                                                                    Reminded me a to a person who said exactly the same thing "Played by a friend"

                                                                                    Ring a bell? H_ _L


                                                                                    2ND POST

                                                                                    bum farto

                                                                                      This one was particularly rich 10/10 would enjoy a read again over lunch break

                                                                                      "As already stated earlier, i could easily climb from 3,5k to 4k in 3 days, people like havoc who are 3k trash usually think that climbing like that is 'luck' or 'doesn't mean anything'. In the end people will always find stupid excuses as long as he dislikes that person. I could play this acc to 6k in a rather short period of time, but people will always find something stupid like 'MMR boost service', 'Luck' or 'Got carried' etc. "


                                                                                        daym kids, come back when u passed 6k trashes. :)


                                                                                          I am a 3k trash. Now repeat after me Blunt and you'll feel better :)

                                                                                          bum farto

                                                                                            @Vroksnak Blunt will be with you soon then

                                                                                            "I could play this acc to 6k in a rather short period of time"


                                                                                              Problem is, Blunt's already there in his mind.


                                                                                                talking about positivity from him huh? :D


                                                                                                  Just trying to understand.


                                                                                                    I guess it's just a situation where there's a complex for some reason.
                                                                                                    I believe he strongly needs to feel superior one way or another.

                                                                                                    Honestly, I dont care that much what everyone's rating is atm, I just try to improve my own, quietly

                                                                                                    charged up

                                                                                                      " I could play this acc to 6k in a rather short period of time,"
