General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with typical TA counterpicks?

How to deal with typical TA counterpicks? in General Discussion

    Recently I've found myself counterpicked quite often when playing TA, usually the other team will pick Viper, QoP or Razor.

    QoP can be dealt with by skilling Meld first buying a little extra regen and so on. But Razor and Viper are much harder. Starting with boots helps against Razor but you still wont be fast enough to run away from the drain. Any suggestions?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      You just deal with it. It's not that they only counter TA anyway, they are just overall strong mid heroes that win most match-ups. But generally winning their lane is all they do so you can be useful by helping your team with ganks.


        From my experience in these matchups I can at best break even for opponents of similar MMR (rotations from both sides notwithstanding). I will only come up on top in those match ups against opponents about 1k below me on average, in which I can exploit their generally less-than-ideal mechanics.

        Against Razor you have to Boots first and ensure he doesn't get more than 2 ticks off you, which ensures you can still take last hits with Refract on usually. It's a matchup that's heavily skewed towards him, you won't really get ahead unless he's bad or your team comes in with good rotations.

        Against Viper it's much easier. Viper doesn't have the mana pool to aggro you enough typically and if you can splash him a few times he will be too low to harass you effectively.

        Wait till you try Phoenix, Huskar or Warlock...

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          I once laned against a Phoenix/Jakiro dual lane in the safelane as TA. I don't even know how I got that much farm


            I think vs Viper it's not that hard. Same with QoP if she doesn't have sentries. You probably need to improve your psi blades harassment. Worst match up is Razor. You will always lose this lane, question is how hard.


              ember is actually really annoying to lane against also, imo. too much DoT and once he hits 6 you can't always effectively meld (well you can't anyway with his w but yeah)


                So vs viper skilling extra points in psi blades might be worth trying? something like refraction, psi, psi?


                  psi, ref, psi, meld, psi :)


                    you seem smart so ill help you
                    play on the edge of their attack range and force them to unbalance the lane and take aggro dmg. whenever you have a bad lane you just play in the most annoying and safe way. ofc thats until you can do smth elsewere or the farming/exp curve difference will start (beofre it starts) getting big

                    and remember creep block at min 0 plays a big role

                    Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                      ember is pretty easy, u just max meld first and he will regret it when he comes to close.

                      edit: never played against real good ember, so could not be true ^^

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                        just harras ember until he dies...


                          If he goes sheild first, it's not that simple, the burn will eat refraction, if you go that first, will kill you in meld, if you go that first, and will be in short enough range to hit you at lvl 1 psi blades, I've played ta verse more or less everything and ember and razors are the ones I hate the most.


                            df goes refrac psi meld into max meld against ember i believe

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                            Ples Mercy

                              by repicking.



                                Yeah, it's the most successful way against him, still doesn't make it an 'easy' lane IMO.


                                  i never bothered maxing meld against ember and have yet to lose the lane against him (have laned t2 pros in scrims)

                                  maxing psi is also a horrible build


                                    you cant, that's why it is a counter. Stack and kill with psiblades, gank, ask for gank.. if you stay in lane you will not accomplish much