General Discussion

General Discussion@Wave & Other DB's

@Wave & Other DB's in General Discussion
bum farto

    I just noticed a question that I missed and I would like to answer this in some detail as others have been picking up "trends" that I disagree with...

    Here is my opinion on the matter. I think it can work if you're playing a laning prophet, whether thats mid or offlane or wherever as you can farm the nulls much faster and the damage and stats it gives, combined with the levels you can get in the lane means you're dangerous if you suddenly show up in a lane. This however doesn't count for the typical jungle prophet as it tends to be slower, and farming for 10-15 minutes for a Midas and 3 nulls is less than ideal and will really piss off your team unless you can use the jungle effectively and can farm it sooner.

    The reason why build like bone7's prophet and !Attackers Kunkka are so successful is because the player sitting behind the mouse and keyboard is also successful and knows the core mechanics, tips and tricks, and general game sense over all. If you can't even micro your trees then why try to copy a build that you will be unable to execute as effectively. Building the same items as a pro player or page one player and copying their playstyle will NOT get you from 2K to 6K as its not the hero or the items but the way that they play it that makes it so good.

    The Natures Prophet build bone7 does is good and I did test it on an occasion in a game but the purpose of the build is to make you a threat and allow you to do stuff early without worrying about damage whether giving or receiving much in the same way Matrice/Zenoth do the wraith stacking on Terrorblade which allows him not to die, and to be decently effective should he be required to fight.

    My advice for people (not so much wave) is don't do builds that pros do unless you have the skill to execute them effectively as you just look stupid running around with blademail and nulls while cliff farming. If you do the build be aggressive and I mean REALLY aggressive, as that is the purpose of the build in the first place.

    While not as kill oriented this is perhaps an easier build for people to test or try out


      You failed to mention the phenomenal Roshan bait! :D

      bum farto

        That failed though cause we only got one, also they were bad so weren't even aware we were "doing" it so I didn't even need to dies. So yeah, by the way, one of my deaths was to Roshan to bait a first blood on the Sven ;_;