General Discussion

General DiscussionCan you sleep right after a match?

Can you sleep right after a match? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I can't. It's ruining my mornings. I'll finish playing around 11pm and not fall asleep til 1am or later cus of the adrenaline or stimulation. I don't even feel amp'd up but it can be an exciting game and it definitely gets your mind going. I think I just have to take a couple nights off completely to catch up on my sleep.

    I don't have this issue with single player games. Civ5 or tomb raider I can play right up to bedtime and call it quits. It's just dota. I think the strategy of it is too mentally engaging which is funny/ironic considering how everyone thinks everyone else is a non thinking retard in game.


      i can sleep during a match, why wouldnt i be able to do it after one


        thats weird cuz i feel the same way after playing dota, its not even exciting for me


          I had a dream about getting my GCSE result and ended up getting a 'D' in my English because I didn't land a 'sun strike'.



            Yeph, same for me. I have trouble getting to sleep after a dota game.

            Brains workin' real hard you know, even though you might not be aware of it


              ^Does that mean Dota is a good thing or a bad thing?

              Dire Wolf

                I told my doctor I was having trouble sleeping a while ago and he said any activity with a screen stimulates your brain cus of the lighting. So tv, pc, are all supposed to keep you awake. Personally I like watching tv before bed, I find it relaxing, but he might be on to something as reading knocks me out in like 30 mins tops. Maybe I should read after dota.

                "^Does that mean Dota is a good thing or a bad thing?"

                Is doesn't mean either it just means it engages your brain more than you may realize. You are subconsciously thinking about a lot of shit while playing.

                This comment was edited

                  how can you think subconsciously


                    Timber, when you're playing you're actually being active with your hands etc, making you stay awake.

                    When you watch movies you get in a chill mode just laying/sitting there. Not really doing anything, but chill.

                    I really love watching movies before sleeping, owell. I start sleeping during the movie.

                    Dire Wolf

                      "how can you think subconsciously"
                      what else would you call it?



                        if i watch tv before bed, i find it sooo easy to fall asleep, also when i'm reading.
                        but dota is and exciting game and especially after a long and hard match it's normal if you can't fall asleep. happens all the time.

                        Sup m8

                          The same thing happens to me. When I try to sleep after a dota game, things like how I could have improved,done things better, or some big play always runs through my brain for like the next 2 hours lol.


                            idk i have no problem sleeping after dota



                              i do that to fall asleep...

                              nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                You have to play untill your head falls off.
                                I play till 4-5 a.m. and fall asleep like a baby afterwards

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Well yeah anyone can sleep after staying up that late! But some of us have jobs in the AM.

                                  nebunu la jokuri 77777

                                    Meh, I'm in a college which starts at 4 pm and no job yet. Ez life.


                                      Happens to me too, sometimes I don't mind since I can get up late, but when no.. it really disturbs my nightsleep.


                                        On the contrary this game is like sleeping aid to me..

                                        My suggestion:
                                        Avoid smartphone, screen or television before sleep (just 15 minutes is enough)
                                        Drink warm milk before bed
                                        Finally, don't use peppermint toothpaste before you go to sleep.

                                        Do this and you could save the money that you used to pay the doctor.

                                        Ples Mercy

                                          I can sleep like a baby.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I didn't pay the doctor anything, twas a covered yearly checkup and I just ran the question by him.

                                            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                              I dont really care win or loss because I am not playing for anything. Im stuck in MMR hell and I play support, so its something I have come to accept.


                                                I dont have problems with sleeping but I dream about games I thrown like 3-4 times this summer, hah