General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do u do when techies is in ur game

what do u do when techies is in ur game in General Discussion

    do u go afk or is it possible to win with it? looking at page 1, all those playing techies are official game ruiners or just bad players in general

    Quick maffs

      I think if you play like 2k or 3k better than the average of that match you might have a chance

      Primordial Soup

        I want to go afk, people that picks that hero are just begging to get carried.

        Quick maffs

          I am so lucky, 2 games, 2 techies pickers in the enemy team


            Instapick techies, and then repick later


              ? that doesnt work

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              ICE SKULL

                alright my first two matches since this patch has been with 1 techies on the enemy team and 1 without techies


                  the hero itself is fine.
                  it's those idiots behind it that irk me the wrong way.

                  like today idiot insta picks techies and marks mid and enemy team has viper and balanar (both of who shitstomp techies mid)
                  so I take meepo and tell him to piss off from mid so I can carry his worthless ass. it worked. others in my team were as equally as bad and they weren't on techies, so in the end it doesn't matter. if they are bad they are bad on any hero.

                  I also lost a game vs techies mid because my 4700 mmr centaur thought he should go mid even if I went there with dp first. again it's 'these people' that piss me off, not the techies itself.

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                    Sugar Show

                      Pick techies and tiny for FB GG!

                      ICE SKULL


                        enigma says i can go mek and then changes his mind, potm support, bfury spectre showing off his autism with open mic 24/7

                        it was meant to happen

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                            i agree with xan, the problem isn't techies, it's the retards who instapick him

                            do people actually think running around for 5 min planting mines in obscure areas, being 4 levels behind the second-to-lowest level guy (who is probably another 3 levels behind the carry like 20 min in) and then hoping someone will step on them for 1 miraculous kill will actually work? lmao


                              it's kind of amusing that when heroes like tb/phx/es were released, people picked them zealously to inflate their MMRs

                              now it's "don't pick techies and inflate ur mmr"

                              i might give this hero a whirl since he has a lot of untapped potential

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                                first 2 games i got techies in my team i went afk


                                  I'm 2-1 playing him myself and 3-1 overall with techies on the team. You just need a player that knows how to play.


                                    Pick it myself. Ez win.
