General Discussion

General DiscussionNEWBEE looks shitty pos TI4. No more Xiao8 ;(

NEWBEE looks shitty pos TI4. No more Xiao8 ;( in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    With xiao8 gone, there seems to be a vacuum missing in NEWBEE. Rabbit by far is only Sylar/Super calibur, not even close to Iceiceice or Black/Hao level. What you guys think after they lose to VG & EG? China doto dying? with Lanm, ROTK & xiao8 gone?


      who cares?

      This is common after a TI

      He's an A-star student, y...

        As much as I like Black I can't see him being on level with Icex3 and Hao. Sorry. And as for Newbee they just won 5 million, its natural that they don't prioritize a 100k tournament.

        Sure, Banana is no born leader like Xiao8 and perhaps not as good a drafter either but Rabbit was by far the best replacement in the scene, young and fits nicely into the playstyle of Mu and Hao. So in terms of potential its a step up, and I am sure Banana will become a good captain, at least in the documentary he seemed very vocal and caring when it came to ingame decisions.

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        Jorges Sanz

          Idk about newbee.. its probably more likely because of the fact that Rabbit hasn't really adapted to playing off-lane (someone correct me if im wrong here) . From the picks so far, it seems that his off-lane hero pool is pretty limited so Newbee has to expend their early picks on securing heroes that he knows how to play well. i.e. Bat , that makes drafting problematic since its harder to counter pick and get counter picked on at the same time.

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