General Discussion

General DiscussionOkay, lets talk.. describe me your latest rage..

Okay, lets talk.. describe me your latest rage.. in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Okay, lets talk.. describe me your latest rage..


      fuck this piece of shit viper cunt picker
      (i played ta mid vs him and got rekt)


        When I'm fucking dying to Cerberus over and over again, despite having years of DMC experience.


          Supporting a centaur with wd... 15 minutes and he got brown boots, wand and queling


            My latest page = Almost there...


              when i lose with es.


                >5.4k player
                >picks veno
                >demands mid
                >game ends he's 0-11
                >"techies fault"


                  pick Skywrath (another account)
                  meet scrubs carry who can't kill any enemy (even just solo io)
                  blame Sky for being idiot (leaving lane for gank, and success every gank)


                    Wow you raged not long ago:p

                    My one is from 2011
                    People in my team (not in mm) constantly moving the flying out of me, dying two time cause my stuff never came to my inventory

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                      it sucks when someone play with courier
                      also in my match above, that carry gone mad and play with courier w/ gem
                      then dropped, GG retarded idiot carry brainless faggot


                        you haven't played dota since 2010?

                        EarthFrog(listening to mu...

                          Very late game, we are winning, already have 1 rax. For the last 10 minutes I constantly say, "Guys, save for buyback". Team wants to push, CK buys Mjolnir before teamfight(so he doesn't have buyback), teamfight begins, void fucks up everything with terrible ult, we all die, everyone buybacks except our two carries, void and ck, ck blames void, and i rage so hard because i saw how ck spent his buyback money just before teamfight and now we lost because of that.
                          Tl:dr: Save money for buyback in late game.


                            @xan, I almost never rage. the only reason i would rage is som1 i'm supposed to be able to fully trust trying to trick me.

                            As far as i remember, i only raged 3 times in dota, (two time since 2009). and the first one was in pub game some week after i started playing dota.

                            I'm annoyed sometime, but if i was constantly under such a pressure that made me rage, i would actually not play dota :p

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                              I screwed up a clan war attack in clash of clans. I raged


                                well to chip in.
                                I'm randoming dusa and going safe lane. one of my teammates cries about my random citing dotabuff for dusa shit win rate. none the less we do 3 lane, with him on rubick constantly moaning.
                                so we are 3 minutes in and everyone is sick of him already, 2nd support tells him 'ok if you don't want to play go afk'. and he is like, 'ok I'm afk' and goes fountain. since I randomed I got gloves and tried to rush midas, and when I finally got it I discover this idiot who is 'afk' in base took the recipe from the chicken. so now im 7 minutes in with 0/1 and naked gloves. boy was I pissed.

                                have plenty of stories like that, where people basically ruin the game on purpose.

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                                one and half gun

                                  are we talking about item stealers

                                  5 days ago i raged pretty hard and wanted to gauge my eyes out.
                                  i said "requesting mid" and nobody protested or put their hero on the map so i picked my hero and went mid, all of sudden he RANDOMS invoker and decides to go mid when rest of team told him to repick or go offlane.
                                  of course he sucks ass and i manage to get every last hit, 7 minutes later when we are both lvl 4 or some shit and enemy mid is 7, he decides to leave the lane and when im sending my items, he takes it

                                  i bet we met the same guy xan, i swear to god these fucking faggots need to get wiped out from this planet


                                    double mid and stealing your bottle. classic.


                                      Ember Spirit 50CS, 33 minute battle fury. Blames me zzzzzz

                                      We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                        Bad techies, espically when they don't support and don't make the enemt twam panice


                                          My friend randomed Pudge, one of his worst heroes, and proceeded to go 1-16-2 in a 34 minute game with 159gpm. Best part: we were literally 4v5 because their drow abandoned early. No stats recorded for Dotabuff, but I haven't been that mad in months.

                                          Bad Intentions

                                            ^but hes your friend! :(


                                              Most murders are of people you know.


                                                play brew first time... go 20-xx, techies doesn't leave base and drow afk.. took out whole radiant camp and we lose after 60 mins.



                                                  Lycan goes 0 6 in the first 10 mins, tide feeds viper a 3 kills in 10 mins and never rotates until he loses tower, 30 mins mek on veno, jakiro is just useless. I think I drafted decently and those were easy heroes, yet they managed to suck.
                                                  PS: Having a 5 man lineup so strong they never grouped up. Sigh.

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                                                      LAST 12 HOURS OF NONSTOP IDIOTISM



                                                        Tinker was horrible, he tped into invoker + 1 into mid lane while not having Dagger, and died, he did that after we got wiped in a team fight in which he had no impact at all, and he did much more, this was an example..

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          your daily dose of rage

                                                          harvard graduate

                                                            "How is my jungle bat level 5 and is 500gold off blink dagger at 17 minutes?"

                                                            DEFCON 1

                                                              Seeing people on my team that I've previously muted. I only mute dumb people so when we hadn't started a game and I see that someone is already muted I rage


                                                                Come on rage is for the weak


                                                                  Playing tide offlane, i called it i marked it on the map.
                                                                  Suddenly the last player decides to pick sven skill cleave and play aggresive against a luna lich lane ( on my offlane). I mean WTF.

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                                                                    fresh smurf last picked drow ranger
                                                                    goes to bot with phoenix died 3 times and stayed afk
                                                                    It's probably was one of wave's accounts

                                                                    one and half gun

                                                                      i have two accs, both at 6k

                                                                      you're 4k

                                                                      what gives you the right to talk to me? one match where you doom sylla bear repeatedly and almost lost to ogre in terms of HD, slark feeding you and the best part, mirana taking items who is your friend


                                                                      uh oh... better think twice before you want to post some low quality bait


                                                                        you can check my current rating here

                                                                        and slark wasn't bad I am just sick as brood so I am just raped him and your base ez pts
                                                                        about this dev thread nothing happened so that means I am not boosted MMR


                                                                          oh you exposed matches on your "smurf" so everyone can see your true nature its 49% winrate
                                                                          now open your main smurf and we will see the same situation


                                                                            WHEN I GET MAD I THROW GAMES AS NATURES

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                                                                                I lost almost 1k mmr. I play very well most of the time.


                                                                                  I don't ever rage but I got mad when this retarded Legion came top with me (I was Timber)
                                                                                  I ended up with an ultra kill and a rampage later on so who cares


                                                                                    I rage so rarely.Even i picked naga for safelane and randomed juggernaut came to my lane.I was like 'Okey whatever' and go jungle at lvl 3.What i am trying to say is pick a hero that can jungle if forced to do.Tb and naix are best examples of that.

                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                      I rage when you have zero early mid game impact


                                                                                        I rage almost every fucking game because i wanna win every single game but team sucks ass .. ( 5100 rating )


                                                                                          My void uses Chrono on a WK, who has his ready -.-


                                                                                            Kryptnyt has randomed Treant Protector

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                                                                                                I rage when I see a team mate who picks enigma and gets off 0 blackholes all game.



                                                                                                  When Centaur Warrunner has more Hero Damage than a Tinker and a Zeus in an hour long game. Tinker KS'ing all game to look good on scoreboard. Buys Dagon 5 then Euls then E-Blade at end of game.

                                                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                                                    I used to rage but I don't do it anymore, because I wanna play the game, for fun you know.

                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      This one made me rage pretty hard, we created a ton of space early, zero tower dmg, zero farm on our carries.


                                                                                                      Ember literally farmed jungle from 15 mins to 30 mins. No push whatsoever. Fuckign retards.