General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm getting sick and tired of the naga discrimation in trench 3K

I'm getting sick and tired of the naga discrimation in trench 3K in General Discussion

    it's all the same really. Earth Spirit, Chen, all that really. If you play any hero considered skill, you miss one last hit because a support stole it, then it's your fault then. Then, at the end of the game, it's all blamed on you, like some kind of scapegoat or some shit.

    it's the reason why people feed for no reason. It's getting old.



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          normal skill..?


            wow you really suck with naga dude
            get away from her


              Thanks guys, you proven my point on how toxic you guys can be no matter what bracket you are in.

              @Kai- High skill

              @Sleave - I can do this game too. Wow you really suck with TA, stay away from her.


                u said ur 3k and u cant win with naga es or chen? give me your account and ill boost u free 100 mmr playing only these 3 heroes


                  @Soul Eater atleast i didnt open a thread because people get mad at me whenever i pick TA


                    @ 2 days, I didn't say I couldn't win with them. I said it's very hard to win. It's with any skilled hero really.


                      its hard to win with skilled heroes cos ure not skilled :X

                      Miku Plays

                        A hero that doesnt require skill is PA... U just press Q and W


                          all you have to do with naga is farm a radiance which you can get even by 20 minutes (if you suck), from that point on you rat and get over 10cs/minute and win.. if ppl try to kill u, ult and tp away, repeat, win.. i dont even think naga is a "high skill cap" hero. Chen isnt hard either once you learn how to TAB and micro units effectively

                          karen's ♥

                            55% winrate with 3 kda is pretty good. And i agree all it takes is one retard to screw up the laning phase and the game just becomes and uphill battle from there. The hardest thing with naga is surviving early game long enough for a radiance before you snowball out of control

                            Edit : i lol @ people like sleave who struggles to win in normal skill bracket while talking through his ass about how "easy" it is to play heroes which he himself clearly cant play. While you're at it, why not talk about how easy it is to be grandmaster in sc2? All you need to do is learn timings learn micro build build some buildings and an army then destroy the enemy. Easy grandmaster league! Joke.

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                              average gpm with naga 353 over 100+ games, uninstall


                                Okay, since everyone is being toxic and not particularly helpful I'd like to take a nicer approach. There is no such thing as a hero that isn't good in the trench or anything like that. You are where you are because you are unable to 1v5 with naga as you should be able to do if you are a superior player to everyone in your game you should be able to beat them everytime.

                                The problem with you is your attitude. Not this imaginary border you have created around you of this "trench".

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                                  tldr; 353 gpm on naga won't cut it, with that gpm you are the noob on team

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                                    lol 353 gpm naga

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                                        Why can't support naga still be a thing?


                                          nope he doesnt support as naga, i checked his games
                                          he builds midas quite often and even so he has 373 gpm


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                                              well its still possible to get a good timing at radiance, iirc pros have been building drums first, and its like 200 gold cheaper than midas. at TI they would get a radiance by about 17 mins with drums, going mid.

                                              but they're pros heh
                                              i think you could get both by 21~22 mins

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                                              kanye went to uni

                                                if you wait till 22+ min for the radiance via midas though you can't do anything if the rest of your team's done badly and you'll probably just lose ... it's pushing it already when you just rush radiance because you already make team 4v5 for something like 15 minutes, before you can somewhat ease pressure by cutting creeps (and even then not very well ... you still need more items to do that effectively i think).

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  My record with naga is 10cs/min , its really hard for me to get more than that



                                                    Radiance Naga is not the only style you can play her especially @kitrak you can play a hero in bunch of difference ways and be very effective.
                                                    It does not matter if you play naga with TB,PT, Phase, BoTs, Arcanes, With radiance, without, diffu rush, linkens rush, vg + vlad
                                                    They all do work and each of them has it's uses.
                                                    Naga can be a toolkit hero just like jugger if people would not think in 1 way of her

                                                    If you have problems micro-ing or want to get behind how things are done microwise, this might going to help you

                                                    Also you should not get any negative thought when you are trying something out or you practise something. It is still a game and you show signs that you want to get better at it. You actively try to improve and that is what counts, who cares what other people as long as their opinion is not truely constructive


                                                      You get midas on a flash farm hero... Seriously, worst item pick up on naga... Naga can get 100 last hits in 2 min (Arteezy did in one of his naga videos).


                                                        ^There is no generic rule whether a hero should get midas or not. And actually it is a farm enhancement tool and to further extends lead, I remind you that people were getting constantly getting it on brood, luna, alch, doom, enigma, sf.
                                                        Your argument is pointless

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                                                          You played 18games within 24hours, prob you should take a break.

                                                          getting ungner dontyu you know

                                                          burned out*

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                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Holy shit man you need to take a break

                                                            Primordial Soup

                                                              18 games straight, if only I have that much stamina. When I was young... BibleThump.

                                                              ddsama, can I join your S A D B O Y S group?


                                                                Ignore/mute your team
                                                                Play with your brain


                                                                  you're just awful with naga! like rly im about to cry here...

                                                                  try focusing on the game and stop sucking your roommate's dick while playing and using your keybord for using skills instead of clicking with the mouse cause thats how fucking shit it fucking appears from playing that trash bracket with those trash stats+win%

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                                                                      thought naga support will be more common since techies patch... :cry:
                                                                      Just buy gem and spread it around the map?
                                                                      Instead of relying your carry to pick PL/TB.