General Discussion

General DiscussionMy win rate this month

My win rate this month in General Discussion
MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

    54% this month *single tear shed*

    Also whats up with people thinking mid is exclusively where you go to hit 6 then gank? And I mean literally every single player on my team, pretty much every game thinks this.

    Mid is a good place to get ez farm and get bottle boots and whatever your first core is, blink for many mids. THEN your team can start to group up and take fights.

    Pretty much 99% of pub players expect mid to babysit the whole map.

    When you try to explain to them that rotating will cost at least 1 minute, if not two. Thats maybe 14 last hits lost, or 600+ gold.

    Even if they don't have wards, a kill nets you a total of less than 500, and thats assuming 2 other heroes get an assist each.

    Since no one is roaming ever, no one will benefit from the free farm and xp that is mid while you are gone, so that is just wasting more.

    Sure, shutting down their carry or making space for yours is nice but the supports (or the other 3 carries, more likely) should be able to at least secure some farm on the 1.

    Not to mention how any kill you get leaves them dead for ~15 seconds so they lose very little.

    I just feel like unless you know that the enemy carry has lots of unreliable gold for a radiance/midas rush and you can make them lose a lot, its not worth it.

    My favorite is when people tell shadow fiends and od's to gank at 6 lol.

    TL;DR: Why does everyone think you have to gank at 6/non stop just because you went mid


      Thinking that mid is a ganking role is pretty much a 3.3k and below problem. They're used to one mid player completely dominating another mid player to the point that it's less of "mid ganks" and more of "mid snowballs and wins the game for us." When that doesn't happen (say, because both mid players are just trading farm and not really winning) they tend to blame mid as being the one that fucked up and didn't do their job.

      When in reality it's less of, "mid ganks" and "other lanes gank mid." You might sit in your lane long enough to secure your farmer an advantage (so that he can 1v1 for a minute or two without dying) and then run over to that mid lane, kill their mid, and if possible sit there and try and take the tower. This forces some rotations, which makes your other lanes easier.

      MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

        By 99% of players, I meant in my bracket (3k)


          if people realized that its much easier to actually gank the mid lane than the mid to gank the sidelanes....


            Perhaps I wasn't quite clear enough.

            The reason that people at that MMR think that mid is solely a ganking role is because they're bad. Which isn't anything special; at every MMR level you have people who are bad because they think stupid shit. Player misconceptions about the game are just confined to smaller and smaller areas as you move up in MMR.

            The reason that people at 3.8k MMR (my MMR) think that heroes can only play specific roles/lanes is because they're bad.

            The reason that people at 5k MMR think that heroes in certain roles can only build certain items is because they're bad. (Every Chocotaco game I watch.)

            The reason that people at 6k MMR think that game is over at 10 minutes is because they're bad. (Every !Attacker game I watch.)


              the reason people go afk past 10 mins if they are getting dominated is because they 9 out of 10 times won't be able to comeback so they want to lose fast so they can play another match fast


                I'm talking score, cs, and towers are relatively even. Example:

                Flaming mid starts at 7:30, gg is called at 9:20. Score is 5-8, 2 tower difference. And then they make a good comeback, because (shocker) Kunkka/NP/Clock have a lot of pickoff potential and Faceless/WD/Sky don't do a whole lot before level 6! Who would have thought.

                Dire Wolf

                  They usually go crazy asking for ganks cus:

                  1. The enemy mid is ganking them. Make sure that is not your fault by calling missings and pinging and calling out which runes were taken if they take them. If your team still dies cus they aren't paying attention or backing up then it's their own fault and you should tell them that. Just back the fuck off for a few mins, your mid will be free farming while opposing mid is wasting time.

                  2. They are losing the lane and blame you for it. Some lanes just can't be won, but if they are feeding it's their fault, not yours, or if an opposing carry has free farm that's not really your problem. You're supposed to win mid not win every lane for them.

                  If you don't have a tp to gank when enemies dive though, that is your fault. Should have one.


                    Unless I'm playing the Pudka I rarely gank unless my I get a haste (or regen on Storm). However, I usually try to TP into lane if someone is getting dived. Storm in particular is very good at punishing dives.


                      Around 3,3-3,7k I didnt have that problem until I played some unranked but it was just like 2-3 games.

                      At this bracket people will blame jungler or the offlaner. Its like they feed but they CANT realize it might be their fault and they think who to blame... "Oh furion who doesnt have mana and sprout (pre lvl 4) didnt gank yet - its his fault!".

                      Just mute and go on with your game


                        but usually it is junglers fault in the first place because people at 3k dont really know how to play 1v2, or they pick heroes that are not suitable for this

                        so if they are getting crushed in lane its probably junglers fault to put his allies in such disadvantage that he probably will not be able to carry them later, unless go super greedy ass build like midas doom, perhaps if the game go past 40 min you'll win if the other team didnt snowball so hard


                          I'm in 3.5K and people still ask me to gank top/bot when I play mid... Most of the time I stay mid unitl I get my core items such as - BoT (Tinker). VERY RARELY I get people that gank mid and it's annoying me because I know mid is a good source to get good farm and expierience.


                            @SLEAVE 1v2? At 3,7k people usually want to solo offlane and the most you see at safe is 2v2, so if they fail this its not my fault.

                            Of course some setups are better than others but the fact they lost their lane 2v2 doesnt mean im the one to blame because i might as well be 2nd supp and went with the other guy hardlane, would it still be our fault? No, its either picks "fault" or their misplay fault


                              When i play mid Invoker. My bot lane (dire) feeds with Ogre, Axe and a Necrophos vs a double lane. 7 mins in to the Game, they blame me, when i just got midas ( i admit that was my fault) and boots, for not ganking. Axe starts feeding intentionally. Iam sure, we would have won the game, if he wouldn't have done that.


                                @Maszyna: Another support is typically better than a jungler...except you're not going with your offlaner. You're going with your safelaner, so now that 2v2 is a 3v2 and you wreck them. If enemy has a solo offlaner, you zone him for a minute or two (until your safelaner has a level advantage) and then run around killing people.

                                2 supports working together have, by 6 minutes: zoned out the offlaner and ganked at least once, possibly twice.
                                1 support and a jungler working solo have, by 6 minutes: done nothing to stop the enemy offlane, nothing to help their mid, and have probably lost their own solo offlane.

                                Junglers make lanes shitty while still letting the jungler whine in allchat "but it's not MY fault the lanes lost; I was doing my job in the jungle!"


                                  My winrate this month is 60 percent. 8 percent more than my overall winrate. It's been a good month.

                                  kanye went to uni

                                    honestly, if you can't beat them, join them, just play a ganking mid like viper or something if everyone hates farmers


                                      @Hardcore Heathen jungler leaves you in a number disadvantage, yea, but its not his fault someone's feeding.

                                      I hate 20 min mark useless junglers that will blame their team as well but its always the idiots that cant play and they just have to blame someone for their shitty feeding.

                                      Thats why I made the other thread about furion that comes online early because I realize I need to contribute earlier to make the game easier to win. When I jungle I was usually going enigma anyway, so its a 2nd supp that has something more than brown boots at 10 min mark.

                                      I usually look for the opportunities to gank too, when Im 6 I will pretty much want to get some easy kills with BH (same for doom)

                                      So anyway, I didnt like the idea of junglers at pubs for a quite some time because it usually meant playing in a disadvantage but I just try to make up for it and always look for early ganks and contribution instead of being 0/0/0 at 15 min mark, just realized going for the hard/easy camp (dire side) and jungling here (along with pulling) might be a good idea, you are doing the supports job to pull and you are close to the lane so you can gank, along with that you have farm.

                                      This comment was edited

                                        90% of games in 2k i get people like the OP mentioned, there are many wannabe RTZ here


                                          3k game:
                                          If mid die, "mid feed, ggwp", "go uninstall dota"
                                          if mid no gank, "mid no gank ggwp", "fucking farmer"

                                          4k game:
                                          If mid got gank, support rotate.
                                          If mid no gank, no one gona flame you as long as you farm well.


                                            I should road to 4k, I've always wanted to be in a high enough mmr to be flamed by MoonMeander in a pub game.

                                            Miku Plays

                                              In conclusion..

                                              Lower bracket players have less knowledge of the game

                                              Unity Chan

                                                mid does not really need to gank instead support should rotate and gank and even ganking mid enemy player often is really helpfull and its natural for players flame mid if he dies so many times like 4-5 x in 10mins or 15 it will just make the game harder but with good coordination team will prevail also depends on lineup.


                                                  really depends on what hero.
                                                  if you are sf you can't gank unless a good rune, if u are pudge you must gank by 7.

                                                  Leonard Wan Zhun Kai

                                                    okay then explain to me how to be efficient if one goes mid


                                                      i have 62% ranked winrate this month (95% of the times i play solo) because i skyrocketed from 4,4k to 4,9k and all i want is to fucking get 5k so i can quit this frustrating shit game and maybe do something with my life but everytime i reach 4950+- i lose 10 games in a row

                                                      one and half gun

                                                        i think 1 out of 5 games, some loser on the offlane says "mid pls gank" before 10 minutes because he or she died 2-3 times

                                                        one and half gun

                                                          and that is page 1 games

                                                          [DFG] Whale King

                                                            Hey maybe eventually you'll hit 50% winrate! Congrats mate!