General Discussion

General Discussion6.82 notes are out boys

6.82 notes are out boys in General Discussion

    oh geez that pa/clinkz buff.. Fissure is no longer unit target.. maybe ill stop getting cock blocked by bad es players or it will get worse..

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      blood seeker and PL aren't even the same heroes any more! I could almost see support blood seeker being a thing now. PL looks like he is way more of a fighting hero then just a RAT after the changes illusions only last 8 seconds, but his right clicks have a 40/45/50 % chance to make them. I have no idea what to think of his sudo blink/ phase boots on crack ability.

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          People need to start asking the serious questions.
          Axe has a larger chance of spinning


            ^ ENEMY Axe has a larger chance of spinning.

            BTW, I don't understand Viper's nerf completely. Corrosive Skin is no longer global I see...not that much of a nerf to be honest. But what about the other one? Does it mean a DoT spell will only proc it once?

            COYOTE CÓSMICO


              COYOTE CÓSMICO

                WK + BLOODCYKA NEW META BOYS ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                  tried riki offlane

                  went amazing

                  ended 31-2-15 or some shit

                  total rape

                  sven enemy claimed 3k mmr is same as 5k, I cried

                  new riki is fuckin amazing ocmpared to old. with 5 charges u can controll thru a fight so insanely well


                    I'm fine with all of the changes pretty much, I just don't like the map change.. But I guess I'll get used to it.

                    People learn how to adapt.

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                        when is this patch out?
                        cant wait to spam my old love pa

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                          @Zano it basically refers to the Morphling Replicate constant corrosive skin thing. Basically corrosive skin cannot proc corrosive skin.


                            ^ that's a buff to viper then not a nerf.


                              dot's will still refresh corrosive skin

                              the reflect change makes an enemy viper illusion not reflect corrosive skin ad infinitum to viper and also makes the viper vs viper mid matchup less fun because there won't be endless corrosive skin loops


                                So, in the end the only direct nerfs he received were increased mana cost on Mek and non-global Corrosive Skin (because seriously, I've never experienced nor seen someone experiencing the endless corrosive skin proc). I guess we'll have to see how the change in the meta affects him.


                                  Then you must have never played 1v1 viper on matchmaking, it's a good time


                                    so anyone knows when the fuck this patch gonna b here?

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                                      @the number 12 I feel like it was more of a bug fix than a buff. Nobody really abused it anyway


                                        Yeah and it's not exactly hard to have the mana for mek + viper strike to be honest, I don't think viper's been nerf that bad at all. But if games take longer and T1 are harder to push then it indirectly nerf its potential midegame contribution. We'll see.


                                          That necro buff is pretty strong early-mid isn't it? Respawn time for scythe victims will be 54secs from level 6



                                            maybe next week after all bug fixes