General Discussion

General Discussioncan i enter the 5k scrubs club now?

can i enter the 5k scrubs club now? in General Discussion


      gz !


        I m coming soon to 5k trashkan club as well, this new meta suits me much more cus there are not anymore fucking pushing strategy where you cant do shit if your tema picks bad.


          what u ahve to say about new riki, bogi?


            streaming party with havoc and dorkly gg

            one and half gun

              i will watch for 4 minutes until i fall to asleepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

              one and half gun

                its just a black screen :(
                play this

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                  Mhh, im so long in this forum and bogi tells everyone like 1 year now that he will enter 5k soon. Never happend, never will.

                  Quick maffs

                    Wait, i fed on stream ?



                      i'd join you guys but i still have 3 games in low priority

                      Quick maffs

                        By the way 55 % winrate boys


                          we playing lpq as well benao:D


                            "I m coming soon to 5k trashkan club as well, this new meta suits me much more cus there are not anymore fucking pushing strategy where you cant do shit if your tema picks bad."

                            hahahahahhah... He is coming guys. After 11 fucking months and over 2k ranked matches.

                            And btw Bogi, I have OP on friend list, and he was like 4.1k in the middle of August. Yes, he just went from 4.1k to 5k in like half of month while YOU were 4.8k in December last year. It is questionable if 5k is even 5k that it actually was on the beggining of ranked.

                            one and half gun

                              5k is new 4.5k

                              im seeing 4.8k-5k players buy poorman shield on potm, necrobook on PL and much more.
                              its killing my sanityyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


                                i was actually calibrated at 3,1k when ranked came out


                                  ring of protection increased by 25g, basi no longer op compared to pms now.


                                    its not questionable.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      What you were calibrated at 3,1k ? what the fuck man you are making me feel bad about myself


                                        stack without me = lame stack.
                                        you need my legendary earth spirit scrubs


                                          ok i need someone to carry my ass while i play medusa for all hero challenge

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                                                5k still scrub




                                                    fucking finally!:D curse is gone!

                                                    Mr MAYHEM

                                                      hey Allison ever though of making a TA guide? you TA is awesome


                                                          there's no need for me to make a TA guide since there are way better players than me that have already done that (well not a guide but they shared some essential tips)

                                                          i went for the dragonfist meta during 6.81 to climb with ta cause its better when you get decent at ta, but if i were to play my own ta style i'd build midas+treads everygame and play very passive, but thats not what you want to do with ta. you have to be active
                                                          Quoting some Dragonfist ta tips:

                                                          "Tips on TA? (since this gets asked alot I'll make a section for it)

                                                          This is a question I get alot, whether it be laning/itemization. Laning aspect is pretty much impossible to explain so try to analyse how a player clicks is my best tip. As for items, right now I'm going Phase > Drums > Yasha > Desolator > Crit > Manta > Daed > MKB/Bfly/BKB/Linkens/etc

                                                          If I'm doing really well and I'm on dire I might opt for deso before yasha to get roshan quicker.

                                                          Why no dagger/midas/treads in your build?

                                                          Games in my bracket are often played with allies 3000 mmr below me and for that reason I need to be as productive/ready to fight as possible. Midas rules itself out for that reason. As for treads or phase, I rather have movement speed than attack speed in these scenarios (even with mana efficiency that treads provide). Finally, as for dagger, I think putting 2150 gold in a positioning tool is incredibly risky in an even game/game you're losing and for that reason I buy it only if my lane is going extremely well and always after my yasha (usually before 15-18~ minutes)

                                                          Why don't you get BKB in most of your games?

                                                          It slows down my farm progression most games, I'd only get it if the enemy has massive teamfight spells that do not go through bkb, probably after yasha. I think manta is amazing as a defensive tool, it gives you the same +hp as bkb and dispels a massive amount of projectiles and creates enough confusion for the next 1-2 seconds to reposition and get my spells back up without slowing down my farm. It's also an extension to yasha so it saves me an item slot."