General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper changes

Sniper changes in General Discussion

    Headshot now causes a 0.5 second 100% MS and AS slow instead of a 0.25 second stun
    Shrapnel area of effect increased from 400 to 450

    Can someone explain this 100% MS and AS slow... so does that mean they cannot move for 0.5 s and cannot attack for 0.5s ?? is this just to stop him from disabling channeling? ... so basically he can now with MoM prevent anyone from moving or doing anything ? or am i mistaken.

    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

      moviment slow/ atack slow

      Too op



        Slows cannot lower a hero's movement below 100 or their attack speed below -80. So Sniper now randomly causes heroes to move at 100 for half a second and attack much more slowly. Attack Speed takes a hero's Base Attack Time (1 attack every 1.7 seconds for the vast majority of heroes) and increases or decreases it by 1%.


          it is a nerf so he cant perma bash people.


            How is it a nerf since you can't move, it's even worse as he will just keep shooting you, when you could move he had to move to follow u.


              .... seriously?

              First off it was already explained in this thread that you can still move since movement slow never slows someone belong 100. Second off its not like they could move when STUNNED before either, but now they can move, and they can do anything else they would normally be able to do when not stunned like casting spells....

              "when you could move he had to move to follow u."

              what magical world of dota do you play in where stunned players can move?

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                I think what he meant was even with MoM you were'nt permanently bashed since its "rng" and for the most part you can move , where as the statement in the patch notes makes it seem like you cannot move regardless..

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                  100 ms is hardly a move, it's basically a free diffusal charge for each head shot.

                  Did you already played this game or ur just a troll ?

                  Read the patch again it's 0.25 stun vs 0.5 move speed AND attack speed.


                    You know you can do stuff like...cast spells or tp while Sniper is shooting you right? One of the most annoying things about Sniper is that his projectile is so fast that before the nerf, he'd bash you before your hero could cast anything because of casting animation. And now that's gone...Shaker, Ogre, and other such stunners with pretty long casting animations now will be able to stun him no problem and crap all over Sniper all easily.


                      how can they stun him over bkb ?

                      kanye went to uni

                        because bkb rushing on sniper is what all the cool guys do


                          Jeez...replace those heroes for Magnus/Axe/Warlock...

                          kanye went to uni

                            and even forgetting that, 0.25 seconds of 0 movespeed and 0 attackspeed vs 0.5 seconds of half move speed and half attack speed that also cant interrupt channelling ... sounds like a nerf to me

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                              Usually you play sniper when there isn't big disabler in the opposite team that can blink on you. Or when your team can cover you.

                              You forget that you was rarely fully stuned even vs mom sniper.

                              Dire Wolf

                                It's a nerf but not a gigantic one. Against melee and for kiting, chasing heroes I think it will work out to essentially the same since the duration is double. It's hard to close distance on sniper now unless you have a blink ability and that won't change much. Might not need skadi so much now! But where it hurts him is as people said, interupting. Before he was awesome at stopping channeling heroes like enigma, witch dr, pugna, bane. He can't stop them now. Can still get mkb though and do the same thing.


                                  its a nerf, lets say a enigma jump in and catch his 4 allies, he could just attack enigma, with the bash it would cancel the channeling, now it won't.


                                    ^^^ True, but you are now creating scenarios and adding factors that weren't mentioned whatsoever before just so you can be right. If you picked Sniper and there isn't a big disabler or anyone who can blink on you, then why the hell do you need a BKB?

                                    I just pulled that same crap there. Your Sniper suddenly has a BKB? Well, the hero in my example can pierce BKB and is standing right next to you.

                                    Edit: Dammit make me add another "^"

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                                    आप गे क्यों

                                      noob crying for the wrong reasons

                                      u obviously havent played against the new bs, pl and riki. now thats op

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Yeah I would pick sniper specifically to counter some channeling supports before like he's really good vs witch dr. Now not so much. But overall will probably be about the same.


                                          Why you even cry for sniper "nerf" lmfao ? He got improved early game that's it.

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