General Discussion

General Discussionwhat the fook

what the fook in General Discussion

    just watching a w33 game and he has 6 treads on a meepo clone (not the real one)
    sick bug


      Bug was found about 3 hours ago and Baumi made a video, holy shit it's broken as hell


        can u link it fast so i pick meepo


          how does this work? he didn't buy them, do meepo's shoes just divide through mitoses now?

          edit: o look a video explaining it!!!

          This comment was edited

            omg gonna try it on smurf xD


              ahahahah omfg nice bug :D
              pls abuse it for fun's sake


                im doing it now lol
                pretty sick


                  If i knew about it perhaps i could have carried the noobs in my last game.

                  Sugar Show

                    new meta.

                    Sōu ka

                      disgusting people everywhere

                      that w33 guy playing with his team in amateur tournaments with like 1-2 minutes delay and you see 3 players from his team in twitch chat and they pause the game 8 times
                      whatever guess some people think it's funny

                      Midi Prill

                        Just owned some nerd doing this exploit


                        Leshrac ftw