General Discussion


HARDEST GAME OF MY LIVE in General Discussion

    Had to go all dmg and 4 v 5 all mid push after having one guy dc.
    early game I missed torrent boat on mid and enemy was flaming me noetop, until they realized whats going on.

    Need to talk,remove your ...

      Tide bringer at its best LOL gj man!


        Sry, not impressed.


          lol having a rapier on kunkka, you should have travels + dagger/shadowblade or some escape
          just imagine if you died once with 6 rapiers.
          lancer and furion 3 rapiers each, easy katka.
          but wait, its not ranked so i guess your buid is fine, maybe some dagons?


            Not trying to impress anyone, just sharing my expiriance in game and hopping others share theres.


              I won't say it was the hardest, thought.

              And 'bout feeding Rapiers.
              I fed three.

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              THICC BABY SHUM

                Its just I was only reliable dmg and pl was supper tanky, and void made sure that i dont get cought using his chrono right. But at there ancients i did get jumped by pl, and missed 3 attacks by butterfly, almost peed my pants, then one shot him LOL.

                THICC BABY SHUM

                  wOW pl terblade and spectre so many illusions.


                    nice 6 DRs

                    kanye went to uni

                      epsik had no qualms about afk farming for 30+ minutes making his queue buddies have the shittiest games of their lives apparently


                        4 rapiers and 2 daedalus wouldve done more and not have thrown the game as much

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          Going 4 rapiers is already thrown game for 100% might aswell go 6 or go home

                          kanye went to uni

                            4 rapiers = 1200 dmg
                            daedalus = +25% = +300 dmg, plus the dmg you already had, plus the 81dmg from the item itself

                            but still, six rapiers has some bragging rights attached so gj

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              And you will not crit everytime, plus pl illusions hav evasion,


                                ROFL, how terrible was dire to allow you to sit there with 300 ms and zero survivability items.

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                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  I was way back, void chrono making me able to hit a guy inside of chrono, and everything just disapeard

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    Also xmark is best suitability


                                      dem expiriance ! wp m8


                                        Dunno, u guys feed'n'stuff. Let's say I wasn't AFK farming. I would won my lane 'cuz I'm awesome, but u fed all the lanes. ALLLLL OF THEM.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          what did you say, english pls.

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                            that game was all about running defending tower, I never rlly got to farm expt of one shotting creep waves that were pushed


                                              25.4K HD on Kunkka w/ 6 Rapier?
                                              Not really tough, but this one does
                                              But still lose -_-

                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                Dont see rapiers must have been a boring game.


                                                  can't be that hard if you won


                                                  hardest game of my life

                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                    not bad! usually I don't comment but u have over 2000+ games so I'm sure ur not lying.

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                                                      lookit. feeding slark, feeding invoker, who then flames and proceeds to dc.

                                                      ironically my gold earned and damage done is the same :3

                                                        Epic Sax Guy

                                                          Your enemy had weird priorities. Got all 3 of your tier3s but only one rack.

                                                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid
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                                                            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                              i am pretty sure the match was over and he just sold everything for rapiers

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                watch replay