General Discussion

General Discussion15 fucking LP games

15 fucking LP games in General Discussion

    AGAIN for oplaying to win! same shit last time wtf is volvos fucking problem
    thats the game i got it for
    i bet the STACK sky and bb did it, giving me 2 instant reports and VOLVO HANDS ME A 15 lp penalty again. last time i got 15, after the patch (NOTICE I NEVER GOT LP games, i dc a bit a couple of months ago and thats it, bad internet) for winning too! 3 streak and LP.

    anyone with a dev volvo account who could share? this shit needs to be fixed wtf is this shit! and im MUTED every fucking game. how the fuck can i fucking ruin these fucking noob's games!!!!!!!!! I AM MUTED AND I WIN THE SHIT FOR THEM WTF IS THEIR FUCKING PROBLEM AND VOLVO PRAISES THEM WITH MORE REPORTS FUCK THIS SHIT. I managed to play only 6 games after LP and 15 LP games NOTICE I GOT MUTED ON THIS GAME (2ND)

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      Enjoy your life sentence, criminal.




          lend me an account to post on dev forums or post for me thx!




              Do u get it that you had to be reported by mutiple people in mutiple number of games to actually get lpq. Wtf are u even doing to people in ur games... jesus. Congratz though

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              THICC BABY SHUM

                all u have to do is to mute ppl that are ennoying or bad, and try to 1 v 5 if it gets out of controll.

                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                  Damn man that sucks. I can abaddaon a game and not be sent to lp games. You must be doing some harsh shit, you criminal. :(

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    u can abandon 1 to 2 games a week.



                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        steam report

                        We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                          This is when you either stop playing rank or go play another game. At least that is what I been doing for like 2-3 months?

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            or smurf, but thats for losers


                              how the fk do u get lp i dont even remember the last time i had lp

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                some ppl have shitty internet(me) they get disconected (me) and comp is like time for microsoft update (me)


                                  Allison, Benao got some mental issues, thats why he's muted 24/7, lowprio as they implemented now.

                                  The guys getting it, totally deserve it. (Been there sometime myself recently aswell.)

                                  Linda | DotaExchange

                                    ^ i don't know about mental issue, but valve report system is tottaly bugged. I've played a game with my mate, haven't said a word whole game, didn't feed, we won that game.

                                    Next game, i got 24 hours mute. Fuck that shit

                                    P.S. It wasn't game before, that was my first game on this acc.

                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                      - ddsama. no reason to flame


                                        ^I don't believe you on this, but if it really happened, how common do you really think this is?

                                        I've been muted at LEAST 50 times totally, and I've deserved them all.

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          I never been muted, but If I was I wouldent want to get flamed on top of it. getting muted already im sure is ennoying and lowers chance of winning. and havin fun.

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                                              I said exactly the same when I was getting muted. "I didn't even say anything", however in reality I flamed a ton.

                                              You're a sad guy, Benao.

                                              Kom deg på sykehus, du er den mest retarda idioten jeg noen gang har vært borti.

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                                                  Look at what you're writing? Read it.

                                                  Now, think for yourself. Does that look fucking retarded? Am I a retard? Am I uneducated, is that the reason I'm acting like this? Hmm, maybe I'm just stupid, but I don't realize it myself?

                                                  You know if the servers are lagging, the punishment between mute, lowprio, etc. may be delayed? Happened tons of times for me aswell?

                                                  Should I translate it to norwegian so you may understand what I'm saying?
                                                  Burde jeg oversette til norsk slik at du skjønner hva jeg sier?

                                                  one and half gun

                                                    guys chill, i heard it takes 1 report to get low prio nowadays

                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                      trieng to be nice after all da flame?


                                                        Perhaps your mutes/LPs have to do with your overall attitude? the way you post makes me believe so.

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                                                        BIG FAT DUCK

                                                          what's a miracle is that google translate worked properly for once

                                                          BIG FAT DUCK

                                                            @ Azraelalpha

                                                            I don't think so, I flame people all the time in my matches and I've never been sent to LPQ due to reports.

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                                                              holy fuck flaming people is playing to win? were u born retarded or what?

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                flaming team was created to piss of ur teamate and make him walk mid and feed over and over, reason i dont flame in ranked.

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                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                    hopfully you didnt say that to me


                                                                      @ALEX "holy fuck flaming people is playing to win? were u born retarded or what?"

                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                        @ALEX changed his comment, nice dude u made us look so stupid so smart. tex book dota.

                                                                        Paid actor

                                                                          Aint u the guy who feeds couriers,who has those wierd 0-24 intentional feeding? game ruining coz some1 in ur team sucked (according to u)? Aint u the 1 whos steam profile is spammed by every living person on the planet with flames of what kind of cu nt u r? if thats the case, and i hope im not mistaking it, u sir actually would deserve that even if u havent done anything.
                                                                          For the crimes of Heresy, practising the dark arts of witchcrafting and for consorting with the spawn of devil i hereby condemn u guilty.
                                                                          *Crowd shouting BURN BURN BURN!!!
                                                                          *Grabs pitchfork
                                                                          *Lights the stake
                                                                          "Requiescecat in pace"

                                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                            Benao , u have shit load of veryhigh games and then last game you played is normal skill wtf happen?


                                                                              i played in chile xD
                                                                              300 ping and still raped mid... full of noobs just wanted to check out the server...

                                                                              AND EVEN IF I DID FEED ALL THOSE FUCKING COURIERS AND END 0-99999 I DID NOT DO THAT AFTER LEAVING LP AND PLAYING REAL GAMES (RANKED)

                                                                              go kill urself

                                                                                u can get extra lpq added for pulling that shit there

                                                                                not to mention ur shit and ur mouth is bigger than wave for crying out loud...u have a sub 3 kda on every hero but zeus thank god ur in lpq

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                                                                                  You must have done something wrong, I got reported in a game for going armlete, radiance, divine.................... as Sandking.
                                                                                  And I never got lp.

                                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                    cant belive this is actually this long of a thread of blaming a guy for doing something when he already said what happen.

                                                                                    go kill urself

                                                                                      cant believe this is actually a question when all the guy does is ruin games and flame even though hes not good himself and then wonders why everyone reports him and blames them


                                                                                        dont compare me with the 4k traash i enccounter pls
                                                                                        i was so disgusted by the luna on that 5th game fornot being able to carry after 50+ minutes of freefarm that i firstpicked luna to show myself how easy it fuucking is and that my expectations weren't too high!! i fuucking raped that game and even baited a 3 man gank with crystallys and manta and still pulled a triple kill against a centaur +2 that initiated on me with dagger, all because of the timings i carry! and still farmed the hell outta the map and secured the win!!! but nooo i deserve LP right? GO FUuCK YOURSELF ^ and anyone that thinks like him or the fuucktards that reported me in that luna game


                                                                                          Dat comments on ur profile tho ^^ :D


                                                                                            Maybe if you are muted there are things the team is trying to tell you and they assume you're just a shit kent who won't listen and does his own thing? If that's the case you're probably getting reported for picks/your lane/ etc before the game ends.


                                                                                              OP, you are a dick. You are unpausing every possible pause. In all this games, you are muted except the lancer one. And in that:
                                                                                              Phantom Lancer: WTF.
                                                                                              29:00Phantom Lancer Phantom Lancer: DID YOU DO.
                                                                                              29:01Phantom Lancer Phantom Lancer: FUCKING EARTH.
                                                                                              29:05Phantom Lancer Phantom Lancer: YOU FUCKING KILLED ME PEICE OF SHIT.

                                                                                              That is all chat, I can only imagine what were you writing in ally chat. And look at ur posts here

                                                                                              "I WAS MUTED YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT"
                                                                                              "I AM MUTED YOU PIECE OF SHIT AND YOU GO TO THE HOSPITAL WITH YOUR RETARDED FUCKING BROTHER"

                                                                                              Get a clue, idiot.


                                                                                                thats the game i got muted for? explaining to trash earth not to fucking move me cause i got an escape mechanism in my skills? moving me the shit around and messing my position fuck that noob peice of shit


                                                                                                  not only did i lose streak, i had tons of more exp than anyone and in this meta thats fucking retarded!!!!!!! to die like that!


                                                                                                    JUST TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT HE FUCKING DID

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                                                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                                                      I flame people if they are being retarded, I have never been muted or lpq from reports, only from abandons (disconnects). I think if you're ending up in these queues from reports you deserve it.

                                                                                                      Also don't you guys get that little notice that valve has "taken action against a player you reported?" I get those and it's only after I report actual abuse. I have reported people for being jackasses before and nothing but if someone goes afk or intentionally feeds and you report them, a day later that notice pops up. I'm pretty sure they check the replays somehow to determine if abuse is going on or the reports are just because X player dislikes Y player.


                                                                                                        Benao, I don't know you but I think you may have mental issue...
                                                                                                        You don't understand than whatever your skill is, no matter if you win or loose, in the end you just ruined the game and no one can have fun like this ...
                                                                                                        I'll not spend too much time arguing with you cause it's obviously useless. Since you only considere DOTA 2 results as a goal, considere "respect" as a top skill to improve your winning ratio ! You can start by muting your microphone, ping only 1 or 2 times each 20 seconds and never "chat" something else than "hello", "gj" or "GG wp" ...
                                                                                                        DOTA 2 is a teamplay game, if you want to test your own skill then play WC3 or SC2