General Discussion

General DiscussionLearning how to play the Dotas

Learning how to play the Dotas in General Discussion
Sōu ka

    I'm actually kinda bored right now and i somehow need something to motivate myself to play dota

    i played dota on and off for many years now but i feel like i never put in any real effort in trying to get better
    this is not me trying to play dota professionally its just me trying to play at a level that doesn't disgust myself

    so to my current situation:
    i haven't really played dota for 6 months, just a few games scattered over that period
    i was sitting at around 5500MMR at that time playing mostly support and a bit of offlane (its 5450 or so now)

    so what i want to do is sort of understand how to play the game
    people have very strong opinions but for the most part they have no fucking idea and the most i can do is tell them why they are wrong but i have no idea what the right thing to do is myself

    i want to be very critical of my own play and analyze not only my play but also my teammates play to understand what people are thinking and what i can improve on or what i should prioritize on

    i want to stream myself learning how play dota and i intend to talk a lot and explain the shit i'm doing and why i'm doing it
    it's kind of like a thing where you can see me being awful and realizing what i'm doing wrong and therefore seeing things that you could do better yourself

    i will be focusing on playing support 80% with 15% offlane and the rest is where my team makes me play carry or solo mid what i play once every 20 games
    there's a bunch of threads on dotabuff about people wondering how to climb as support and while i have no idea how supports play out at 3k MMR there's probably a lot you can learn anyway
    i will be watching my own replays and if people want i can watch their replays as well to see what's going wrong or just ask questions in this thread or in chat

    i am not advertising this on any other site as it is probably going to suck a lot at least at the very beginning but i'm not going to stream without announcing it anywhere as that's fucking stupid i think
    there's not really many English speaking streams of 5kish players focusing on supports
    i don't expect to get more than 3 viewers or something but whatever i'm not really doing this for anyone else so it's fine

    i suppose the first few games are going to be a bit rough but MMR seems rather inflated so that i think i'm still at 50% for the moment or maybe i'm going to eat my words and fall hard but it's all a learning experience i guess

    i might stream later in 1-2 hours today/tonight and probably a bit tomorrow

    i'll spam shit when i go live


      sou ka doto Kreygasm


        Pick late game supports, win games. !!!! I was too late to watch your stream :S

        Sōu ka

          i actually havent even started i might test it in 15 minutes or some shit /will edit this post when i do

          okay im testing settings/fps now for some minutes please no flamerino

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          Sōu ka

            trying to play some support thd maybe with mic in 5 minutes


              Just in time to catch :D

              Sōu ka

                4.3k bat mid i love dota xD


                  euro west. youre playing at like 3am ofc there's gonna be a huge disparity. well idk i only place usw, but id assume so.

                  Sōu ka

                    theres enough players not to give me 4.3k players when the other team has a 6.4k player i think
                    and it was before 1 am or some shit


                      are you live?

                      edit: nvm, watching it

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                      Sōu ka

                        how to win a game with omniknight in 30 secs
               (muted highlights)

                        im actually aware that nobody can fucking understand me right now my mic has a disgusting static so i cant turn up the volume and i dont want to get used to push to talk right now as i am getting a new mic by tomorrow/today

                        Welt aus Eis

                          I'm watching you on D3XTR's stream :p

                          Sōu ka

                            cyka (

                            Sōu ka

                              new microphone will attempt to do talking for once

                              Sōu ka

                                new microphone will attempt to do talking for once

                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                  D3XTER is my brother

                                  Sōu ka

                                    new microphone will attempt to do talking for once


                                      did it crash?

                                      Sōu ka

                                        so i fixed random crashes as well as mic static and stuff

                                        gonna play a couple of games with mild talking and major dick sucking


                                          1 friend only?

                                          is that your main account?

                                          edit: watch this guy
                                          you don't see good support players stream everyday w/ commentary

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                                          Welt aus Eis

                                            satie you're so cute



                                                hes playing vs van art nao


                                                  worst game ever

                                                  Sōu ka

                                                    i fucking ahte omni so much fun cant take it

                                                    Sōu ka

                                                      okay im gonna play for a bit and talk shit
                                                      now in 720p (down from 1080) because people were fucking lagging

                                                      come watch you fucks


                                                        Found the game Shadow blade meepo *my sides*


                                                          I watched your Lich game with an afk retard razor and Slark van art complained about. Does your keyboard have cherry mx blue switches? them clicks are loud

                                                          This comment was edited

                                                            new meta meepo pls learn to play the dotas

                                                            Sōu ka

                                                              every game you ahve someone going fucking emo on my team even when youre winning
                                                              this shits unbearable


                                                                i really hate twitch, sometimes channels just don't load

                                                                Sōu ka

                                                                  my keyboard isnt even that loud the problem is the way the mic picks it up
                                                                  its very stingy and high pitched probably because its rather close to the keyboard

                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                    fucking servers crashing

                                                                    Sōu ka

                                                                      gonna play a little and see if the servers are better today

                                                                      Sōu ka

                                                                        watching the end of dreamleague and playing some sad ranked solo queue support games
                                                                        lets get angry at icefrog for making that piece of shit hero

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          wtf are u guys talking about, shadowblade meepo is best dendi done it, must be best.

                                                                          Sōu ka

                                                                            everybodys fucking 4.6k mmr what the fuck is happening


                                                                              don't play this dead game

                                                                              Sōu ka

                                                                                im a professional hearthstone player now


                                                                                  You streaming?

                                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                                    yup but its not really playing its waiting 4 minutes every turn because people cant fucking play their cards

                                                                                    Sōu ka

                                                                                      lets see if eu servers are playable!!!!!!!!!111111

                                                                                      Sōu ka

                                                                                        post dreamleague sadness matchmaking