General Discussion

General Discussionhow to win lane against sniper?

how to win lane against sniper? in General Discussion

    Use any skill on him, he dies

    swap commends

      yeah. if only i could come close to him as able to cast a skill.


        it's not about sniper, it's about your carry's item choices.
        terror needed to push, butterfly and manta>daedalus and heart for pushing, and butterfly way better against sniper, and that morphling... oh well, i think he got his share of flame that game.

        Unity Chan

          i just use sky and rekt sniper easy :3


            Blink dagger will get u close :) lion slark ogre any melee hero with blink and bash like void am sniper is the eziest hero to kill if he is slightly out of position and if he is not u can always blink at him , mistake i always see no 1 focus sniper and go mad why he rapes them


              stun this 500hp moving freekill

              Epic Sax Guy

                You played Silencer in that match. You should have manually glaived him, had he tried to return fire he would have drawn aggro. There's extremely few enemies that should win a lane against Silencer if you orb walk correctly.

                Dire Wolf

                  Holy shit sniper didn't take a point in shrapnel until level 10. How do you not simply curse the shit out of him?

                  Look, sniper is a lot better of a hero than people give him credit for. I understand your pain and frustration with his absurdly high range and his headshot is really good. Best way to kill him is with ganks. He gets a little too out of position and night stalker and morph can both blow him up fast. Or you can counter pick him with heroes like PA (blink strike onto him, he's dead unless he has you super out farmed) and spirit breaker (charge, ult, dead sniper).


                    Harrass him out of lane, force rotations from other team, know where sniper is and just watch your health easiest hero to go against in pubs

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      is this rlly a thread? how to win a lane vs a hero that has 500 hp no stun and no escape....


                        This has to be a troll thread. OP played SILENCER and thinks sniper wins that lane.......

                        Has to be trolling.


                          Probably pub matches only? I have played a lot of Sniper matches (as Sniper) and what the guys say here is truth. Blink and stun and that midget is dead.

                          By the way, is E-blade on Sniper legit for team fights against heavy right-clickers?


                            Last word has 900 cast range and Curse of the silent has 800 cast range. Sniper's maximum autoattack range (lvl 4 take aim) is 950. How the fuck can you lose the lane Silencer vs Sniper, really.

                            Oh, btw your skillbuild is shit. If you're going as a core Silencer, first skill point should go to glaives most of the times because it makes last hitting much easier and allows you to orb walk and trade hits if needed.
                            You should always prioritize last word over curse. Last word will force the enemy to either waste mana casting a spell and getting silenced or to get both disarmed and silenced, which means you can follow up with a full duration (or close) curse of the silent. Curse will also force the enemy to waste mana casting a spell, the difference is that Last word will always deal max damage and curse won't. Finally, Last word scales much better and is more reliable than curse.


                              It could work but it's very expensive, he bought it more for the stats I believe.


                                he is so freaking anoying on lane, but he is so freaking awful hero imo, needs some kind of rework.

                                आप गे क्यों

                                  anyone with a gap closer kills him. ANYONE.


                                    are u surprised ?
                                    he is talking about normal skill where sniper is mby one of the best laning heroes

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      @Oleksandr vs normal heroes you're right but vs snipers who never spec shrapnel curse does more dmg, more dmg per mana point, and sniper has no way to drop it.

                                      Sniper is not as easy to lane against solo as people think cus of his good range and great headshot proc, but a silencer should be able to curse him from afar and just ignore his range. Most people think sniper is a pushover because most snipers suck donkey nuts and have no clue how to position. But sniper vs a lot of mids is not that hard, I'd gladly play sniper vs invoker, storm, qop, shadow fiend, maybe even TA. I just really don't want to play vs razor or viper.


                                        As micro said above, you need to think of sniper sort of like drow. Less important than drow, but you need to find a way to get in his face to make him do something other than auto attacking.

                                        sorry didn't read, laning.

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                                          Any person with an actual and fully functioning human brain would get a point in sharpnel against a competent silencer, so that's not even an argument.
                                          You should almost never prioritize Curse over Last word. Last word has a much better cooldown scaling, doesn't increase its mana cost, its disable scales decently, overall a much better spell which gives you better early to mid game presence as a disabler.
                                          At level 7 you deal 315 damage after basic 25% magic reduction by maxing Last word. If you max Curse you can deal from 230 to 405 after reductions, depending on how long curse lasts. So yeah, you get 90 completely unreliable damage, your disable is weaker (3 sec vs 6 sec), your combo takes more mana which is important in the early game, etc.
                                          The only case I would max Curse first is maybe against a WK that I'd like to shutdown early.

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                                            i always max last word

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I think you'd be surprised how many snipers always max headshot and take aim before putting any points into shrapnel in our bracket (which is a big reason many of them suck). But point conceded.


                                                close the gap and you can normally win. Getting past the team to reach pesky sniper is the problem. Good team will football their sniper like their qb...

                                                Mr Heals

                                         pick pudge smurfarino funarino

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                                                    hey i max take aim and headshot first too ):


                                                      I dont see how shrapnel can effectively save you from ganks, better to rely on map awareness and positioning imo and have higher range and dps from take aim and headshot. Then again i do play vs 3-4k scrubs in my sniper games, so might not be that simple in higher brackets.


                                                        with lvl4 shrapnel you can just shrapnel a wave and run away w/e.
                                                        pushing out a wave asap then running back to block the next wave also makes u harder to gank.

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          Exactly, shrapnel lets you push while being way back on your tower. Easily take t1 towers with little to no risk. I mean sniper is still very gankable, you just need to dive the tower with 2-3 people and he'll still die. But it's hard to 1v1 kill him if he's sitting that far back. Later when waves start to get pushed past river, just shrapnel the wave then rotate through your jungle or something. You farm the wave pretty well, you'll usually get 3-4 out of 5 creeps with shrapnel, and you can go farm something else.

                                                          Shrapnel is also really good for defending, if a team pushes you drop shrapnel from afar, it pulls all the creeps to you and does pretty decent dmg over that period.

                                                          Plus more points in headshot just isn't very efficient. It's a 40% chance to do 15/40/65/90. It's the equivalent of adding 6/16/26/36 base dmg. 1 point to add 10 base dmg, that's not very much per point. Yeah, having 26 extra base damage at level 6 with a 0/3/2/1 build is strong for fighting heroes, but a point in shrapnel adds 120 dmg over duration. I just find it more useful, I try to push t1s early with sniper because he is quite good at it really. You know t1s don't have backdoor either so as long as you have vision you can just keep attacking them with just 2 points in take aim.