General Discussion

General Discussionactually thankful post

actually thankful post in General Discussion
Kamado Kun

    most posts talk about how you get dragged down by shitty teammates, id like to express how i feel lucky to be the shitty one being carried in my last 2 ranked games, i was like awful and my teammates were so dam better than me. feels good . gosh how the fuck i even win with 3/12 nature haha

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      Heavy teammates is no fun
      but it is much worse
      when you are the heavy one

      - D1N0S4UR


        i wish someone would just carry me, and game would be ez.
        its still ez but 90% of the time i feel like im doing most of the shit in my team.
        maybe its just how my games have been lately.
        just looked at my last page and 90% of the games i have the most gold+hero damage and/or tower damage. ez.


          that's why this role is called carry :D


            Games in which teammates flame each other right from the start are no fun


            I'd like to thank my teammates for creating space and for growing up to realise that there's no point arguing over a draft before the game is even played. Working together without arguing makes it much easier to win