General Discussion

General DiscussionPause is broken

Pause is broken in General Discussion

    Really irritating if you need to step away for 30 seconds to answer the door for example.

    I get that it is also irritating when people abuse in the last few seconds before fountain falls for example.

    QQ Just played a game where we were taking their throne when I paused and answered the door - they were at our high ground by the time I got back...

    Something like an unbreakable one minute pause per team (unless a fountain has less than 5secs to survive at current HP loss rate) would make for a slightly less rage-inducing game...?


      nerf pause


        I think there should be only 2 pauses on each team that cannot be unpaused and are 2 min long for ppl to rec or what ever it is for, one for each team. his way there will be no pause buying item abuse no paused game anpaused game on and on, and ppl will not be afk thinking game is paused when someone has unpaued it, bause he will know exact time game will go on.


          Just disconnect right before you AFK. Voila, enemy can't unpause for a full minute.


            the most annoying part is when your teammate discs first minute and you pause to wait for him, they keep resuming. and in 5th minute just before he disconnects and nulls the game, enemy team start pausing in hope he reconnects and make the game count.

            absolute c#nts, and it happened on more than once occasion. only thing you can do is mute/report everyone.

            well fucking played db "contains offensive language or a banned term"

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            THICC BABY SHUM

              hey, be glad that we have such think as pause dont be ignorant, lol dsnt even has a pause option.


                I hate when people pause to have more time to pick. It shouldnt let u pause until the game start.

                Nowadays its impposible to play a game in wich there are no pauses lol.


                  i only pause to roll my cig ;D

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    I sometimes go to shower come back and game still paused, and then i look and realize Its a fucking bot game and i misclicked f9 wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


                      one time i was playing at a netcafe and we had an electricity cut (third world countries problem) so i went home like 40 mins later logged on to dota to find people still waiting xD so i resumed and we won

                      paid actors enjoyer

                        i hate YNIT


                          why hate, 1 love, smoke weed, drink vodka, get pu$$y, win dotka, get money, ez life.


                            Pause in war3 was better. Everyone knew it gonna be insta unpause, so no1 was pausing ever, and you couldn't abuse it, since you only had 2 per games per player.

                            And if ever it was really needed, then you could, cause it was implemented

                            But those idiots that go for the door, or for phone, that's just silly. Just imagine yourself playing a match of basketball, would you pause it to answer a call ????

                            The system is not hard to make better.
                            No pause unless som1 disced, period. and if people disc or fake disc, the game register them anyway as that, so if you are too frequently in that state --> low prio.

                            The only thing we could add is: if som1 (actually several people, otherwise you can easily abuse it) get a sudden increase of ping (which the server also register) then he can pause

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                              That's a bit harsh matrice. When DHL arrive at your house unexpectedly it isn't unreasonable for everyone to wait while you sign for a package. it'll take less than 2mins.

                              if you were playing a friendly game of basketball of course you would have a quick time out if someone's phone rang.

                              Maybe not in some LAN tournament but in a pub it is only polite and what goes around comes around.


                                you will not even hear your phone when you are playing basketball in first place.

                                The least that should be done, is same pause system as in war3. So if opponent agree, pause can remain, if they don't, they don't have to wait for opponent (not to mention that DHL always comes at the same hour -when he comes-, so you can forcast it)
                                (and hell, who ever gets an unexpected package in first place -unless it's arround birthday or so day-)


                                  Hey I've lived in France for a few years - I know very well that the time of deliveries is completely random! (well, apart from definitely not being between 12-2 - maybe i should limit playing to then ;) )


                                    @matrice that's a pretty stupid thing to say.

                                    OT: Pause system is good, its just horrible community. At least we have the pause, I've lost so many csgo games because someone DC or AFK for a few rounds and lose the game.