General Discussion

General Discussion[ Undying ] 1-hero to 5k MMR guide

[ Undying ] 1-hero to 5k MMR guide in General Discussion
NextStep ®

    Out of the 2.1k games I've played, I don't remember opposing teams first picking Undying.
    Maybe less than 10 games? Lol
    This hero is seriously unpopular and underrated.

    If you have difficulty climbing out of you current trench and think that MMR is so goddamn important, then you might wanna give this hero a try.
    I simply spammed Undying all the way from 3.8k to 5k. A total of 140 ranked games played with 67% winrate. ( 3-4 games with lich/razor )


    You only have [color=#e066ff] 2 different roles [/color] depending on enemy's lineup and which mmr bracket you are at .

    [color=#14c6ce]1) Lower skill bracket < 4.4k/Enemy with Jungler [/color]
    Dual offlane ( position no.3 Core )
    - team up with a support ( Ideally ranged ) which has reliable slow/stun. Eg. Skymage, veno, wd.. ( easy 1st blood at lvl 2 )

    [color=#14c6ce] 2) Higher skill bracket >4.4k /Enemy with potential snowballing carry/trilane lineup [/color]
    Aggressive trilane ( position no.4 support )
    - secure free farm for your carry and shutdown enemy's.

    Never run a SOLO offlane Undying. It's not efficient at all.
    Well, unless you're iceiceice. :))

    [color=#14c6ce]Starting items: [/color]
    - [color=#9fbb31]orb of venom[/color] is a must for dual lane. This item is a great investment.
    You can potentially solo kill any hero at lvl 1 with decay + right clicks.
    And given any basic coordination with your lane support.
    It's easy first blood. ( 195 first bloods out of 512 games. 38% )

    [color=#14c6ce] Core items: [/color]
    Both roles are generally similar.
    -Magic stick/Wand, Arcane, Urn/Aquila, Meka, Blademail

    **Before 6.82 I'd recommend midas on Udying ( Core ).
    But still, it's a good item on the current patch if you have a great start and manage to get it by < 6 mins.

    [color=#14c6ce]Skill build: [/color]

    Generally: 1,3,3,2,3,3,2,4 ( I prefer lvl 2 soul rip over lvl 2 decay in early game as decay is rather mana intensive and max tombstone asap )
    Situational : 1,3,2,2,1,4,3 ( If opposing team counter-pick with heroes like BB, gyro, tide, dazzle etc..Just leave 1-2pts on tombstone )

    [color=#14c6ce]The Planning Phase ( IMPORTANT ) [/color]
    - Communicate with your teammates.
    - Let them know you're playing Undying ( Either dual offlane or aggro trilane )
    - Advice them to pick a support with reliable slow/stun
    - Preferably not to have Jungler in your team.
    - Always pick last/2nd last with Undying ( Lower the chances of counter-picking )

    [color=#14c6ce]Gameplay [/color]
    - Decay..decay..+ hp + dmg
    - Drop tombstone
    - Right click
    - Soul rip heal/dmg
    - kill heroes
    - Profit $$
    - meka up

    and repeat... hah

    [color=#ec3939]Summaries based on my experience with SEA server. [/color]

    [color=#14c6ce][3.8k - 4.1k mmr] ----- 23 games played ( 17W 6L 74% winrate ) [/color]

    Trilane is pretty much nonexistent in this bracket.
    The general game mechanics are mediocre. Don't overly rely your carries and do expect your teammates to fail on other lanes.
    Trust yourself and run 2-1-2 core undying offlane.
    Once you have meka ( 11-15mins ), group up and force fights.

    [color=#14c6ce][4.1k - 4.4k mmr] ------ 68 games played ( 40W 28L 59% winrate ) [/color]

    My 'elo-hell'. This bracket is ****ing toxic.
    This is where you get to play with so many dendis and arteezys. Majority of the players ( especially players from Phil.... ) in this bracket are egoistic. All the whining and theorycrafting in-game.
    Expect to see players fighting for mid role, weird item/skill builds, demanding you to play hard support undying and junglers who can spend 12mins+ farming in the woods...

    You will get to see trilanes from time to time. Probably 3 out of 10 games.
    Most of the losses were due to uncooperative teammates who don't give a **** during the planning phase.
    Have fun trying to convince teammates on 2-1-2 offlane core undying. Be patient.

    [color=#14c6ce][4.4k - 4.6k mmr] ------ 26 games played ( 17W 9L 65% winrate ) [/color]

    The players in this bracket are more cooperative and this is where the trilanes are run very often.
    Usually opposing team tend to go safe trilane.
    Hence, get your team to play aggro trilane which Undying excels at.

    [color=#14c6ce][4.6k - 5k mmr] ------ 24 games ( 20W 4L 83% winrate ) [/color]

    Simply love this bracket.
    The players are tryhards and cooperative. You can see the difference when it comes to game mechanics and decision making.
    Most of the them can lane and farm well. As long you're doing your job during the laning phase as a support undying.
    You should be carried easily. I had 14 winning streak when i hit 5k.

    [color=#14c6ce][ > 5k mmr ] [/color]

    No intention of playing solo ranked at the moment.
    I just wanna have some fun on normal mm and learn new heroes. ( earth spirit )

    This is just a quick written one for the love of my fav hero.
    Not a well detailed guide when it comes to the pros and cons and gameplay of this hero.
    Might edit this in the future.
    Watch my replays if you're interested. I hope this can help some players. :))

    Check out my undying youtube channel. I will post some walkthru vids in a few days.

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    lil man

      That wall of text :O

      Good Guide

      -Papi Approved

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        Nice summary, interesting read! Will download a few of your replays although I don't think I have ever played Undying but just might later on.

        Is there any specific counters to undying that you have problems with?

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          gg well played undy.

          u moved undy to next step



            is it not worthwhile to mention the meepo you stack with?

            edit: undying is far from underrated (maybe not in the trench, but that doesn't really matter does it?). he is not played that much because people cannot be bothered playing him, same reason most people don't play chen, meepo or visage.

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              I don't know, its a guide on rising your solo MMR after all. IS THERE A POINT IN TALKING ABOUT PARTIES?


                yes simba his comment was terrible

                Orderabi (Muted)

                  Well done, a lot to learn from you mate.


                    Undying is a really good hero and I sadly stopped playing him despite almost constant success, good read while not really interested in the rating it has perked my interest in playing the hero on my return.


                      Nice guide and congratz :)


                        what are UD counterpicks and how do you deal with them?


                          gyro counters



                            I don't think there really are counterpicks to him. He's based around Tombstone so 'countering' him would simply destroying the Tombstone which isn't really feasible till mid game for rightclickers.

                            Its more of a playstyle counterpick. Undying is territorial and tombstone has a long cd. He's also far less effective late game.


                              sad part is this shit works and ive lost around 70% of my matches against him cause i cant do shit on my own against him and as he said they are so fucking gay as to last pick him or some shit...

                              now i hoped people would stop playing this shitty fucking hero but now people will be more eager... gg

                              and i tried to be gay and win with him once but i didnt know it wasnt gonna be effective as SOLO offlane :p... besides they had too much early game and my carries sucked (yes they sucked cause they were brought to lategame by the tomb xD). So Undy is srsly OP

                              NextStep ®

                                The zombies are only immune to spell.
                                Heroes with physical dmg AOE skill like Tide's anchor smash, BB's quill, gyro's flak are his counter.

                                You will have to alter your skill build a bit then. Don't heavily rely on tombstone.
                                He still got awesome HP removal decay, up to 500 heal pts soul rip and the monster Golem.
                                Be the tanker and healer during team fight.

                                A team fight and very item dependent hero.
                                He doesn't scale well late game at all. If you don't do well early, it's pretty much gg.
                                Lvl 2 tomb is only 400hp and without any escape mechanism, you will get rape against dual/trilane.

                                But when you pair him with a good lane partner, he's a monster. The killing potential will be so high.

                                @Havoc Badger

                                You play manly hero like Axe. Undying playing style probably suit you i guess. lol

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                                  video was fun tho, so much fb


                                    yes. I know that. I had over 70% winrate for the first 40 Undying game and then lost some . now only 60%


                                    Never actually bought orb or venom. will try that.

                                    I will usually go Veil. That is my secret weapon on undying. it has + 6 armor +6 HP regen +6 all stats. nothing is wasted on undying.

                                    Unity Chan

                                      well i agree to this guide but ye everytime i use undying just rape shit out of lanes -.- guess ill try


                                        gonna try this,
                                        I'm so desperate now lol


                                          undying gave me like 50 mmr
                                          cool hero but its really a leading hero, when i played it i had to charge first and to literally MAKE my team follow me


                                            How did you do that in SEA Server? o.O
                                            There's too many peenoise there and Indo who's damn talkative and flamers!


                                              how is he better than necrophos dual offlane ?


                                                Well done, mate! :)

                                                Guess there's lot to learn of you and your Undying, but I don't agree with this:
                                                about Midas: " it's a good item on the current patch if you have a great start and manage to get it by < 6 mins."

                                                In this patch you can get midas late and it doesn't really matter, cause game is going to lategame.
                                                Last patch it would probably be more strict to get a midas fast, but this "pre6min midas or it sucks" is just a stupid term from old dota days. :)

                                                ❀❀ Jade Illusion ❀❀

                                                  Great guide, just tried it then and won, never would have thought to get a midas, would have lost if I didn't get a midas. Thanks a bunch

                                                  NextStep ®

                                                    Nice to see people adding me on steam and picking up Undying.
                                                    Hope more players will play this hero. Wanna see more cosmetic sets on him. :))


                                                    Well, getting midas 8-10mins will actually hinder the early game lane presence.
                                                    You do need lots of mana to control the lane especially playing as core dual lane.

                                                    If you can win the game early, just do it. Don't risk going late game.
                                                    Winning within 35-40mins is so doable on 6.82c patch.