General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblade vs Phantom Assassin 1v1

Terrorblade vs Phantom Assassin 1v1 in General Discussion

    I never get to see these two hard carries duel individually, but if both of them are six slotted who would win most of the time in a solo 1v1? Who would win MOST of the time?

    Tb: treads, bfly, mkb, daedalus, manta, eye of skadi


    Pa: treads, mkb, satanic, abysal, battlefury, bkb


      ofc terrorblade cuz his shit goes through bkb, rip pa.

      kanye went to uni

        tb; pretty sure if tb has two illusions up he does more damage outright than pa


          if RNG doesn't go crazy and makes pa crit 5 times in a row terror would win. ez sunder ez lyfe

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Wtf are you guys on? PA will clearly win. Illusions don't get MKB and there is no way TB can manfight a PA.


              ^ many games where i played pa there was a fucking tb, whom i will crit 2 times and then he sunder me through bkb and i die.

              harvard graduate

                Illusions get MKB truestrike, just saying...


                  its a meaningless comparison, if TB wanted to build to 1v1 anyone hex/eblade/dagon/shadowblade or blink and its an easy win

                  anyway reflection is fucking painful for PA too especially since her own MKB makes her illusion hit her pretty hard


                    My money on PA. If she get one bash, terrorblade is dead; else use satanic after terrorblade ulti.

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                      pa win any mu if he goes hex abysal

                      Welt aus Eis

                        Its a stupid duel since TB isnt a hero who wants to manfight
                        TB will just rat the shit out of PA's team


                          Yeah true but I want to know who scales better and if tb is capable of both man fighting/rat. Hex isn't really a realistic item, as these carries rarely get them and these fights usually happen after bkb activation.

                          From my experience pa usually wrecks tb more. I sunder her to 1/4th or her hp, if she gets a few crits she will heal quite fast and win. But if I have both a mkb and daedalus, whole different story. Annoying overpicked, evasion bitch.


                            hex is fine against pa actually.
                            matrice also used to get hex lots on old tb.



                                How is hex unrealistic lmao.
                                Hex is good on any hero at any point of the game, if you don't see it that often is because most of the time you can end the game without the need of a hex on your carry. But if you need the control and you can't afford to wait 60+ minutes until your unfarmed support gets it, it's totally fine to build it.

                                Welt aus Eis

                                  Hex is a great item on TB.


                                    hex is a great item.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Hex is the item you should go on pretty much any hero that needs lockdown but can't really make use of Abbysal (with only exception being Ursa as both are great on him).


                                        in a good scenario

                                        go e-blade

                                        pa bashs + crits you = low hp = eblade her and sunder


                                          1v1 wise pa
                                          teamfight carry wise tb hands down


                                            pls be clear that there is no such thing as 1v1 in dota.
                                            Therefore, i assume ur saying which carry will perform better in teamfight which obviously will be terrorblade
                                            range, illusion, can tear down buildings and supports


                                              ^you seriously say terror is a good teamfight hero?
                                              its like saying lich's ulti is good against solo heroes :)

                                              Welt aus Eis

                                                TB is terrible in teamfights unless you're 6 slotted while the other team is 3

                                                kanye went to uni

                                                  he does carry (way) harder than pa though


                                                    maybe my usage of word is wrong, tb is stronger in 5 man , 4 protect 1 kind of thing


                                                      I'm ranked top 30 in pa and tb, and I'm pretty sure PA would win.


                                                        Wait, Butterfly is still a thing with Terrorblade?!


                                                          yes, butterfly is still a thing

                                                          also PA would 100% lose if TB went the anti-carry build, not even factoring Sunder, TB can do about 5k DPS during one Hex duration which disables evasion. BKB-Eblade also guarantees a OHKO on anybody.

                                                          also I have never lost to PA as a result of the game going late unless he had like 2 other fed cores.

                                                          if it became a stupid manfight for some reason TB also has the edge with max Reflection hitting PA for pretty significant damage with almost no downtime too.

                                                          @Wei you're not even in the TB rankings, and diamond 8 for PA rankings speaks about the quality of your opponents. though i'm pretty sure you're already the top stack queuing in aussie

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                                                            You think the fight would last longer then bkb duration to use Reflection?


                                                              If they were to meet in random parts of the map I'd bet TB wins the matchup 85% of the time. PA wins 5% outright because of lucky bashes/crits during bkb, but other than that sunder is a good spell.


                                                                if they were to meet in random parts of the map and PA uses a BKB like that she'll be blowing her changes on illusions. Also she has to wait before using Abyssal to make sure she's using it on the right hero. And her own BKB doesn't matter because if she can't kill TB in the Abyssal duration then he will Sunder her regardless of BKB or not.

                                                                alternatively you can come out with shit like 1v1 only mid no skills used, but that would be retarded


                                                                  At the very beginning of the game my whole entire team all leave I was left alone. And in the end to win !!
                                                                  One against all!! See my game state :)
                                                                  And please reported this guy in my team! .. My all friend reported their, I hope they go down! :)
                                                                  Do not be upset when left alone in the game, you can always win :)


                                                                    Do not klick this guys link pl0x, ty it's a virus.
                                                                    And TB still would win.

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      It just depends on if PA can string enough bashes + abyssals together to stop sunder. Or pa gets sundered, pops satanic with crits to heal to full. Both heroes have to disable the other so rng will be a factor.