General Discussion

General Discussionrusky style, how do?

rusky style, how do? in General Discussion

    team make 4 picks, you are five picker
    they make occupy core position
    I shout mic "idite nahuy pidori, ya ne budu vas supportit" ≈ "go fu ck yourself fa gs, i won't make supporter for you"
    I try win game, but team is feed, what do?


      stop play in russki, com play glorious europoor server

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          pick oracle pour ezka supprtu


            @Ogri Magi is a bit hard, maybe you can teach
            @Allison, you make reterded suggestion son, but I still like you style


              You pick Jakiro, buys Courier, wards, sentry and a set of tango.
              Procced to give your mid two tangoes and a ward to your offlaner. If it's unlikely that the offlaner will bring wards to block your camp, you can give your offlaner a sentry too so that he can get both vision and blocking a camp. Then you go bottom, spam liquid fire on enemy offlaner and your stacked easycamp that you procced to pull.

              Then you spam liquid fire at tower, and procced to win.


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                But what to do if my team picks too many supports, while I already said that I want to play one?


                  You pick Faceless Void, buys Stout and 8 tangoes.
                  As soon as you can you get a quelling to lasthit better.

                  Then you procceed to get PT + MoM, teleport to skrimishes to get some kills with your chrono+mom with maxed out bash.
                  Get maelstrom which has very nice synergy with PT and MoM (atk spd, more proccs).



                    But I played Void only once, year ago, at very low skill unranked match. And I was very close to buy Mek on Void (support habit). Do you think it is wise for so "support-minded" player like me to play carry?


                      I don't think it's wise, but any good player know the concept of each role. Thus, adapting enough to make impact on the game shouldn't be hard in a balanced game.


                        IMO, there is huge difference between "knowing concept" and "actually playing it".


                          I'm not trying to flame you, but a smart good player won't trouble too much going from support to carry. Just because you mainly play support, doesn't mean you can't lasthit creeps on a level good enough to make impact on a 3800 game.

                          I mean, a smart person wouldn't buy mek on Legion, nor aghs on medusa.


                            Obviously theres a difference between players only picking support, and people playing mainly carry, but supports from time to time.

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              pick jungler and hope u didnt lose withing 10 min.


                                @Soultrap, chill the fuck out


                                  High Quality penis




                                      naw its just a high quality penis.



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                                          = Nice


                                            I was refering to games where you don't play at 3800, while trying to play the hero to it's potentional.

                                            I mean, Meks probably an option if you're heading to mid, but as you can see in the highest tiers he's usually going for offlane where you'd rather have the pickoff potentional/batrider-style of play than a frontline pusher style or whatever.