General Discussion

General DiscussionTime to quit doto

Time to quit doto in General Discussion

    When this AA with maelstorm in my team got more mmr than me and can`t win still win its definetly time to quit this game I can`t carry those matches:

    Was nice to have you guys as company here, see ya somewhere

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      how do u see those images

      NextStep ®

        why I'm seeing a 180x113 image?


          No idea its 1600x1200

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            nothing wrong with the image? Large and clear.

            bye, until tomorrow.


              What's wrong with AA Maelstorm?

              NextStep ®

                It resized on my side.
                I just tried the postimg site. Don't use the bbcode but the link instead. eg..

                Anyway, why don't you just spam BM for ranked?
                It's quite a good hero to grind mmr and it seems you're fine with it.


                  I can`t climb whatever I try it doesn`t matter when I got 1-11 Aa maelstorm in teams and 4-9-3 randomed techies

                  kanye went to uni

                    if it makes you feel better:

                    apparently someone told him not to mid so he taught those haterfucks a damn lesson


                      ^^ but 7 of those 9 deaths were him committing suicide to farm neutrals.


                        This game is unwinable

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                            @u suck-diddly-uck! Holy fuck that Abyssal Disruptor. Brb gonna go try that shit out.

                            Midi Prill

                              Lol midas maelstrom AA? WTF?

                              I feel u man just won 5 in a row then got the potato allies as brood
                              pushed every T2 while my team jungled...I know the TD looks low because i cut waves and let my creeps push for me


                                Maybe Maelstrom looks stupid on AA, but 5 healing salves on Bogi's Drow Ranger must be win in contest of stupidity. As a support I really hate when carry players throw their gold out of window.


                                  Give this guy a break. Don't take things too serious, since he's not serious about what he's talking about.

                                  At the end of the day, we all have "those kind of days"..


                                    like at this mmr i'd win 1v9 no matter what. stop crying every 12h on the forum, thanksbye.


                                      try Earth Spirit Bogi because I've heard it's a pretty good hero
                                      works for me at least


                                        cya in CS:GO :D


                                          4k strugle is real


                                            Low 4ks r shit
                                            source:old low 4ker

                                            And u will always get bad allies even at 5k my 2 last games with meepo were feed fests and i think jug and silencer eather in there worst day or acc buyers
                                            anyway if ur better then ur mmr u will climb already proven and btw stop caring about mmr


                                              pls quit bogi


                                                you are leaving dota because you are 4k scum who thinks he is best player

                                                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                  bogidoto best doto

                                                  Linda | DotaExchange

                                                    And here we have a guy who said he was close to 5k


                                                      don't be so rude guys. bogi is somehow right. dota should be 5v5, not 1v9. im sure if he was teamed up with some decent 4k's, he would do fine. (looking at the 5 games with havoc).

                                                      took a look on some of his games, and he got high stats while his team mates don't.


                                                        hmm... are you serious? ^


                                                          kind of. look at AA with maelstrom game. he was the only one with positive score and his team got really bad xp.


                                                            ^ Endgame stats not always tell you who played the best or worst.

                                                            Edit: Unless it's REALLY obvious, like the AA + maelstrom example.

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                                                            waku waku

                                                              maelstrom is not a too shabby item on most ranged heroes
                                                              but combined his items were retarded anyway


                                                                we don't see the same then. What i see is 4 range heroes that go along with drow but with only +50 dmg. A useless build that came late and helped in no way the early game of his team even though he went mid to get levels and contribute with dmg. The order of his items was probably lifesteal then yasha then sb/travel and bkb, he either did no ganking or no real pushing the first 25 min meaning the enemy got items and even got to do smth with it. His opponent in mid aka necro farmed a midas in the time he was mid and just rolled with it, he neither stopped it by pushing or ourfamring him with the excessive dmg he had, again, because of his itembuild. They won safelane while his team lost theirs and he still went sb when he knew he's playing vs noobs making sniper excessively feed with his noob sb build. Judging by his team he shouldve went tank/distractor but he didnt, as many drows do he want the safekiller build which is bad!! unless you're like the 1 in the team. And comparing his role 2 farm with feeder 1 role sniper of only low 4k mmr he still didn't farm like a true 5k so the loss is on him! If he had contributed early dmg that AA wouldve gone rampage with the rubick and sniper wouldve been more manlier with his build. The spirit is just trash. I bet he didnt even take tier 2 towers that game, mby 1 and nno chipping down tier 3. I wouldve gone what i usually go, aquilla drums and killed necro level 6/7 if no one tpd which should be the case against these guys (low 4k) and considering he shouldve outfarmed necro by then and the support would be like level 4 max anyway. he has to link the dotabuff game for me to go into further detail. after the kill ez tower the either a fast lothar, go late game midas or tank push with ranges mek/bkb while farming woods and killing enemies at sight rly no shitting you here.


                                                                  quality copypasta.


                                                                    This is my drow.

                                                                    Look at the avg duration of the games and the farm accumulated by then. He played bad and thats why he lost


                                                             Here is link. Benao you are hilarious, game was unwinnable maybe only Vroksnak kind of player couldve won it with Drow cus of mid mechanic and you either wont. Probably you ll have worse stats than me and feed on purpose after seeing 1v9 game with maelstorm afk AA.

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                                                                        Benao is top 91 Drow he's legit dude


                                                                          Shadowblade actually saved me multiple times if I went sange and yasha bkb build or whatever won`t be anything better. Bkb will be fast 5 sec and they have 5 heroes with 5 stuns. As you can see my tower dmg. is 4.5k so your argument is invalid that I didn`t tryed to push.


                                                                            bogi why you no db+ :'(

                                                                            edit: i can see the towers down in the picture so its just execution xD you have to go gaystyle if you cant end it. get necro 3 next time and chip chip chip and stay with your team so they dont feed :), and just so you know sb on drow is not to get saved, its to go hunt. Why? this meta + blabla

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                                                                                isnt it good for like clearing waves late game


                                                                                  ive used it and works just fine, just buy with a plan in mind and not just yolo it xd

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                                                                                      >Dont give up!

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                                                                                          you could just get an early MoM push down every tower and be fucking rich

                                                                                          hotd is such an awful item on drow, i guess you could get the wolf but its redundant

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                                                                                            Why try so hard to be identified as rtz?


                                                                                              JUICY J

                                                                                                looks like someone who knew they were the highest rated in the match, and got forced into support. you then chose to build sub-par items on drow and he didn't care to support not 1, not 2, but 3 failing cores. not saying you're a bad player, but that game certainly didnt go well for any of your cores. at that point, sometimes you try to take the game into your own hands. obv, maelstrom is not the choice, but could have just gave up and started trolling.

                                                                                                tldr: agree with benao, bad play causes losses (and that goes for everyone)

                                                                                                to me, it seems like 5% of games maybe less are truly unwinnable, in the others, there's always more you could have done or done differently.

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                                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                  Io mealstorm is better.

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                                                                                                      ^ Yes its bad vs 5 heroes stun lineup , also after maelstorm he started to build linkens..


                                                                                                        The tears of trash bogi are so tasty.
                                                                                                        Just wanna remind you the game where I instantly noticed how trash you are just after seeing you play ursa for 20 seconds. Even my crit wisp couldn't carry such an utter shitter like you.